Nicole Kidman
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Nicole's chart wheel

Nicole Kidman

January, 20th 1967 Local Time 3:15 PM Universal Time 1:15 AM on the 21st

Honolulu, HI 21°19'N, 157°51'W

Forecast : 14th November 2022 to 13th November 2023

Nicole Kidman

January, 20th 1967 Local Time 3:15 PM Universal Time 1:15 AM on the 21st

Honolulu, HI 21°19'N, 157°51'W

All times based on current location of Honolulu, HI

Jump to Planetary Positions

Personal Destiny Forecast

Hi Nicole,
Life, in common with the planets, moves in cycles. Knowing when those cycles begin and end is invaluable when it comes to living your life to the full.

As the planets move around the zodiac they form angles or 'aspects' to the planets in your birth chart.

In astrology these 'aspects' we call 'transits'. Your personal transits we interpret in the pages that follow. They show the exact date each planet enters the orb of influence and finally exits.

Your Personal Destiny Forecast details the movements of the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars. Known as the personal inner planets.

They signify variations in your level of vitality and your feelings. Also, what you value most and the way you think and assert yourself.

Events occur in differing ways according to the planet positions in your birth chart. There will not always be an interpretation shown for every day.

You will notice the interpretation repeats. When viewed from the Earth, the planet involved may appear to move backwards. Then moves forwards over a specific time, re-creating the same planet event.

Like when two trains travelling in the same direction, pass one another at different speeds. The slower train when viewed from the fast one appears to go backwards.

This backwards motion of planets we call' retrograde' motion. When this occurs we use the RX retrograde symbol.

Use your Personal Destiny Forecast as a helpful guide. At all times it is for you to choose the best path to follow. The interpretations will help you grow and develop the most positive and rewarding parts of your character.

Your Transit Calendar

Developing or Exaggerating Trends

Jupiter trends from 14th November 2022 to 13th November 2023

October 23th 2022 onwards to December 23th 2022

Fun people have more fun

Transiting Jupiter Trines your natal Jupiter

Is 'beauty' only skin deep? There's much truth in that saying. Someone who is physically attractive but possesses very little confidence or jocularity is rarely seen as attractive as someone who might not be magazine cover material but oozes confidence and possesses a delightfully light-hearted vibe.

You're being encouraged now to show a side to you that others possibly rarely see. Allow the playful side of you to take over briefly and either an existing partner's jaw might drop with delight or a potential partner could make their way into your world.

December 10th 2022 onwards to January 1st 2023

Standing on their own two feet

Transiting Jupiter Sextiles your natal Sun

There are many people paid considerable sums of money to listen and provide solutions to other peoples' problems. Some people pay for such services willingly and sometimes; they don't seek a solution, they want someone to talk with and explain all that's seemingly wrong in their world.

It's likely you're finding yourself on the receiving end of a certain person's grievance or perceived issue. This presents you with a dilemma: do you do the 'courteous thing' by listening and providing comforting advice or might it be more helpful to be honest with you-know-who and suggest they become more independent and less dependent on you or others? They might not appreciate such a response initially but will soon be grateful for your suggestion.

December 31st 2022 onwards to January 15th 2023

Let it flow

Transiting Jupiter Sextiles your natal Mercury

Do people say what they mean? Do many mean what they say? As long as lines of communication are open, that's all that really matters. It's when people opt to say nothing and keep certain thoughts to themselves that problems often arise.

You're not only being encouraged now to speak your mind or instigate an open and honest discussion with you-know-who, but you are also likely to find that, once you get talking, the conversation could go on until the early hours of the morning – for all of the right reasons!

March 21st to 30th 2023

Bringing it all together

Transiting Jupiter Sextiles your natal Venus

We often receive from others what we give out. Nobody needs to have a particularly deep understanding of karma to understand and believe that. Sometimes though, we find other becoming more congenial toward us and this, in turn, encourages us to respond similarly.

The positive and optimistic glow you're feeling or are about to feel is the result of encouraging closeness between you and certain people – or one in particular if that's your aim.

The feel-good factor combined with a loving disposition available now can only enhance a current relationship or bring about a very fortuitous one.

April 3rd to 12th 2023

Finding common ground

Transiting Jupiter Sextiles your natal Ascendant

Like, as we know, is attracted to like. We don't need scientific explanations as to how or why this happens, we see enough evidence of it in our lives, particularly where relationships are concerned.

The strongest relationships are those where like interests exist, and you are strongly tempted to find ways in which you and at least one other person can form the basis of a strong connection by focusing on what you have in common.

Let interest being shown toward you continue. It can only strengthen an existing relationship or put you in a superb position to meet someone with whom you'll have much to share and discuss.

April 10th to 19th 2023

A fair hearing

Transiting Jupiter Opposes your natal Mars

Courtroom processes usually involve someone declared innocent until proven guilty.

With that in mind, might you be jumping to a certain conclusion now where a certain person is concerned? It's possible you're arming yourself with some set-in-stone assumptions and a certain person with whom you share closeness isn't going to take kindly to what they're being accused of.

Avoid hasty accusations now. Someone is entitled to have their say, and all you need to do is hear them out.

May 8th to 17th 2023

You're lovely, but…

Transiting Jupiter Squares your natal Jupiter

Human beings are very sensitive creatures. We seek praise and occasional adoration. There's nothing wrong with that, a bit of praise and adoration now and again does us all good. However, some people seek more of both than most people are prepared to give.

In your relationship world now, someone – maybe even yourself – could appear to be very needy in the praise department. Politeness with regard to this could be difficult to muster.

If someone you know is becoming irksome through going to great lengths to seek attention, have a quiet word with them. If it's you who feels the need to seek attention, then be prepared to receive it only in very measured, finite doses.

May 12th to 22nd 2023

Seeing the bigger picture

Transiting Jupiter Squares your natal Sun

There's something very satisfying about how a final piece of jigsaw puzzle fits into place. Once done, we see the complete picture of what we have painstakingly created. We are also aware though, of how much sorting and trial and error was involved in our creation.

That's why it's important you see a much bigger picture where a certain relationship is concerned. As much time and effort might be required to bring it to a satisfactory level. This can be done if you're willing to push aside a belief that a situation is too complex or will require more effort than you're willing to give.

May 21st to 30th 2023

The art of listening

Transiting Jupiter Squares your natal Mercury

Many people believe that 'good' salespeople possess something called 'gift of the gab,' they believe selling requires much discussion. Experienced salespeople learned long ago that the best way to sell something is to let the buyer do most of the talking. Such salespeople understand the power and benefits of listening.

That's the balance you need to strike now where a close personal relationship is concerned. There appears to be much to say, and some of it might be a bit on the intense side.

That's why listening is as important as speaking. Be receptive, fair and non-judgmental wherever possible.

June 22nd 2023 onwards to July 4th 2023

Travel enhances the feel-good factor

Transiting Jupiter Sextiles your natal MidHeaven, REPEATED when retrograde from 5th to 22nd November 2023. Exact 13th November

We get back from others what we give out. That tends to be something most people agree with.
Might that account for levels of recognition and respect you're gaining now? If you do not yet see evidence of either or both, then you will do shortly.
Of course, a noticeable increase in respect and admiration is going to have a knock-on effect to your confidence. When we're confident, there is always a knock-on effect to other areas of our lives and where your career or domestic situation will undoubtedly benefit, so too will your personal world.
The timing couldn't be better to establish or strengthen a relationship by including travel on the agenda. If there's someone you want to know better or get closer to, look into taking a short journey somewhere together. This can only increase a feel-good factor determined to make its way into your world.

Steadying or Challenging Trends

Saturn trends from 14th November 2022 to 13th November 2023

December 2nd to 27th 2022

Creating balance between giving and taking

Transiting Saturn Trines your natal Ascendant

Relationships always involve 'give and take.' When we give, it puts someone else in a position to take. Provided the balance between the two is correct and both sides are happy with how much giving and taking is being done, then all is usually fine.

It is the balance of giving and taking in an area of your personal world that needs assessing now, particularly how willing you might be to take on more than your fair share.

It could be possible someone has grown very used to you giving and putting your foot down and explaining why you're not inclined to give as much in future could cause you to appear selfish or unreasonable. You're not selfish or unreasonable. The cold, harsh fact is, someone might have grown a bit too accustomed to your willingness to give or placate them.

A sensible, calm and mature conversation needs to be had. If you can make your point sensitively and diplomatically, then a new precedent can be set, and a new and understood way forward can be agreed.

December 24th 2022 onwards to January 13th 2023

Play your part in a positive outcome

Transiting Saturn Trines your natal Mars

There's a deal that needs to be done, and a crucial conversation needs to be had.

You're superbly placed to create a solution to a particular problem, but much depends on what you plan to do with information available to you. Much also depends on how clever and cooperative you intend to be.

With a mixture of effort and courage, you can put in place an excellent strategy that has every chance of success. You might not be able to create a major miracle, but you can do a very good job of creating a minor one.

Look closely at what role you can play in creating a positive outcome to a tense situation. By approaching what or who needs approaching confidently, you can influence an outcome and find yourself feeling happier and more peaceful than you've probably felt in a while.

January 5th to 24th 2023

Don't resist the change

Transiting Saturn Squares your natal Neptune

As people, we change, but sometimes, we forget to tell others, particularly those closest to us.

Human beings are complex creatures, so how can we possibly expect our relationships with each other to be straightforward? Bear this in mind where at least one complex relationship or arrangement in your world is concerned. Change might be noticeable and what's altering can't be ignored. Neither should it be a cause for consolation.

Your attitude toward certain people and possibly one person in particular needs retuning. To progress or strengthen your relationships will require you to be more willing to take other people as they really are and not who you would ideally like them to be.

Don't resent what is shifting between you and anyone close to you. You needn't fear losing anyone or anything you're keen to cling to. You will, however, have to accept a dynamic is shifting and resisting this will only complicate matters further.

January 15th 2023 onwards to February 2nd 2023

Retaining or regaining control

Transiting Saturn Squares your natal Moon

Do you feel in control? Or do you feel controlled?

Somewhere in an area of your personal world, an issue exists surrounding control - and who has it!

Where you possess self-control, it's likely becoming apparent how much control certain people have, or one person, in particular, has over you. Then, there is control you wish you had over a certain unstable situation.

Before all of this gets out of hand, stop for a moment. Have faith in the fact that what you're feeling is natural and you've no reason whatsoever to disregard what you're feeling.

A situation IS uncertain, doubtful or volatile. Therefore, it is understandable that you should feel similarly. However, there is a way you can gain or regain control of a situation that you wish you did have more control over. Expect, very soon, to see how much influence you really do hold where you currently feel you have little or none.

Emergent or Disorderly Trends

March 31st 2023 onwards to May 7th 2023

Enough is now enough

Transiting Uranus Squares your natal Venus

Might you be feeling a need to create a bit of chaos? Perhaps, you're considering embarking upon your own revolution of sorts.

In any case, somewhere in your personal world there exists a strong urge to refuse to tolerate what you've been made to tolerate for too long.

Part of your revolution might involve releasing anything or anyone no longer needed in your life. You might not need to go as far as removing certain people or a particular person; it could be a change in attitude that forms the basis of change you're keen to instigate but the urge to do something, to rebel in some way, is bound to be intensifying.

It's time to put your foot down. It's time to cease acting out roles to simply placate other people. It's time to take action based on what your heart is telling you. This is a time of re-evaluation and change. You can only benefit from taking action and freeing yourself from people or situations that are no longer appropriate.

May 17th 2023 onwards to June 24th 2023

Embrace what feels uneasy or uncomfortable

Transiting Uranus Trines your natal Pluto

We know how accurate or appropriate the analogy about keeping thoughts or feelings 'bottled up' can be.

Like immediacy of releasing shaken cola from a can, hidden thoughts, feelings or desires can appear more quickly and intensely than we envisaged they would if given a chance to see the light of day.

That's why you need to be willing and flexible when any urge to change or renew can result from releasing hidden feelings or desires. The wave of change occurring now intends not only to bring what has been concealed into the open but spur you or possibly someone close into action in some way. Reins are waiting to be taken control of. A new level of conviction and determination is manifesting.

Embrace what feels uneasy or uncomfortable. Soon, you will bring change that offers a new and necessary level of comfort, security, and relief.

August 15th 2023 onwards to September 9th 2023

Listen to both your head and your heart

Transiting Uranus Opposes your natal Neptune

We tend to like what we know and know what we like. Whatever we like has, in some way in the past, proved itself worthy of being liked by us.

We reserve the right to be Doubting Thomas's until such time we're reassured something – or someone –is worthy of our attention or devotion.

In an area of your personal world now, need exists to be cautious. As much as something or someone appears suitable or trustworthy, you'd be well advised to let a bit more time pass before making a judgment.

That's not to say you're deceived in any way. Let more facts come to light. Allow yourself to base a decision surrounding committing yourself in some way on what both your head and heart are telling you. This is a time to balance being starry-eyed with being realistic.

Making You Aware or Wearying Trends

Neptune trends from 14th November 2022 to 13th November 2023

January 7th 2023 onwards to March 12th 2023

Make the dream a reality

Transiting Neptune Trines your natal Neptune

We are sometimes advised to 'be careful what we wish for.' Why should we feel obliged to restrict our thinking about something we truly want? You have the cosmic equivalent of a genie in a bottle available to you now and are being encouraged to give thought to what you would ideally like to see happen in your personal world or your interaction with certain people.
How would you like your relationship with one or more people to be? That's the question you're being asked to consider and, by seeing clearly what you would like to see happen and investing the right levels of faith and belief in your entitlement to it, a dream can become a reality.

January 16th 2023 onwards to March 17th 2023

Setting firm foundations

Transiting Neptune Opposes your natal Uranus

Many castles throughout history were built upon swamps and sand. It might have taken those involved with the construction of citadels several attempts before the ground stopped swallowing up what they built, but some got there in the end. In your relationship world now, need exists to consider how an arrangement or commitment can be strengthened, but there appears to be much that is volatile or changeable within it.
Rather than lay down the law or enforce a new regime or understanding, let the situation between you and another unfold further before doing so. If you're prepared to give it more time, then you'll not only see how changeable it is but how unique it is, too. Accepting this uniqueness is precisely what will make it stronger, but only when uncertainty has been removed and, for this to happen, you're going to have to let a bit of time pass until the situation can be seen more clearly.

February 15th 2023 onwards to April 11th 2023

Giving to birds and bees

Transiting Neptune Sextiles your natal Moon, REPEATED when retrograde from 24th September 2023 to 11th February 2024. Exact 7th November

Generosity knows no limits or boundaries – apart from those we occasionally place ourselves! We also know that not everyone who has huge sums of money in bank accounts is happy. While an abundance of material possessions can facilitate opportunity, it provides no guarantee of happiness or contentment.
Such ideals are likely to be ones you're becoming aware of now. It is your heart that is becoming fuller now. Your relationships and interactions with others are becoming less materially focused and benefits surrounding expressing yourself creatively, artistically or spiritually are taking well-deserved precedence.
To further or strengthen your emotional and relationship worlds now requires you to simply accept the beauty that exists within both and connect with those who also understand that the best things in life really are free.

February 26th 2023 onwards to April 23th 2023

Dipping your toe (carefully) in the water

Transiting Neptune Conjuncts your natal Saturn, REPEATED when retrograde from 9th September 2023 to 23rd February 2024. Exact 18th October

From a young age, we learn to dip our toe or another part of our body in water before entering. No matter how enticing a steamy bath or crystal-clear pool water might appear, we need some level of reassurance before we submerge ourselves in either. In your relationship world now, need exists for you to apply a similar level of caution.
Something appears attractive and inspiring but beneath the dreamy exterior lies a very good reason to apply caution or at least take time to ensure you know precisely what arrangement you're entering into or committing to. Don't see this need to be wary or sapping fun or magic from whatever it is you're considering. It exists, but a balance needs to be met between fantasy and realism.

Renewing or Deteriorating Trends

Pluto trends from 14th November 2022 to 13th November 2023

January 21st 2023 onwards to April 22nd 2023

Releasing the pressure

Transiting Pluto Opposes your natal Jupiter, REPEATED when retrograde from 10th May 2023 to 26th August 2023. Exact 12th July

All positive change is gradual. We know that. That's why we're accepting of how long it takes anything that starts with a tiny seed to grow.

We know some processes must unfold in their own way and time and there is little we can or ought to do to hasten such processes.

If we're prepared to be patient and let magic unfold in some ways, why do we find ourselves impatient with other processes?

In your personal world now, you need to curb impatience in some way. This will require you to change an attitude or belief, but is this not worth doing if you're putting unnecessary pressure on both the process itself and yourself? Be calm, be patient and allow yourself to be realistic wherever possible.

February 20th 2023 onwards to July 14th 2023


Being honest...with yourself!

Transiting Pluto Retrograde Conjuncts your natal Sun

When we feel intensely sensitive, we sometimes fail to appreciate how intuitive we become. On the surface, much volatility and emotional vulnerability are occurring. However, if you can push aside fear, guilt and any inclination to feel panic stricken or needy, then you'll be in a superb position to take notice of a voice or message coming straight from your heart.

You know, in your heart, what you need to do where a certain emotional drama is concerned and how you ought to be responding to it. What is needed is honesty and transparency. Both can only come about if you're willing to push aside any unjustified or inflated feelings of shame, embarrassment or fear.

Allow the powerful process unfolding now to make very clear to you what – or whom – you truly need.

Forecast from 14th November

Saturday 12th November

A valuable discovery

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Saturn from 12th to 14th November 2022. Exact 14th November

You hopefully feel much more positive now than you have recently. If so, then that's good news and helpful because a certain 'iron' needs to be struck while it is 'hot', as the old saying goes.

There is something you need to learn about yourself and, by doing so and learning something valuable, you will be in an excellent position to make progress or bring a yearned-for improvement to a special connection.

Prepare to see evidence of how loved and respected you are in the eyes of others and one person in particular. It's time to address something you've chosen to ignore. Once you take a brave step forward, something between you and a special person will, in many ways, become noticeably easier and sweeter.

Also on Saturday

Dare to dream

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Jupiter from 12th to 16th November 2022. Exact 15th November

Do you dare to dream? Do you risk pursuing any of the wild ideas likely occupying your thoughts now? The answer to both questions is undoubtedly 'yes.' Dream as much as you dare to. Entertain as many of the wild ideas as you can because, in your relationship world now, one or two dreams or ideas will lead you toward a very clever move.

You're entering a time that promises to be more rewarding than you probably suspect, and once you see evidence of rewards, you're likely to want more. Is there a downside to this? The only point to consider surrounds possible belief on your part that any inch should be seized and made into a mile.

At least one tempting possibility is presenting itself, and through your confidence being boosted, you might be oblivious to how charismatic you appear in the eyes of certain others. Go with the flow now and avoid the tendency to be forceful or overly determined. Let what is unfolding naturally do so in its own way while continuing to dream and let ideas create themselves.

Monday 14th November

Action will cause a most pleasing reaction

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Neptune from 14th to 16th November 2022. Exact 15th November

Action always causes a reaction. If we aim at nothing, then we're guaranteed to hit it.

The above might seem painfully obvious but we all, from time to time, don't invest effort where we know we need to and one of the main reasons for this stems from fear of failure or rejection.

In an area of your personal world now, you need to tell - and convince - yourself that certain goals, dreams or desires are not beyond your grasp.

If you're willing to make a genuine and worthwhile effort toward attaining something – or someone – that means a great deal to you, then the time to pursue it or them couldn't be better.

Investing the right kind of effort now will bring magical and pleasing progress. Additionally, you'll gain much needed, fresh perspective where it is needed, and this will undoubtedly make a very big difference to your attitude, confidence, and life!

Also on Monday

It's all moving forward

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Sun from 14th to 16th November 2022. Exact 16th November

Depending on where we are on planet Earth, we're constantly spinning at between 700 and 900 miles per hour. If we stand still, we feel nothing. We're oblivious to how the spinning rock which we inhabit is hurtling through space at approximately 67,000 miles per hour.

So, can it not be said that even when we think nothing is happening in our world or situations show no sign of progress, we're part of a complex process that indicates otherwise? In your personal world now, you probably suspect you're standing still. You're not. You are making real and tangible progress.

You probably suspect a certain situation is far from ideal and makes little sense. Actually, it is very ideal and makes a lot of sense. This is a time to look closely at what appears imperfect and discover that there is a real reason to believe you're much closer to the desired scenario than you probably believe.

Also on Monday

A turning point, not a backward step

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Uranus from 14th to 17th November 2022. Exact 16th November

There are times when we have no option other than to push a point. We are all capable of accepting or tolerating a situation to a certain point and then it becomes clear that something must 'give.'

Within your personal world now, you could be increasingly aware of how you might have been too quick to reject something - or someone – you previously felt so able to accept. This is causing you to doubt your judgment about a particular matter and possibly believe yourself to be illogical, impractical or inconsistent.

It's important to understand that you have finally reached a turning point in some way regarding an agreement or arrangement. It's also important that you believe this is extremely positive and worth celebrating, not a cause for consolation.

Tuesday 15th November

Happily ever after

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Jupiter from 15th to 17th November 2022. Exact 16th November

Most leading fairy tale characters tend to live 'happily ever after.' Whether or not they did is something we will never know. All that we know is, one chapter in their respective worlds ended and another began and, in your world now, something awkward or tense has ended, and something better is beginning.

If you're not already seeing evidence that life is becoming sweeter, noticeably more sensible and logical, then you will soon enough. This can only have a very positive knock-on effect to your relationships and with one person in particular.

Positive and encouraging news is on its way to you, and this should help you to strike a deal or implement an arrangement of agreement that has needed discussion for some time. All you need to do is be receptive to making the positive change.

Also on Tuesday

Exploring your options

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Sun from 15th to 17th November 2022. Exact 17th November

People often speak about being 'stuck in ruts.' It's interesting how many people are willing to accept that's how things must be. They convince themselves that a rut they find themselves in will require more effort than they're prepared to give to remove themselves from it, or they fear change that will come as a result of doing so.

You are being presented with an opportunity to instigate a change that will get you out of a rut that you may feel you're stuck in.

It's possible you can remove yourself from a tedious drama and, where your relationship with someone is concerned, introduce life where tedium is all too present. You have more choices than you thought you did and that's precisely what needs to be understood now.

Also on Tuesday

Success through self-improvement

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Moon from 15th to 18th November 2022. Exact 17th November

We know how exerting ourselves physically can result in weariness. We also know how a drain on our resources, particularly if it's something sapping our emotional strength, can be as tiring.

In your personal world now, such a drain on resources exists in some way, and if you do not already see evidence of this, then proof will become clear soon.

Fortunately, you will also see a way to solve this particular problem. Rather than lay down laws or bang fists on a table to make clear to a certain person that you've had enough of this tiring scenario, you'd be well advised to adopt a cleverer, more permanent strategy.

Be subtle, even if you feel like being anything but subtle. Instead of investing effort toward pushing a point or even waging war, invest effort toward understanding yourself better, look closely at what your weaknesses are and what's required from you to be a better and more understanding person.

That's not the same as tolerating something you don't have to tolerate but, if you're willing to look closely at how improving aspects of yourself will improve you as a person, then you can expect a true victory that is much more worth having and one that will resolve the tiring issue in ways confrontation could never hope to achieve.

Also on Tuesday

From chaos stability will come

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Saturn from 15th to 18th November 2022. Exact 17th November

Some people thrive on chaos. It spurs them on to make impressive achievements. Other people avoid chaos wherever possible. They know they get the best results from operating in structured and predictable environments.

In your personal world, you would much prefer the latter. You want something to be more efficient, stable and structured but cannot help but be painfully aware of all that seems chaotic or unpredictable.

Expect soon, to enjoy a more stable and less volatile situation. Until then, don't overlook or underestimate the progress you are making in amongst the unignorable chaos!

Wednesday 16th November

A solution in the form of a brainwave

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Mercury from 16th to 18th November 2022. Exact 17th November

Life ticks along in ways that we get used to and then suddenly, we find ourselves dealing with a development that truly grabs our attention. We wonder where on Earth such a development could have come from, what caused it or how instrumental we were in making it happen.

Something similar happens with brainwaves. We become very used to a situation that we know is crying out for a new and exciting idea. In your personal world now, that's precisely what you can expect. Powerful forces are being unleashed in your life. You're not quite sure how you ought to be acknowledging or adapting to them.

Let the solution that is determined to make its way to you come to you and then embrace it. It is precisely what you need now.

Thursday 17th November

The truth needs respect

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Mercury from 17th to 19th November 2022. Exact 18th November

We're sometimes accused of 'kidding ourselves.' We often have good reason to resent such a comment. After all, why would someone else be so quick to draw a conclusion about how they feel we've drawn an incorrect or inaccurate conclusion? Where your relationship world is concerned, you have a very good reason to believe you know the truth about something someone else is inclined to think you've grasped the wrong end of the proverbial stick about.

Stick with what you know to be right and real. The truth deserves respect now, and you're in a perfect position to support it, based on what your intuition is telling you.

Monday 14th November


The force is strong within you

Transiting Mars Retrograde Trines your natal Mars from 14th to 22nd November 2022. Exact 19th November

Some people believe that the best way to win an argument is to shout louder than the other person or people. Others adhere to a saying about whoever shouts loudest gets heard above others.

Defensiveness often plays the biggest part in our decision to respond to perceived aggression or confrontation and being overly defensive is something you need to keep an eye on now, particularly where a certain relationship is concerned.

It's possible you could end up being a bit too preoccupied with your List of Needs and overlook what someone else wants or needs. It may feel as if you have tremendous levels of power available to you now but keep some in reserve for everyone's sake.

Saturday 19th November

An investigative adventure

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Jupiter from 19th to 22nd November 2022. Exact 21st November

Do you own a deerstalker hat, curved Calabash pipe, and a magnifying glass? Anyone donning or holding these items would be easily identifiable as Sherlock Holmes and, in an area of your personal world now, need exists for you to become a sleuth of some kind.

There's a need to acquire information, canvass opinion and research every aspect of a particular story. You probably have your suspicions about the outcome of your efforts but are also aware of dangers surrounding being too impulsive - or assumptive - now.

What you need to confirm requires effort on your part to uncover what needs to be uncovered or identify what is waiting to be identified. Then, once you've finished your fact-gathering exercise, you can expect to find yourself surprised and then delighted in some way with what you discover.

Sunday 20th November

Courage will bring a positive outcome

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Sun from 20th to 23rd November 2022. Exact 22nd November

When faced with a task or decision that doesn't exactly fill us with inspiration or confidence, we sometimes create reasons, consciously or unconsciously, to avoid or postpone it.

That's a natural reaction and doesn't mean we're weak. Life, after all, is to be enjoyed and we reserve the right to prolong for as much as we can enjoyment we're experiencing.

In an area of your personal world now, it is probably becoming clear that a difficult conversation needs to be had or an awkward fact needs to be faced. The fact that you might be postponing doing anything about either or both could stem from your belief that you've accurately pre-judged an outcome, when, in fact, you might not have.

With a tense relationship, situation or arrangement, there's more fluidity and flexibility than you think. That's why you can and ought to raise difficult topics without fear of feeling afraid, ashamed or guilty.

By taking a brave step forward, facing what needs to be faced and taking action reinforced by the belief that a positive outcome is available, you can expect to feel more confident and hopeful, very soon.

Monday 21st November

Repetition is not necessary

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal MidHeaven from 21st to 23rd November 2022. Exact 22nd November

Some television commercials can be extremely annoying. Companies who make commercials and those whose products or services they represent are unconcerned about this.

As far as they're concerned, they have a valid point to make and will make as often as they see fit until they're reassured an advertising campaign has been successful or budgets have run out.

They often fail to understand that their incessant intrusion does little more than discourage many of us from buying their products or services. Bear this in mind with a point you want to make now.

You might believe making a point repeatedly will result in the person or people you wish to influence succumbing, but this plan can backfire if you're not careful. You'll gain much support if you make your point sensibly, succinctly and sensitively.

Also on Monday

Don't sell yourself short

Transiting Venus Squares your natal MidHeaven from 21st to 23rd November 2022. Exact 23rd November

Relationships are two-way things. We know what we expect from another person, and they usually have a clear idea what they ideally want from us. Given that we know this two-way process must exist, we still struggle to meet others' expectations or their demands.

If, in your personal or relationship world now, you're trying to seek love or approval, then be aware of lengths you ought to go to attain either. You could be at risk of investing more effort than is required and altering unnecessarily how you're seen in the eyes of others.

Don't sell yourself short in the belief that onus is entirely on you to take the initiative where the process should be two-fold.

Also on Monday


Getting yourself noticed

Transiting Mars Retrograde Conjuncts your natal Ascendant from 21st to 27th November 2022. Exact 24th November

When you hear the words 'self-improvement', what comes to mind? In what way(s) might you want to improve yourself, how others see you and, particularly, how someone close sees you? There are a number of ways you can improve yourself, and these don't necessarily mean strenuous workouts in a gym.

It's time to consider how you can improve certain skills or even an environment that might be more conducive to furthering yourself within. If you're willing to try to broaden your horizons, learn something new or instigate change that results in others noticing you or your abilities you in some way, then the time to do so is perfect. This could also impress or gain you admiration from someone special who probably already thinks you're awesome!

Tuesday 22nd November

Free yourself from a repetitive situation

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Mercury from 22nd to 25th November 2022. Exact 24th November

Despite what happened yesterday, many of us will continue to do tomorrow what we did today. That's a somewhat complex way of saying we are all creatures of habit. We resent repetition on one level yet crave it on another.

In your personal world, you're presented with an opportunity to break free from a tired and tedious drama. You are no longer obliged to stick what is tried and tested or very familiar.

If you're willing to invest some effort in releasing yourself from a repetitive situation that no longer suits you, then it can be done. It won't be long before you discover how many other, more suitable options are available to you.

Also on Tuesday


Bring out the objectivity

Transiting Mars Retrograde Squares your natal Pluto from 22nd to 29th November 2022. Exact 26th November

Obsession – is it healthy or unhealthy? Many would argue it is unhealthy, especially if it causes us to cross a line deemed acceptable or appropriate. That's why you need to stand back in some way now.

If you're able to resist the temptation to give your all to someone or something, then you will at least be able to gain some necessary objectivity. It's important to see a romantic or relationship situation in an unbiased and realistic way.

Distancing yourself briefly from what you're determined to steer or control could make you better placed to move forward toward it in the future when it suits you to do so. It might also help a loved one to see that you can draw a line between being passionate and obsessive.

Sunday 27th November

It is love that makes the world go around

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Venus from 27th to 29th November 2022. Exact 28th November

People employed in the financial world often tell us that the past should not be a guideline for the future when investing. Anyone shrewd enough to consider investing in such companies is usually aware of that fact.

Money, they say makes the world go around and if we decide we need money or more of it, then there are options available to us or steps we can take that investment of effort will change.

What about love though? Can we bring about love or more love in our world by making a similar effort? There's enough money in the world for anyone who wants some or more of it but is there a finite amount of love available to us during our lifetimes? Prepare to discover how no such limit exists through being very aware of how loved you are.

Monday 28th November

Removing the window dressing

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Pluto from 28th to 30th November 2022. Exact 30th November

Beauty, we know, is skin deep. However, so much emphasis is put on making what we see so appealing. In the same way we know we shouldn't judge books by covers, you may be placing too much importance on soemthing in your emotional world that is not as valuable or as relevant as it seems.

If you want to achieve or attain something truly and deeply satisfying, then you need to care less about what doesn't deserve the levels of attention you appear keen to give it.

To bring about a much-needed change or improvement to a close connection, a tense or potentially difficult conversation needs to be had. You might even discover you possess the courage to say a few things you've been afraid to say or chose, for reasons known best to yourself, to keep hidden.

Provided you're willing to see an unsatisfactory or disguised situation for what it is, be resolute toward improving it in whatever way you deem fit and say what you know needs to be said from the depths of your heart, then you can be assured you will have nothing whatsoever to be apologetic or regretful about.

Also on Monday

Reasons to be more than cheerful

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Venus from 28th to 30th November 2022. Exact 30th November

If we watch the news any night on TV or pick up a newspaper at any time, we're given plenty of reasons to believe that the world in which we live is far from the beautiful and peaceful place it was intended to be. With little effort, we can create numerous reasons to worry about anything or identify problems and difficulties.

It's very easy to overlook or ignore completely how beautiful the world in which we live truly is. Too many people regard life as a constant struggle instead of the precious gift it is. Have you reasons to look upon your personal world with such pessimism? Are your relationships with certain people or one person in particular less than ideal or how you'd like them to be?

Expect, very soon, to see real reasons to be grateful for all that is truly wonderful where your interactions with certain people are concerned. Prepare to be inspired even if those around you fail to see what you have to be so happy about!

Tuesday 29th November

Avoiding carelessness

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Ascendant from 29th November 2022 to 1st December 2022. Exact 30th November

Many forms of communication technology have something called 'spell checkers' installed. The fact that many of us receive messages and correspondence that clearly should have been spell checked before sending indicates this facility isn't used as often as it should be. Then, there is the tiny issue surrounding pressing a button to send a message that really ought not to have been sent or received by a particular recipient.

You can save yourself considerable frustration and potential embarrassment by ensuring whatever you're communicating has been thought through properly or checked thoroughly. You might not get a second chance to make a first impression.

Also on Tuesday

Go solo - for now

Transiting Sun Squares your natal MidHeaven from 29th November 2022 to 1st December 2022. Exact 30th November

Many of us adhere to the old saying, 'if a job's worth doing, it's worth doing properly.' An extension of this saying goes 'if a job's worth doing, then it's worth doing yourself' in the belief that, sometimes, if we want something to be done in a way we will be satisfied with, then we must undertake to do it ourselves.

In your personal world now, there is something that you ought to consider doing solo without help or intervention from others. You could be prone to negative criticism from one or two people, possibly those you believe to be authoritative in some way, who don't quite connect with what it is you're trying to achieve.

This doesn't make them or you wrong. It means you have some work to do to reassure certain people or a certain person that an ambitious plan is viable. That's why you might need to 'go it alone' for the time being to gain support and understanding where both might be unavailable now.

Forecast for December 2022

Wednesday 30th November

Don't fear the worst

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Mars from 30th November 2022 to 2nd December 2022. Exact 1st December

We tend to regret what we don't do in life. Even when we're in the throes of worry or confusion about a decision we've made, rarely do we focus our concern on the decision itself.

It is what we fear the result will be or our belief that we've made a wrong choice that causes the most problems. Where your relationship with a certain person is concerned, you have taken action in some way and could feel a mistake has been made.

It's time for you to summon self-discipline, discrimination, and determination combined with a healthy dose of faith in the fact that what you have instigated can only be beneficial.

Also on Wednesday

Pushing obsession aside

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Pluto from 30th November 2022 to 2nd December 2022. Exact 2nd December

Something is fascinating you. Whatever it is, appears to matter a great deal to you. Why does it matter? The answer to that question has much to do with how much emphasis you're putting on it – and a seemingly strong desire you have to give it so much attention. In your personal world now, you're being pushed in a very distinct direction and to make a decision.

You're encouraged strongly to make a choice and, to do this, it's important you accept what or whom might have become an obsession and why you need to be more objective. To make progress, you need to curb a tendency to think of nothing else than the one issue or person that occupies so much of your thinking time.

This is a time to gain perspective and make decisions based on fact or at least what feels truly right and sensible and not be bullied into following a path of least resistance simply because it appears an easier or most prominent option.

Thursday 1st December

You can fix what needs fixing

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Uranus from 1st to 3rd December 2022. Exact 2nd December

For us to 'fix' something, we must identify in what way or ways it's broken. In the same way a doctor cannot give a diagnosis or prescription without being clear what remedy is needed, we can only fix what needs fixing if we understand what needs fixing and why.

In your relationship world, a drama is unfolding. It is through knowing how a certain situation can be adjusted or rearranged that offers the greatest and most effective way to improve it.

Ignore the desire to be somewhere else. Removing yourself isn't the answer. The solution surrounds more meaning or depth given to a tired situation, and that's precisely what you can bring. Have faith in the fact that you can improve a love life scenario and time is on your side to achieve this.

Also on Thursday

Getting yourself out there

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Ascendant from 1st to 3rd December 2022. Exact 2nd December

We live in a world governed nowadays by social media. Does communicating electronically make us sociable? Surely, there's more to be said about good old-fashioned face-to-face conversation yet technology today facilitates that in some ways.

You don't need to rely on communicating with phones, laptops or tablets to gain admiration from those who know you – or want to know you! You are in a superb position to increase your network of contacts in some way, and you probably won't have to look too hard to identify those who have a keen interest in a romantic sense.

Get yourself out there. Be willing to meet new people. The greatest romantic opportunities will come from interacting with others and the more it can be done on a face-to-face basis, the greater your chances are.

Wednesday 30th November


Passion running high

Transiting Mars Retrograde Trines your natal Venus from 30th November 2022 to 5th December 2022. Exact 3rd December

Beauty, we are told, is skin deep. We also understand beauty is in the eye of beholders. If any relationship is to be embarked upon, it helps but if some level of attraction exists between two people!

In a very intriguing and exciting way, you have a fantastic opportunity to allow yourself to be swept off your feet by succumbing to strong desires and passions. Don't underestimate your attraction levels now – or, if you're single, how easily you might find yourself attracted to someone a potential flame. However, much of what attracts you is external. The real beauty waiting to be discovered about a certain person is contained inside. Whether single or attached, it's that discovery that will be powerfully alluring.

Friday 2nd December

The answer is in the past

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Saturn from 2nd to 4th December 2022. Exact 3rd December

What makes someone an 'expert' at something? Is it the authoritative way in which they speak? Is it because their appearance reassures us that they know what they're talking about?

If we're told something enough times, then we start believing it – especially if what's told to us is something we tell ourselves! It's important you draw a conclusion based on personal, previous experience – not what someone is trying to convince you of.

Something from your past needs revisiting and re-examining now. To make a very positive change or bring an improvement to a special connection, all you need to do is accept that there is something you don't know or know enough about.

Whatever happened previously will help you identify this. Once you do identify it, you will begin to ask questions about something from your past that has confused you that will then lead to a very valuable discovery and a potentially wonderful development.

Also on Friday

Faith restoration

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Mars from 2nd to 4th December 2022. Exact 3rd December

Sometimes, confidence is dented all too easily. We've all experienced a situation where we believe we can take on the world and any problem within it and then discover that all it takes is one unforeseen development to create a sense of fear or disbelief toward what we were so focused on originally. There are also times when we are willing to invest faith in something we cannot see or justify until we experience a similar crisis of faith.

In your personal world now, there is something you believed you were once very sure of. Now, it appears to have reservations about whatever-it-is. The good news is, very soon, your faith and confidence will be restored. The even better news is your faith and confidence look set to be higher and stronger than they were previously.

There is though, something you must do for this change to unfold. This involves bringing about a change in your romantic or emotional world that surrounds being less dutiful or beholden and being willing to inviting more joy into your world. Make that change, and you will soon be feeling rejuvenated and optimistic.

Saturday 3rd December

Stepping up to the plate

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Uranus from 3rd to 5th December 2022. Exact 5th December

Sometimes, we feel a need to instigate change for the sake of instigating change. Other times, we do this to send a clear message to certain people that we are in control of ourselves or situations when we believe perception exists otherwise. In your personal world now, there exists a need to create a 'mini-revolution.'

In some way, you have been restricted and held back for too long, and you're very aware of what has become unacceptable within a situation or arrangement. You're being granted an ability to express yourself now and while the urge to rebel is likely intensifying, so too is a perceived need to remove yourself entirely from an undesirable scenario.

Soon, what doesn't make sense will make sense. For now, trust how you're being challenged and all that appears awkward is helping you to re-evaluate everything. Once done, you will bring about the very change you've long wanted to see happen.

Sunday 4th December

A boundary needs pushing

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Saturn from 4th to 6th December 2022. Exact 6th December

In what way - or ways - might you be feeling trapped or restricted now? Life always provides rules and restrictions, and we understandably opt to reject many in principle yet, in practice, we know we must adhere to or obey them. Sometimes though, it becomes necessary to push a boundary or restriction, and in your personal world now, that's precisely what you're being encouraged to do.

It's time to assess what you believe to be impossible or immovable and see how far you can exceed a particular expectation. It's not necessarily a case of focusing on what's missing in your relationship world but looking closely at what you do have available to you and how, through effort, imagination and a healthy dose of courage, you can improve significantly what you do have.

It's time to accept what - or who - you truly want and remove the idea of failure from any equation surrounding getting it or them. Be brave and willing to push your luck.

Thursday 8th December

Time to be brave

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Venus from 8th to 10th December 2022. Exact 9th December

To what extent might fear of failure or rejection be preventing you from attaining what – or whom – you desire?

You know what you want yet appear to have a fear of declaring or asking for it. Perhaps, it seems easier to give just a tiny bit of yourself or your desires away than lay fully your proverbial cards on the table.

Through convincing yourself that failure or rejection are assured, you're not making the brave moves you need to. It's necessary to give full concentration and focus if you are to be successful with your secret plan.

The first thing to do surrounds making it a secret no longer. Be honest, at least with yourself. Then, make a heartfelt and concerted effort to reach for what (or who) you love.

Saturday 10th December

A storm in a teacup

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Pluto from 10th to 13th December 2022. Exact 12th December

We understand that the bark of some dogs is more of an issue than their bite. We also know how some people can talk incessantly or authoritatively but actually say very little.

Somewhere in your personal world, an annoying point of conflict is making itself known, or presence felt. It intends to ensure you take it seriously and won't take kindly to being ignored.

You, on the other hand, have the upper hand. While the issue is keen to ensure it receives the attention it deserves, you have a choice about how much of an issue you want it to be and how much of your time and attention you believe it deserves.

By all means, acknowledge the issue but see it for what it really is – a mere storm in a proverbial tea cup.

Sunday 11th December

Care with Clarity

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 11th to 13th December 2022. Exact 12th December

Back in medieval times, kings and queens had Court Jesters, individuals whose role involved entertaining monarchs. It was in Jesters' best interests to ensure the king or queen laughed when they were supposed to. Otherwise, Jesters often met with an untimely end. Think though, what might have happened if one poor Jester was sent to his death and the king or queen fell about laughing having 'got' a joke after it was too late. It's important that you make no assumption now about someone understanding a point you're keen to convey.

Don't take the fact that they're nodding as acceptance or understanding on their part. Take your time to ensure you're not misunderstood. Something this important is worth getting right.

Also on Sunday

Form a very helpful bond

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Ascendant from 11th to 13th December 2022. Exact 12th December

Some people thrive in their own company. They know what they like and like what they know. However, even those who feel no need to collaborate or seek advice from others succumb from time to time to the concept that much can be gained from syncing in some way or on some level with others.

In your personal world now, there's much to be gained from 'joining forces' with or allowing yourself to be drawn toward certain others - or one person in particular. If you're willing to let your guard down even briefly, then you'll find there is much enjoyment to be had and delightful progress to be made through one-on-one activity, negotiating or even putting yourself in someone else's shoes to understand them or a situation better in some way.

If you're struggling with a decision, then you won't have to look very hard to find someone willing to hear what it is you're struggling with, and a lovely bond could result from the adage 'two heads are better than one.'

Monday 12th December

Be flexible and spontaneous

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Mars from 12th to 15th December 2022. Exact 14th December

What is it 'they' say about best-laid plans? Of course, to achieve anything, we need a plan of some sort but sometimes, the benefits of spontaneity can be overlooked.

When we discover a plan goes awry or an unforeseen obstacle gets presented in our path, then our first reaction often involves frustration. In your personal world now, it is important you're willing to be adaptable. It's essential you don't view a change to an arrangement or situation you believed to be unchangeable as a setback or potential problem. See it instead as a gift.

An important romantic or relationship goal is within reach. Have faith in the fact that you're helped to achieve it, but the journey might have one or two pit stops along the way that you hadn't - or couldn't have - accounted for. The more willing you are to be spontaneous and flexible, the more you'll enjoy this particular ride – and the more progress you'll make.

Wednesday 14th December

Push is coming to shove

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Uranus from 14th to 16th December 2022. Exact 15th December

Somewhere in your personal world, 'push' is about to meet 'shove.' It is only a matter of time before both come together.

You have the option to wait and see what happens when these two collide. Like any collision, there's a very strong possibility you'll not find the experience pleasurable to view or be part of.

That's why it's important you see the signs, smell the coffee or read writing on the proverbial wall. You can bring about a change that will alleviate much of the potential stress or damage in a relationship by taking action before you're left with no alternative other than to accept what's likely to occur.

Take control and allow yourself to feel more powerful. You can do it and, when you do, you'll discover how powerful and influential you really are.

Thursday 15th December

Cooperation is key

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 15th to 17th December 2022. Exact 16th December

Some people always insist on 'getting their way.' They tend to be largely unconcerned about what matters to others. All that does matter, it seems, is that they 'win' in some way. Such people want those they're trying to persuade to simply succumb and do what's demanded of them.

In your personal world now, you are likely adopting a completely contrary point of view in some way. You know that to get what – or whom – you want, you don't have to be heavy-handed. You need encourage peace and harmony, and you'll discover it will prevail over any tension.

To make progress on personal or romantic fronts, be seen to be approachable and willing to compromise where necessary. The key to progress now relies entirely upon cooperation, not obstruction.

Also on Thursday

Shake off apathy

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Saturn from 15th to 18th December 2022. Exact 17th December

Imagine you're standing on the edge of a high diving board, peering down to the water below but have strong reservations about taking the plunge. Imagine as well that, behind you, a queue of impatient and more experienced divers wait for you to make up your mind about what you're going to do.

That analogy sums up a situation in your personal world now. You're clearly under pressure in some way to take action or make a decision yet it's important you are being pressured in the way you are because otherwise you won't make the decision or move you truly need to make.

You have a difficult dispute to solve or a complicated story to unravel yet, through a constant source of aggravation, aren't feeling inclined to consider a particular course of action. It's time to shake off apathy and seize a valuable opportunity. Like most opportunities, yours might be hidden within a perceived problem, but trust that the opportunity being presented to you now is very real.

Tuesday 20th December

A valuable discovery is the catalyst to transforming a situation

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Pluto from 20th to 22nd December 2022. Exact 21st December

We can be surrounded by many people but feel alone. This can be heightened enormously when we're struggling in some way and support we need from one or two people isn't forthcoming. This leaves us with having to tackle an issue singlehandedly and we understandably aren't usually over the moon to have to do so.

The good news is, you're very capable of tackling on your own what needs to be tackled. It is the discovery of a certain piece of information that will boost your confidence. Once done, you will feel confident enough to face certain issues or individuals you've feared facing. You'll be more inclined to bring out into the open what has been conveniently brushed under a proverbial carpet.

This new-found confidence, combined with real desire to bring about a significant change to a certain situation, will result in very positive and necessary transformation where you have long wanted to see it.

Thursday 22nd December

Is a plan worthy of your efforts?

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Mars from 22nd to 26th December 2022. Exact 24th December

The word 'passion' has several uses and connotations. We also know when the time is right to invest energy in a plan or pursuit and it is the need to give your all to something combined with impatience or urgency that could be boosting passion in some way now.

Ideas, suggestions, and situations could be coming thick and fast now which may not be helping matters. Where your relationship with a certain person is concerned, you're likely to need to show restraint to avoid a confrontation or making an ill-thought-through proposal or suggestion.

Slow down and assess if what you're planning is deserving of energy you're inclined to give it. If it is, then give it your all and don't look back. If you have reservations, then trust they exist for a good reason.

Saturday 24th December

Bring it out into the open

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Pluto from 24th to 26th December 2022. Exact 26th December

People talk about skeletons residing in closets. They speak of issues being swept under carpets. There are always issues we prefer to keep hidden, but we know, in our hearts, when certain issues deserve to see the light of day. We owe it to ourselves and those closest to us to allow what needs to be brought out into the open to no longer be hidden under a veil of secrecy.

In your personal world, your attention is being drawn to a fact that must be faced. You can ignore it for a little while longer but be assured that, very soon, you will have to give it attention. When this happens, it will be good news.

Facing what needs to be faced will expose what has been kept secret for too long and cease to cause you to feel as if you're obliged to pretend you're comfortable in a situation that makes you feel otherwise. It's time to pursue an opportunity that you simply haven't felt was viable and, by finally doing so, you will achieve what or whom you truly desire - and deserve!

Also on Saturday

Think it through

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Uranus from 24th December 2022 to 1st January 2023. Exact 27th December

Sometimes, we feel inclined to cause a stir or create upheaval just to see what happens. We reach a point where we become bored with how predictable or devoid of opportunity a situation appears to have become and decide to shake things up a bit.

That's fine, provided we accept the consequences of doing so - and blame for it should fingers be pointed our direction! If you feel inclined to shake things up a bit in your relationship world, then feel free to do so. However, be aware that action will always cause a reaction and you will need to accept responsibility for the change you instigate. Be sure you genuinely want the change you'll bring before you take the action you're considering taking now.

Monday 26th December

A reward for being brave and sincere

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Mars from 26th to 28th December 2022. Exact 27th December

In your personal world, there is a problem you sorely want to resolve but could be struggling to settle. You're being asked to 'accept the impossible.' You want to give in to an indulgence of some sort yet are very aware of how common sense is dictating that you would be foolish to make any hasty or risky move.

Remember that we live in a world that rewards the brave and the sincere far more than it takes care of the cautious and unimaginative. It is time to take a courageous step towards achieving a dream.

It is time to be strong, proud, daring, ambitious and, above all else, confident. If you can manage all of the above, then various natural processes now unfolding will restore your faith and spur you on to make something wonderful, heart-warming and long lasting happen.

Also on Monday

Communication is key

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Moon from 26th to 30th December 2022. Exact 28th December

We're all blessed with instincts. We use them from time to time and, when we do, find that they provide us with interesting and, at times, valuable insight. If you're willing to use yours now, then you stand to gain insight into a situation that you may feel you're kidding yourself about.

You're not deceiving yourself, and your assessment of a situation and someone's involvement with it (or their motivation) is likely to be accurate. You and a certain person need to have an exchange of sorts, and this is likely to involve a tense and possibly emotional conversation.

Even if verbal dialogue isn't forthcoming, there is much you're able to learn now through subtle signs and signals. Provided you're willing to be open and share thoughts and feelings tactfully and sensitively, then a partner is likely to do the same. Collaborating in this way is essential with bringing a helpful and timely improvement.

Tuesday 27th December

Trust your hunches

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Neptune from 27th to 29th December 2022. Exact 28th December

Sometimes, we're our own worst enemies when it comes to being 'talked out' of doing something. We tend to ignore our intuition because we know what it's telling us is right and we struggle with hearing the truth at times. In your personal world now, a certain truth is emerging.

There is something you are feeling, about a person or situation that you cannot ignore. What you want, before taking any action are facts. You would prefer your decisions were based on logic rather than hunches.

It is important though, to trust what you're feeling. Acknowledge and respect what your hunches are telling you. When the truth does emerge, you will be able to say with confidence and honesty that you knew it already.

Also on Tuesday

The power of imagination

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Uranus from 27th to 29th December 2022. Exact 29th December

What do we mean we say someone is 'imaginative' or 'creative'? We tend to associate such words with possessing artistic or musical abilities, yet there are many people who possess no writing, artistic or designing abilities who are blessed with potent imaginations.

Sometimes, to make progress when we feel we're struggling, we have no option other than to apply some creative thinking and, in your personal world now, that's precisely what you're being encouraged to do.

Through adopting an open mind and being willing to apply imagination, you're extremely well placed to set your personal, emotional or romantic life on a firmer, more meaningful - and hopefully less stressful – footing. To achieve this, you need to take a brave step into the unknown and, by applying imagination and creativity you're blessed with now, can achieve wonderful and heart-warming success.

Wednesday 28th December

What you give, you'll receive

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Moon from 28th to 30th December 2022. Exact 29th December

Some people will always believe that showing emotion is a sign of weakness. Right now, in your personal world, your greatest asset is not strength but softness. It is this quality that needs nurturing within you now. It is important that you dip deeply into your reserves of compassion, tolerance, patience, and support.

Even if you feel you're reaching the end of your proverbial tether, by being sensitive and supportive, you will find your tether can stretch further than you thought it would.

It's a case of 'doing unto others as you would have them do unto you' and if there's a particular person you want to get closer to, then you'll discover they're likely to respond toward you with whatever you're offering them.

Saturday 24th December


Reviving a dream

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Sextiles your natal Neptune from 24th December 2022 to 1st January 2023. Exact 30th December

Dreams and aspirations never vanish or dissipate completely if we don't achieve them. Sometimes, newer ones take their place. Eventually, we discover that what mattered to us a long time ago remains important and become aware that we ought to give what once mattered our time and attention once again.

Where affairs of the heart or one special relationship are concerned, what or who once mattered greatly to you is becoming a priority again in some way. You have an opportunity to shift your focus to what - or whom – probably never left the realms of your mind and heart. This time, the dream could be more achievable or attainable.

Wednesday 28th December

Look closely to see what's good

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Saturn from 28th to 30th December 2022. Exact 30th December

Imagine how dull life would be if we didn't have to do various things we didn't want to do. Where would the thrill of overcoming a challenge be? Where would we draw inspiration to seek new and exciting challenges that await us?

We can postpone some tasks or obligations that don't exactly excite or inspire us but regardless of what bores or daunts us; we can either endure discomfort surrounding what we have to do or find a way to see it as exciting - or even learn to love - whatever it is we dislike. In your personal world now, you might not be able to change an undesirable situation, but you can change your attitude toward it.

If you're willing to look closely at what is good in a situation you're inclined to believe is more tedious or uninspiring, then you will soon see it from a much more positive perspective.

Also on Wednesday

A meeting of like minds

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 28th to 31st December 2022. Exact 30th December

Confidence, we know, can be an attractive quality for someone to possess. We are drawn toward people who exude confidence and impress us with their 'make things happen' attitudes and beliefs.

Before we can feel confident though, we usually want to see some evidence of confidence having played a part in us achieving success previously. You're superbly placed now to benefit from a significant confidence boost that is bound to encourage you to look at what you have achieved and what else might be possible.

Personal success and social accomplishment are on offer. Through putting yourself in a proverbial spotlight, you will discover how much attention you attract and transforming your personal world through a linking of like minds is very possible.

Forecast for January 2023

Friday 30th December


Is a plan worthy of your efforts?

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Squares your natal Mars from 30th December 2022 to 3rd January 2023. Exact 2nd January 2023

The word 'passion' has several uses and connotations. We also know when the time is right to invest energy in a plan or pursuit and it is the need to give your all to something combined with impatience or urgency that could be boosting passion in some way now.

Ideas, suggestions, and situations could be coming thick and fast now which may not be helping matters. Where your relationship with a certain person is concerned, you're likely to need to show restraint to avoid a confrontation or making an ill-thought-through proposal or suggestion.

Slow down and assess if what you're planning is deserving of energy you're inclined to give it. If it is, then give it your all and don't look back. If you have reservations, then trust they exist for a good reason.

Saturday 31st December

A sprinkle of realism

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Jupiter from 31st December 2022 to 2nd January 2023. Exact 2nd January 2023

Throughout our lives, we're encouraged by certain others not to get 'too carried away.' Such advice is often given by well-meaning folk who seem to think we are at risk of disappointment or being foolish. We learn from experience that if we set our sights slightly higher than what we want, we invariably end up getting what we want.

In your relationship world, balance is needed between overconfidence and realism. You are being given reason to be confident and optimistic. That's fine, provided you have both feet on the ground where certain aspirations are concerned.

Look closely at what you want to make happen and then apply a sprinkle of realism regarding realistic timescales. Provided what you want is right and appropriate, then it will come to you. Avoid any tendency to be unnecessarily forceful or overly determined.

Sunday 1st January

A love life through loving life

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Sun from 1st to 3rd January 2023. Exact 2nd January

Is it your love life that you would like to see significant improvement within – or might it be your 'love of life' that could do with an injection of optimism and energy? You're being given an exceptional chance now to put your emotional or romantic life on a firmer, more meaningful and hopefully less stressful footing.

Through your increased ability to love life, you will be well placed to get along much better with a certain person who means the world to you or, through simply being yourself, attract a special person into your world.

All you need to do is take a small but courageous step in the right direction. To be guided by that, you need only have faith in the fact that you're being helped in every way possible.

Monday 2nd January


A valuable discovery is the catalyst to transforming a situation

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Trines your natal Pluto from 2nd to 5th January 2023. Exact 4th January

We can be surrounded by many people but feel alone. This can be heightened enormously when we're struggling in some way and support we need from one or two people isn't forthcoming. This leaves us with having to tackle an issue singlehandedly and we understandably aren't usually over the moon to have to do so.

The good news is, you're very capable of tackling on your own what needs to be tackled. It is the discovery of a certain piece of information that will boost your confidence. Once done, you will feel confident enough to face certain issues or individuals you've feared facing. You'll be more inclined to bring out into the open what has been conveniently brushed under a proverbial carpet.

This new-found confidence, combined with real desire to bring about a significant change to a certain situation, will result in very positive and necessary transformation where you have long wanted to see it.

Tuesday 3rd January

Pleasurable journeys or conversations await

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Mercury from 3rd to 5th January 2023. Exact 4th January

There are some journeys we embark upon that we anticipate problems or delays with and find ourselves relieved when we don't encounter either. There are some conversations we brace ourselves for, expecting them to be confrontational and feel relieved when we discover our fears were unfounded.

Such relief is available to you now, and your personal world can benefit enormously from smoothness on offer where travel or communication (possibly both) are concerned. This is a time of pleasurable interaction so don't hesitate to call on certain others for help if you feel you need it or be willing to help them.

Discussions rarely have the chance to go as smoothly as those you're likely to have now, so say what you want or need to say. Have that exchange. You look likely to be both pleased and relieved that you did.

Monday 9th January

Cut the niceties and let truth reveal itself

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Pluto from 9th to 11th January 2023. Exact 10th January

Sometimes, we hear what people say but can't help wonder what it is they really mean. Other times, we're painfully aware of how easily some people can avoid discussing a particular issue.

There are also people who want to listen but fail to grasp the concept of real, meaningful communication.

In your personal world, you're likely retracing old ground where a discussion with a particular person is concerned. Where there has been little in the way of progress previously, it is through an urgent, pressing reason presenting itself now that a need to cut niceties and exchange truth exists.

It's time for you and you-know-who to 'come clean.' Believe it is best that this has happened later than not at all and it is not too late to have the discussion that needs to be had.

Wednesday 11th January

Calm after the storm

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Mars from 11th to 13th January 2023. Exact 12th January

The interesting and helpful thing about most storms is, we have some idea they're coming. We're often given some degree of warning, even if that warning is at short notice.

In your personal world now, a storm is undoubtedly brewing, but it's one that you're very prepared for. You needn't be concerned about its strength or any likelihood of being blown off course.

Expect, once the proverbial skies clear, to see how safer and stronger you are. Where your relationships with certain people or one person, in particular, are concerned, you're about to see reasons why you don't have to be everywhere at once and going to great lengths to please or placate those who demand you should.

The one person who truly deserves effort you're prepared to give to please them is you. Once you return to focusing more on this, much in your world will become plain sailing, once again.

Thursday 12th January

Push aside passion

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Neptune from 12th to 15th January 2023. Exact 14th January

Is there an invisible clock ticking away somewhere that makes you feel you're under unnecessary pressure? Perhaps the clock you're focused so intently on is far from invisible.

Regardless of pressure you might feel obliged to succumb to in an area of your personal world, take a moment to breathe deeply and make an effort to proceed slowly. By giving in to pressure now, you risk compromising your ability to make incisive and accurate judgments. This, in turn, is likely to cause you to prolong a process that needn't be dragged out.

It's fair to say you have strong feelings about a situation or individual. Powerful passions often create some level of confusion. Do your very best to push aside passion for the time being. What's needed is clarity and if you allow it to come, then it will. Once it does, you'll be much better placed to trust the new understanding and act on it wisely, not hastily.

Also on Thursday

Embrace the chaos

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Uranus from 12th to 15th January 2023. Exact 14th January

Sometimes, when we become aware of a need to 'sort something out,' we discover there could be benefits to going above the call of duty and making a situation more chaotic or disrupted to sort it out properly.

The same can be said about an area of your personal world now. Allow chaos trying to present itself to do so. Embrace the unusual, the unpredictable or even what appears downright disruptive. We lead lives that tend to be very orderly and predictable. You're being encouraged to allow and accept disruption in your world now and look likely to be grateful for it.

It's time to alter a situation, arrangement or agreement that has been stale and static for too long. Be willing to invite some chaos and, once the proverbial dust settles, you look set to make more than one valuable discovery.

Also on Thursday


Care with Clarity

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 12th to 23rd January 2023. Exact 14th January

Back in medieval times, kings and queens had Court Jesters, individuals whose role involved entertaining monarchs. It was in Jesters' best interests to ensure the king or queen laughed when they were supposed to. Otherwise, Jesters often met with an untimely end. Think though, what might have happened if one poor Jester was sent to his death and the king or queen fell about laughing having 'got' a joke after it was too late. It's important that you make no assumption now about someone understanding a point you're keen to convey.

Don't take the fact that they're nodding as acceptance or understanding on their part. Take your time to ensure you're not misunderstood. Something this important is worth getting right.

Friday 13th January

Prepare for a 'Eureka Moment'

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Moon from 13th to 16th January 2023. Exact 15th January

Can you remember when you last experienced a 'Eureka Moment'?

We all have these from time to time; sudden moments of clarity that are always wonderful – and often timely – to receive.

In your personal world now, a moment of clarity is about to be experienced by you. Don't succumb to a temptation to assess certain yearnings or needs deeply. Trust that you feel what you feel because, in more than one way, what you feel suits you and you're being steered toward the attainment of a cherished personal goal.

First, you need clarity. Embrace the revelation winging its way to you and, when it arrives, you'll know precisely why it is right and what your next move should be.

Saturday 14th January

Trusting instincts in the absence of facts

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Saturn from 14th to 16th January 2023. Exact 15th January

When a need to be decisive presents itself, then the process tends to be considerably easier when we believe we have all or at least enough facts to assist with the decision.

If we don't have enough facts, then what happens? That depends on how urgently we must make our decision but, more often than not, we call upon our instincts to assist us.

In your personal world now, there exists a need for you to trust your deepest instinct in the absence of factual information. Take at face value to a point what you're seeing or are being encouraged to accept is real.

Far better progress will be made if you're willing to trust what you're telling yourself. Do that, and then pursue the decision that needs to be made with all your heart.

Sunday 15th January

Something beautiful wants to be created

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Venus from 15th to 17th January 2023. Exact 16th January

Some artists blend paints blend to create a dazzling and beautiful spectacle. Other paints, when blended, don't appear to come close to creating anything as eye-catching. Experienced artists know how to achieve specific hues through applying a dab of one and a dollop of another and can take pride in the fact that they've probably created something that can't be purchased in any store.

In your personal world now, you have a fantastic opportunity to create something unique and, without putting too fine a point on it, beautiful. Far less effort will be required on your part to reach agreements or have helpful discussions or meetings.

Be willing to experiment. Be receptive to exploring the depth of a feeling. If you can, then you and certain others – and one person in particular – can gel gloriously and enjoy progress of the most heart-warming variety.

Tuesday 17th January

Avoid going to extremes

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Jupiter from 17th to 20th January 2023. Exact 19th January

Do you need a telephone box to get changed in? Or is your superhero suit something you wear beneath your clothing to make yourself available to save the day at a second's notice?

You could, at this time, believe yourself to be superhuman and inclined to reply and respond to cries for help from certain quarters or a particular person. Some of these might be genuine but be assured that some of them are not.

Your judgment of a situation in your personal world could be regarded as extreme. You could convince yourself that a seemingly extreme situation requires extreme measures. It's important you accept your limitations. It's not your responsibility to go to great lengths to prove a point or yourself in some way.
Relax and accept that a more relaxed and softer stance will be much more beneficial to you and others.

Wednesday 18th January

Personal popularity

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Ascendant from 18th to 20th January 2023. Exact 19th January

Few people need convincing of how attractive confident people often are. People who exude confidence can have an almost Pied Piper effect on others, or they at least turn a head or two from those who are inquisitive.

You're in a superb position now to create your own 'self-image'; how you're seen in the eyes of those who know you and who, through a noticeable sense of ease and self-worth, want to know you. You don't need to go to great lengths to impress anyone.

You need only be yourself now to meet new and interesting people – and probably won't have to look very hard to identify those whose interests are of the romantic variety!

Also on Wednesday

A precious gift is on offer

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Sun from 18th to 21st January 2023. Exact 20th January

Customer Service counters in stores are often busy with people returning unwanted items. Sometimes, some of what it is returned are unwanted gifts.

Perhaps, if the recipient of the gift allowed more time to see its relevance or usefulness, they wouldn't have been quite so quick to dismiss it.

In an area of your personal world now, you're being presented with a gift of some sort, but this is unlikely to take the form of something in wrapping paper bound with ribbon. In fact, it's likely you won't see what you're being presented with as a gift at all and could be inclined to see it as an obstacle, setback or something unwanted.

If you're experiencing the latter, then it's important to look closely at what important lesson is being made available to you or what – or whom – you're being encouraged to move on from.

Embrace understanding, clarity, and appreciation of what and who truly matters in life coming your way now. As far as gifts go, receiving all of the above is precious and will ultimately be something you'll be forever grateful for.

Thursday 19th January

Embrace long-awaited change

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Mars from 19th to 21st January 2023. Exact 20th January

It's not often we have to pinch ourselves to believe something is happening to us. It's great when we find ourselves so amazed at what has transpired that we have to do something to confirm we're not dreaming.

You could be tempted to do something similar now as a development appears to be unfolding that you've wanted to see happen for a long time. A new phase of your life is about to begin, and you have an exceptional opportunity to 'break new ground' where your personal world is concerned.

Where certain relationships are concerned, there are rules that can be rewritten and horizons expanded. All that is required from you is confidence mixed with a tiny amount of courage. Be brave and accepting of the long-awaited change unfolding now. Above all, believe it is yours for the taking.

Friday 20th January

Smelling the coffee

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Neptune from 20th to 22nd January 2023. Exact 21st January

The world is and always will be full of insensitive people. That's why it's important now that you separate yourself from such individuals. It's important to gain proper perspective and assess how far to trust one or two individuals and how much to believe what you're being told by them, and by one in particular.

Detaching yourself will also help you to identify certain flaws in a particular person that will help with a decision you need to make. You're not being encouraged to be judgmental.

You're being encouraged to, as the old saying goes, wake up and smell some coffee. To do that, you need to restrain your imagination slightly and view a certain relationship with both honesty and sensitivity. If you can do that, then you'll soon be better placed to identify a way forward.

Also on Friday

Clarity is coming

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Mercury from 20th to 23rd January 2023. Exact 22nd January

Coming developments in your world will do much to please you. Where you have been focused intently on a complex issue and trying to understand the implications of it, you're about to discover what you believed to be complex is more straightforward than you thought.

As your confidence returns and you begin to apply imagination and ingenuity to your current relationship issue, you will soon be able to distinguish between what truly matters and needs attention and what doesn't.

Clarity, in one form or another, is coming. Give it a chance to arrive and, when it does, you'll soon find yourself blessed with the energy you'll need make happen what your heart dearly wants to see happen.

Saturday 21st January

Emotional release

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Moon from 21st to 23rd January 2023. Exact 22nd January

Some people 'say it as they see it.' They cannot resist giving their input or sharing observations which is an admirable trait in some ways but can tend to get others' backs up. As 'right' as these outspoken people are, not everyone shares their keenness to know whatever it is such people feel the need to impart. It's easy though to misinterpret sensitivity for bullishness or arrogance sometimes.

That's why, in your personal world now, it's important that you understand your reasons for releasing a pent-up feeling. The emotional strength surrounding what you've kept concealed until now is likely stronger than you gave it credit for being. All of this would be easier if something in your emotional world 'made sense.'

The fact it doesn't probably has something to do with how emotionally you're choosing to react toward it. What's happening now is powerful and necessary. It's also providing a helpful step toward emotional stability you've wanted for some time.

Monday 26th December

Listening is key

Transiting Mars Squares your natal MidHeaven from 26th December 2022 to 30th January 2023. Exact 24th January 2023

Where a certain person is concerned, is it possible to 'meet in the middle' somehow? This could be a time when you address certain needs of yours - and if someone can satisfy them.

That's fine, provided you're aware of the strong likelihood of you being 'put in your place' or told to know your place in the scheme of things. It is this likely scenario that will probably encourage you to want to reach some form of compromise.

By taking the initiative and making clear what you need and why you need it, you're giving someone close the chance to do the same. Provided you're both willing to listen, then a compromise can not only be reached but you and your paramour might set a helpful precedent regarding how to deal with and resolve a similar issue in the future.

Forecast for February 2023

Wednesday 1st February

Enhancing your and others' worlds

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal MidHeaven from 1st to 3rd February 2023. Exact 2nd February

Like, we know, attracts like. How 'liked' are you feeling now? If you doubt how you're perceived by certain people, then have absolute faith in the fact that you can attract numerous people into your world now on several levels by simply being yourself.

Avoid any tendency to attempt to try to live up to anyone else's expectations of what you could or should be. Even if you believe you possess no creative or artistic talents, at least be willing to be led by your imagination. You hold strong influence.

Use it to enhance your and others' worlds through levels of beauty and peace you convey effortlessly. Be yourself and allow romantic opportunities to come to you. That way, you won't have to seek them.

Thursday 2nd February

A valuable discovery is the catalyst to transforming a situation

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Pluto from 2nd to 4th February 2023. Exact 3rd February

We can be surrounded by many people but feel alone. This can be heightened enormously when we're struggling in some way and support we need from one or two people isn't forthcoming. This leaves us with having to tackle an issue singlehandedly and we understandably aren't usually over the moon to have to do so.

The good news is, you're very capable of tackling on your own what needs to be tackled. It is the discovery of a certain piece of information that will boost your confidence. Once done, you will feel confident enough to face certain issues or individuals you've feared facing. You'll be more inclined to bring out into the open what has been conveniently brushed under a proverbial carpet.

This new-found confidence, combined with real desire to bring about a significant change to a certain situation, will result in very positive and necessary transformation where you have long wanted to see it.

Saturday 4th February

Is a plan worthy of your efforts?

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Mars from 4th to 6th February 2023. Exact 5th February

The word 'passion' has several uses and connotations. We also know when the time is right to invest energy in a plan or pursuit and it is the need to give your all to something combined with impatience or urgency that could be boosting passion in some way now.

Ideas, suggestions, and situations could be coming thick and fast now which may not be helping matters. Where your relationship with a certain person is concerned, you're likely to need to show restraint to avoid a confrontation or making an ill-thought-through proposal or suggestion.

Slow down and assess if what you're planning is deserving of energy you're inclined to give it. If it is, then give it your all and don't look back. If you have reservations, then trust they exist for a good reason.

Also on Saturday

Inspiration is all that you require

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Venus from 4th to 7th February 2023. Exact 6th February

What do most people believe would make them happy or happier? More money? A more satisfying love life?

The process you're blessed with experiencing now intends to bring considerably more comfort to your world and, where your relationship with a particular individual is concerned, inspiration is on offer.

From that will come all else you require. This also includes some good, old-fashioned luck, too. If you're willing to take a small and seemingly insignificant advantage and turn into something bigger by using ingenuity and trusting your instincts, then something heart-warmingly wonderful can occur. Have faith in your ability to do 'what's right' - and this includes being in the right place at the right time! Expect soon, to turn a precarious situation into a very pleasing one.

Sunday 5th February

Reviving a dream

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Neptune from 5th to 7th February 2023. Exact 6th February

Dreams and aspirations never vanish or dissipate completely if we don't achieve them. Sometimes, newer ones take their place. Eventually, we discover that what mattered to us a long time ago remains important and become aware that we ought to give what once mattered our time and attention once again.

Where affairs of the heart or one special relationship are concerned, what or who once mattered greatly to you is becoming a priority again in some way. You have an opportunity to shift your focus to what - or whom – probably never left the realms of your mind and heart. This time, the dream could be more achievable or attainable.

Also on Sunday

Think it through

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Uranus from 5th to 7th February 2023. Exact 6th February

Sometimes, we feel inclined to cause a stir or create upheaval just to see what happens. We reach a point where we become bored with how predictable or devoid of opportunity a situation appears to have become and decide to shake things up a bit.

That's fine, provided we accept the consequences of doing so - and blame for it should fingers be pointed our direction! If you feel inclined to shake things up a bit in your relationship world, then feel free to do so. However, be aware that action will always cause a reaction and you will need to accept responsibility for the change you instigate. Be sure you genuinely want the change you'll bring before you take the action you're considering taking now.

Monday 6th February

Communication is key

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Moon from 6th to 8th February 2023. Exact 7th February

We're all blessed with instincts. We use them from time to time and, when we do, find that they provide us with interesting and, at times, valuable insight. If you're willing to use yours now, then you stand to gain insight into a situation that you may feel you're kidding yourself about.

You're not deceiving yourself, and your assessment of a situation and someone's involvement with it (or their motivation) is likely to be accurate. You and a certain person need to have an exchange of sorts, and this is likely to involve a tense and possibly emotional conversation.

Even if verbal dialogue isn't forthcoming, there is much you're able to learn now through subtle signs and signals. Provided you're willing to be open and share thoughts and feelings tactfully and sensitively, then a partner is likely to do the same. Collaborating in this way is essential with bringing a helpful and timely improvement.

Also on Monday

Let your inner voice enthuse you

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Saturn from 6th to 8th February 2023. Exact 7th February

Sometimes, for an easier life, we can be a bit too quick to simply agree with someone else because we don't believe we have the energy, inclination or ability to disagree with them. Because enthusiasm can be infectious, we sometimes believe it to be easier to latch on to someone else's enthusiasm for something rather than find our own reasons for being fired up about pursuing something.

Before you allow yourself to be influenced by someone's enthusiasm for a plan or arrangement, consider what your inner voice is telling you.

You don't need to follow in ways you believe you must. You can take the lead and are right to trust your own judgment about something. Take a moment to step back and make a decision on your own without pressure coming from you-know-who.

Wednesday 8th February

Power of attraction

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Ascendant from 8th to 10th February 2023. Exact 9th February

Some people know how to command respect from others. They manage to do this effortlessly and in ways that encourage others to cooperate or be drawn toward them willingly.

To make progress in an area of your personal world, you don't need to apply any harsh or aggressive tactics. Simply be yourself. Treat those you want to be closer to you in ways you would want to be treated, and you could be surprised at how easily it is to win friends or influence certain people.

It's fair to say you possess a 'magnetic personality' now. Magnets can be fickle things, though. They know what they like to be drawn toward and what they prefer to repel. You're being assisted to draw toward you what and whom you need. Trust that and allow the process to work something wonderful on your behalf.

Thursday 9th February

Keep your Wish List simple

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Jupiter from 9th to 11th February 2023. Exact 10th February

We're sometimes told to be 'careful what we wish for.' Rarely do any of us make wishes flippantly or without some level of consideration. If we believe something is worth wishing for, then it gets added to the list because we have at least one reason to believe we want it.

In your relationship world now, you are easily influenced but what you're expecting is likely to happen – so expect the best! Don't allow yourself to be influenced negatively.

It is important though that your expectations are reasonable. Don't get carried away with too many ideas about what you want or what might make your world vastly better. Focus on what you know you want, need and why you want and need it. That message alone will help to ensure you attain it.

Also on Thursday

Harnessing power available to you

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Mars from 9th to 12th February 2023. Exact 11th February

People sometimes speak about atmosphere's being or feeling 'electric.' In your personal world now, it's likely you could experience a few flying sparks.

Trust that the energy available to you now is extremely positive and is intended to help. You have, at your disposal, the ability to repair much of what needs repairing as far as relationships, situations, and arrangements with others are concerned. You are blessed with an ability to improve much in your own world while, at the same time, the world of others - or a certain person to whom you are close or want to be closer to.

The more constructively you use the power and influence available to you now, the more of both you will discover you have available to you.

Friday 10th February

An essential moment of clarity

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Sun from 10th to 11th February 2023. Exact 11th February

Something has become complicated. It has probably been complex for some time but what you're about to discover is how uncomplicated it really is. This is due to two things happening.

The first surrounds you applying imagination and determination to get to the bottom of whatever-it-is or at least be prepared to look at it and explore it in ways you may have been unwilling to do of late. The second involves your confidence rising as a result and a clear mind attained as a result of that.

Where your relationship with a certain person is involved or how you would like it to be, clarity on a new and much-needed level is coming and so too is an opportunity to make something wonderful happen.

Also on Friday

Let it be

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Pluto from 10th to 12th February 2023. Exact 12th February

What or who has you so 'fired up'? What or who possesses such fascinating and hypnotic qualities that you're likely struggling to think clearly? What is needed now is clarity. Before that can become available though, effort on your part is needed to extract fact from fiction and reality from fantasy.

That doesn't mean you're wrong to dream or even pursue whatever or whoever it is that has you so captivated or fascinated. But if it isn't becoming increasingly clear that you need to be more motivated and less manipulative, then such clarity will come soon enough. To get what or whom you truly want, you'll have to let go slightly.

Try to care less but believe more that whatever is for you won't pass you by. Trust your deepest instincts now and let a process unfold in its own way and time. Relax and avoid the tendency to control what needs to happen naturally.

Saturday 11th February

Seeing the light

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Mercury from 11th to 13th February 2023. Exact 12th February

Are you familiar with the phrase 'Eureka Moment'? We all experience them from time to time and usually rejoice in the fact that a moment of clarity has brought about a much-needed revelation or insight.

You're being helped to see a certain way forward where a situation between you and someone else is concerned and what should happen next. Interestingly though, the more insight and understanding you gain, the more questions you feel inclined to ask. Try to keep these at bay, at least for the time being.

There are implications surrounding what you're discovering now but don't underestimate how powerful your powers of persuasive communication are. You won't struggle to share what intrigues and fascinates you.

Also on Saturday

Look no further than a mirror

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Ascendant from 11th to 13th February 2023. Exact 12th February

Is there some unseen council that dictates who and what is attractive and who and what isn't? We need only look on the cover of glossy magazines to see who or what is deemed attractive and many people make such effort to measure their own attractiveness by what's socially acceptable.

You, however, don't need to measure your attractive levels – and your ability to attract – in such ways. You don't need to succumb to any pressure to meet someone else's criteria of what's attractive. In your personal world now, it's important to accept how attractive you are in the eyes of others.

Even if you wrongly believe you aren't 'measuring up' to someone else's ideas of attractiveness, have utter faith in how you are attracting very much the right attention through determination you are showing in some way. You know something or someone worth having is worth giving proper effort toward – and that, in itself, is attractive!

Also on Saturday

Ignore drama and exaggeration

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Neptune from 11th to 13th February 2023. Exact 12th February

To prove a point, we sometimes feel the need to go to great lengths. We believe it necessary to inject some drama or exaggeration to illustrate how important a particular issue or belief is to us.

Drama and exaggeration do little to convince others of our belief levels. Often, they'd prefer we were less dramatic or prone to exaggeration!

That's why, in your personal world now, you need to refrain from going 'over the top' regarding making a particular point. If you can separate fact from the fantasy that is being nurtured now, then you can make your point with clarity and not be at risk of being seen as unrealistic or having no true grasp of what you ought to be more certain of.

The same applies to a fearful fantasy, should you be nurturing of those instead. Much is being distorted now and the more you can be realistic and pragmatic, the less stress you'll encourage to come your way.

Sunday 12th February

Stepping back is best

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Moon from 12th to 14th February 2023. Exact 13th February

We are all, in one way or another, influenced strongly by our companions, colleagues and family members. However, we tend not to consider how influenced we are by what we believe they want from us as opposed to what they really want from us.

The boundaries of your relationship with one person - or possibly a group of people - are being redefined now. This could be causing you to fear that you're alienating yourself unnecessarily in some way yet, at the same time, it could be apparent that you involve yourself in dramas or other peoples' situations in ways you shouldn't be!

The redefining of boundaries is going to involve you to detach yourself in some way from certain others but don't succumb to a belief that the only way to remain connected as things stand presently is to involve yourself with what's happening in their worlds in ways that could justifiably be seen as inappropriate.

A shift is occurring where your relationships with key people are concerned. Step back, let what's changing unfold in its own way and time, and this will benefit you and those you're closest to.

Monday 13th February

Removing limitations

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Neptune from 13th to 15th February 2023. Exact 15th February

Do you feel as if you've taken too much on in some way? Have you taken on too much responsibility, overstretched yourself, embarked upon a plan that you feel you might be unable to finish or embarked on something you feel you might not accomplish?

Sometimes, when we experience too much of a good thing, we forget or ignore our limitations! You are extremely well placed now to put your personal or relationship world on a much stronger footing.

You can bring about change through applying imagination. Be creative. Be imaginative. Be yourself and you can transform something that has been troublesome into something you will welcome and embrace.

Also on Monday

Looking beyond the present

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Uranus from 13th to 16th February 2023. Exact 15th February

Are you aware of your heart beating noticeably faster? Are you also aware of what's making you feel restless or causing a bit more tension in your world than you wish there was? In your relationship world now, you appear to be experiencing as much pleasure as you are pain in some way. In some ways, this is good.

In others, it is far from desirable. What needs to be removed now is indecision, uncertainty, and denial. In amongst all of the above is a genuine reason to be happy and feel optimistic. Avoid the tendency now to focus so intently on immediate dramas and be willing to focus on a much bigger picture. This includes the development you yearn to see happen in your emotional world. Keep reaching for it because it is genuinely attainable.

Tuesday 14th February

Powers of attraction

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Moon from 14th to 16th February 2023. Exact 15th February

Like, we know, attracts like. Positive people tend to be drawn toward other positive people. Might positivity you're experiencing now be playing a part in attracting others toward you – or vice versa? The air of confidence and degree of attractiveness you're exuding now cannot and should not be ignored or underestimated.

But, it's all well and good that you're being seen as such an attractive option but what do you intend to do with the influence now available to you? Use it wisely. Use it effectively. Use it to draw a special person toward you or captivate one person whose attention you've wanted for some time.

You're blessed now with an enviable opportunity to use powers of attraction available to you, and no reason exists why you can't attain something very special, very soon.

Also on Tuesday

Appreciating what you've got

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Saturn from 14th to 17th February 2023. Exact 16th February

We all want what we haven't got. There's nothing wrong with that. We need dreams, goals, wishes or whatever highlights what's missing in our worlds and why we feel inspired and motivated to get it. In your personal or emotional world now, you're being encouraged to make the most of what you DO have available to you.

The problem is, you're struggling to make the most of what you have when you see it as a poor substitute for what you dearly want – or think you want! It's important that you don't talk yourself into a 'state of acceptance' but learn to appreciate what or who you have.

You're being faced with an obstacle of sorts that could even be seen as daunting or worrying but, through be willing to appreciate some of the factors in your relationship with a certain person that you're currently inclined to resent; you will soon see the hidden blessing and wonderful opportunity on offer to you.

Saturday 18th February

Dare to dream

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Jupiter from 18th to 20th February 2023. Exact 19th February

Do you dare to dream? Do you risk pursuing any of the wild ideas likely occupying your thoughts now? The answer to both questions is undoubtedly 'yes.' Dream as much as you dare to. Entertain as many of the wild ideas as you can because, in your relationship world now, one or two dreams or ideas will lead you toward a very clever move.

You're entering a time that promises to be more rewarding than you probably suspect, and once you see evidence of rewards, you're likely to want more. Is there a downside to this? The only point to consider surrounds possible belief on your part that any inch should be seized and made into a mile.

At least one tempting possibility is presenting itself, and through your confidence being boosted, you might be oblivious to how charismatic you appear in the eyes of certain others. Go with the flow now and avoid the tendency to be forceful or overly determined. Let what is unfolding naturally do so in its own way while continuing to dream and let ideas create themselves.

Also on Saturday

It's all moving forward

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Sun from 18th to 20th February 2023. Exact 20th February

Depending on where we are on planet Earth, we're constantly spinning at between 700 and 900 miles per hour. If we stand still, we feel nothing. We're oblivious to how the spinning rock which we inhabit is hurtling through space at approximately 67,000 miles per hour.

So, can it not be said that even when we think nothing is happening in our world or situations show no sign of progress, we're part of a complex process that indicates otherwise? In your personal world now, you probably suspect you're standing still. You're not. You are making real and tangible progress.

You probably suspect a certain situation is far from ideal and makes little sense. Actually, it is very ideal and makes a lot of sense. This is a time to look closely at what appears imperfect and discover that there is a real reason to believe you're much closer to the desired scenario than you probably believe.

Monday 20th February

A solution in the form of a brainwave

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Mercury from 20th to 22nd February 2023. Exact 21st February

Life ticks along in ways that we get used to and then suddenly, we find ourselves dealing with a development that truly grabs our attention. We wonder where on Earth such a development could have come from, what caused it or how instrumental we were in making it happen.

Something similar happens with brainwaves. We become very used to a situation that we know is crying out for a new and exciting idea. In your personal world now, that's precisely what you can expect. Powerful forces are being unleashed in your life. You're not quite sure how you ought to be acknowledging or adapting to them.

Let the solution that is determined to make its way to you come to you and then embrace it. It is precisely what you need now.

Tuesday 21st February

A fair deal needs doing

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Venus from 21st to 23rd February 2023. Exact 23rd February

Negotiation should always be a two-way process. If done properly, negotiation should result in both sides believing they have gained and reached a mutually satisfactory result.

Some people believe that negotiation must involve one side 'getting one over' the other or hoodwinking them in some way.

Where you and someone else are concerned, there is something to be negotiated, and an agreement needs to be reached. If what is discussed is discussed fairly, then both you and someone else could benefit – or profit – enormously from the process.

Wednesday 22nd February

Passion running high

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Venus from 22nd to 27th February 2023. Exact 25th February

Beauty, we are told, is skin deep. We also understand beauty is in the eye of beholders. If any relationship is to be embarked upon, it helps but if some level of attraction exists between two people!

In a very intriguing and exciting way, you have a fantastic opportunity to allow yourself to be swept off your feet by succumbing to strong desires and passions. Don't underestimate your attraction levels now – or, if you're single, how easily you might find yourself attracted to someone a potential flame. However, much of what attracts you is external. The real beauty waiting to be discovered about a certain person is contained inside. Whether single or attached, it's that discovery that will be powerfully alluring.

Thursday 23th February

Say it and say it confidently

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Ascendant from 23rd to 25th February 2023. Exact 25th February

We tend to be 'tuned in' to people who have much to say but who don't appear to be able to back up what they say. Such people tend to simply regurgitate what they've been told and have never chosen to question the validity or relevance to what they tell others.

However, some people appear to possess 'gift of the gab', make sense when they speak and capture others' imaginations with engaging words. You can bring an improvement to your emotional world or one special relationship by speaking confidently and knowledgeably now. You have something interesting and relevant to say. Don't feel otherwise.

Saturday 25th February

Leave aggression on the doorstep

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Mars from 25th to 26th February 2023. Exact 26th February

How we choose to convey ourselves or make a point is often dictated by our mood or attitude at the time. If we're feeling resentful, aggrieved or angry, then we sometimes use a proverbial sledgehammer to crack a proverbial walnut when a much simpler and less confrontational way would have been best.

It's important you bear that in mind now. Your impatience to make a certain point might be underpinned with more aggression than you intend. Be diplomatic and ensure sensitivity plays a big part in whatever it is you feel the need to say to a certain person now.

Also on Saturday

Stick with the plan and keep with the program

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Neptune from 25th to 27th February 2023. Exact 26th February

If something's too good to be true, then we usually have at least one very good reason to doubt it. When something becomes available to us instantly or with little or no effort on our part, delight can become replaced with suspicion. Be wary now of such a situation presenting itself to you now and this probably surrounds a certain person in your world being economical with the truth.

Something in your world doesn't need 'fixing' in the way you're led to believe, and neither does it need the level of complication that will undoubtedly arise though believing wholeheartedly what you're told. Focus on what you know works, makes you happy and is solid. Don't deviate from a plan just because a seemingly more attractive option is making itself available.

Also on Saturday

Making yourself known

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal MidHeaven from 25th to 28th February 2023. Exact 27th February

Most artists, once they've experienced success with their craft, feel an urge to make available what they do to more and more people. If a certain number of people enjoyed what they've created, then it stands to reason that many others would too, if they were aware of what was being offered!

Might the same notion apply to an area of your personal world now? You could be feeling inclined to expand your social networks, make clear to yourself or one or two others how ambitious you are feeling or break free from a restrictive situation within which you feel misunderstood or taken for granted.

Success can be had through effort on your part to make yourself known or what you can offer outside of a sphere you're comfortable with. If you're willing to make an effort, then you'll be delighted to discover how supportive and willing to explore further what you're offering others will be.

Sunday 26th February

Posing questions in measured doses

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Moon from 26th to 28th February 2023. Exact 27th February

If you're aware of a distinct feeling of confusion, then welcome it. Uncertainty you feel is likely to encourage you to question one or two areas or aspects of your emotional world that could do with being questioned. Be careful though, of how much time and effort you give toward questioning whatever – or whoever – it is.

You could be at risk of making a bigger issue out of something than is justified. To you, an issue is big. To someone else, it's likely to be less important, so by all means, ask questions to get to the bottom of a certain matter, but be aware of when might be a good time to stop.

Forecast for March 2023

Tuesday 28th February

Bring out the objectivity

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Pluto from 28th February 2023 to 6th March 2023. Exact 3rd March

Obsession – is it healthy or unhealthy? Many would argue it is unhealthy, especially if it causes us to cross a line deemed acceptable or appropriate. That's why you need to stand back in some way now.

If you're able to resist the temptation to give your all to someone or something, then you will at least be able to gain some necessary objectivity. It's important to see a romantic or relationship situation in an unbiased and realistic way.

Distancing yourself briefly from what you're determined to steer or control could make you better placed to move forward toward it in the future when it suits you to do so. It might also help a loved one to see that you can draw a line between being passionate and obsessive.

Thursday 2nd March

Getting yourself noticed

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal Ascendant from 2nd to 7th March 2023. Exact 5th March

When you hear the words 'self-improvement', what comes to mind? In what way(s) might you want to improve yourself, how others see you and, particularly, how someone close sees you? There are a number of ways you can improve yourself, and these don't necessarily mean strenuous workouts in a gym.

It's time to consider how you can improve certain skills or even an environment that might be more conducive to furthering yourself within. If you're willing to try to broaden your horizons, learn something new or instigate change that results in others noticing you or your abilities you in some way, then the time to do so is perfect. This could also impress or gain you admiration from someone special who probably already thinks you're awesome!

Sunday 5th March

Reasons to be more than cheerful

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Venus from 5th to 7th March 2023. Exact 6th March

If we watch the news any night on TV or pick up a newspaper at any time, we're given plenty of reasons to believe that the world in which we live is far from the beautiful and peaceful place it was intended to be. With little effort, we can create numerous reasons to worry about anything or identify problems and difficulties.

It's very easy to overlook or ignore completely how beautiful the world in which we live truly is. Too many people regard life as a constant struggle instead of the precious gift it is. Have you reasons to look upon your personal world with such pessimism? Are your relationships with certain people or one person in particular less than ideal or how you'd like them to be?

Expect, very soon, to see real reasons to be grateful for all that is truly wonderful where your interactions with certain people are concerned. Prepare to be inspired even if those around you fail to see what you have to be so happy about!

Monday 6th March

No need for trumpets

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal MidHeaven from 6th to 8th March 2023. Exact 7th March

In medieval times, royal announcements were made with a flourish of trumpets. This not only served to ensure the attention of all royal subjects was received but gave the announcement a certain level of prestige.

The indications are of many eyes being upon you in some way now and willingness on the part of others to hear what you have to say or announce. Trust that you don't need to make a grand entrance or gesture to gain attention now. Say what you want and need to say in the knowledge that your audience is a very receptive one.

Also on Monday

The force is strong within you

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Mars from 6th to 11th March 2023. Exact 9th March

Some people believe that the best way to win an argument is to shout louder than the other person or people. Others adhere to a saying about whoever shouts loudest gets heard above others.

Defensiveness often plays the biggest part in our decision to respond to perceived aggression or confrontation and being overly defensive is something you need to keep an eye on now, particularly where a certain relationship is concerned.

It's possible you could end up being a bit too preoccupied with your List of Needs and overlook what someone else wants or needs. It may feel as if you have tremendous levels of power available to you now but keep some in reserve for everyone's sake.

Tuesday 7th March

Taking the initiative

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Ascendant from 7th to 9th March 2023. Exact 9th March

We know that, when the going gets tough, the tough are known to get going. Some people enjoy rising to particular challenges and being seen to 'prove' themselves. Similarly, there is a challenge you must rise to and demonstrate to a few people how willing you are to prove yourself.

Perhaps, where your personal world is concerned, you've grown used or accustomed to wanting something simply because you feel you deserve it. Now, it is probably becoming clear that to attain what – or whom – you want, you have to demonstrate your keenness or worthiness.

Don't shy from the challenge offered now. You can not only make real and tangible progress with a particular person and possibly surprise yourself and them at the same time.

Thursday 9th March

Change of the exciting variety

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Mars from 9th to 11th March 2023. Exact 10th March

Satisfaction is a state of mind. We are only ever briefly satisfied with any situation in our world because need always exists for us to want more or to sustain in some way the level of satisfaction we're feeling. That doesn't make us ungrateful or selfish. No situation is stagnant or without a change in some way. In your personal world now, there is a challenge you must rise to.

This will require as much energy and attention that you can give to it. There is a change you must bring about, and once you embark upon the task of making it happen, a process will move quite quickly. Imagine yourself seated in a rollercoaster that has begun moving.

Once the process has begun, you have no option other than to see it through. Despite any fear or reservations you might have about what you must do now, you are likely to find the experience more thrilling than daunting. Do what needs doing, take action where it's needed and be receptive to the fact that you could actually end up enjoying the ride.

Also on Thursday

Bring it out into the open

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Pluto from 9th to 11th March 2023. Exact 10th March

Artists know when to walk away from their masterpiece. As tempting as it might be to add another dab of paint here or there, they reach a point where they know enough is enough and further adding will risk ruining what they've worked hard to create.

In your personal world now, there is more going on than meets the eye. A need exists for you to get right to the root of a particular issue and, to do this, you're going to have to know when the time is right to cease 'adding' to it. You're going to have to dig deep within your inner wisdom to know when to step back and decide that you don't want to add any more to something that needs nothing more added to it.

This will require you to face up to a few difficult facts. Something needs to be brought out into the open and exposed – without secrecy or hidden agendas that might have been a part of it until now.

Once you're able to look at the issue objectively and fairly, you'll soon see how much easier it is to make progress and bring considerably closer a cherished goal you've long wanted to be within reach.

Also on Thursday

No second chances to make first impressions

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Ascendant from 9th to 12th March 2023. Exact 11th March

Do opposites attract? There is much evidence that they do. However, we know how magnets repel what doesn't suit them. In your personal world now, you need to consider how, through ways in which you're projecting yourself to others - or a particular person - you could be pushing away someone you ought to be closer with.

Consider how you're expressing yourself and to what extent aggression could be playing a part in what you do or say. Consider also how you're projecting yourself regarding your appearance. Be honest with yourself. Does appearance mean less to you than it once did, and might you be seen in a self-defeating way?

How you convey or project yourself now is likely to be opposite to how you'd ideally like to be seen. Don't make it unnecessarily difficult for others to get to know you. Give thought to how you can present yourself more enticingly.

Also on Thursday

Clearing the air

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Uranus from 9th to 14th March 2023. Exact 12th March

Each of has a limit to how much we will tolerate regarding an undesirable situation. Some of us have long fuses. Others, well, it doesn't take much for them to air their frustrations or anger. You appear to be experiencing – or are about to experience – an outburst of sorts that will make very clear where your or someone else's frustrations lie.

This probably stems from a perceived obstacle hindering romantic or relationship progress in some way. Let the air clear. Give tense energy a chance to subside before pursuing the matter. Once you and you and you-know-who assess and discuss the matter rationally, you can learn from it and put the tense episode behind you.

Sunday 12th March

Tackle it confidently

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Pluto from 12th to 14th March 2023. Exact 13th March

The word 'worry' is, interestingly, derived from an old Anglo-Saxon word, 'wyrgan' which means 'to strangulate.' We all know how worrying about something is counterproductive yet somehow manage to continue doing it.

In your relationship world, you could be identifying a reason to worry or feel a sense of panic. It's possible a fear is being nurtured. Even if you feel such feelings are justified and very real, circumstances are encouraging you now to accept that an issue needs to be faced and dealt with confidently.

It requires action, not fed with fear. You can tackle what needs tackling and, provided you're willing to bring the issue out into the light where it can be seen clearly and put in place a strategy to resolve it, then success is assured.

Also on Sunday

Reasons to be hopeful

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Neptune from 12th to 15th March 2023. Exact 14th March

If we're presented with paper money in any currency, provided we're reassured it's genuine then we're willing to accept it's worth what we understand it to be worth. We don't need to see the same value in coins to reassure us. We take at face value what we see on paper.

We sometimes underestimate how important it is to have faith in what we can see, but we know how investing faith in something we can't see isn't always as easy. That's where intuition comes in.

You need to use and trust your intuition now. Above all, be willing to be optimistic and seek the hidden, practical advantage in any development that arises, not matter how daunting it might appear.

Even if you feel you might struggle to do any of the above, then relax. You're about to be given a very good reason to feel more hopeful where you have felt pessimistic of late. From there, the rest will be up to you as long as you're willing to trust what your deepest instincts tell you.

Monday 13th March

Keep it simple

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Ascendant from 13th to 14th March 2023. Exact 14th March

It's amazing how leaving one word out of a sentence can change it dramatically. When we're trying to make a point or convey ideas to others, then doing so successfully relies entirely upon them grasping and fully understanding the point we're making.

We know, from experience, that people don't always understand what we try to tell them despite our efforts to do all we can to ensure they do. If what you're trying to convey to a certain person appears to be hard work, then rethink how you're conveying it. Remove all assumption from the equation.

Start again if you feel you must do so. Take your time, count to ten, let your words emerge confidently and see what changes in a close connection by doing so.

Also on Monday

The danger of making assumptions

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Uranus from 13th to 15th March 2023. Exact 14th March

There's an old saying that goes 'never assume because doing so will make an ass out of you and me.' It's a somewhat clever play on the letters within the word, but we all know what problems can arise from making assumptions sometimes.

It's important you guard against certain expectations in some way now. You could be making at least one very large assumption and would be well advised not to treat anything as gospel without checking a few facts first.

A particular climate is volatile enough without being made more complicated through such errors of judgment. Don't hesitate to be a Doubting Thomas wherever possible and avoid, wherever possible, any temptation to jump to particular conclusions.

Sunday 12th March

Yes sir, no sir…

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Saturn from 12th to 17th March 2023. Exact 15th March

Authority figures often have different ideas to the rest of us. What makes perfect sense to them regarding how and why something should be done a certain way sometimes confuses us.

This is often because they assume we have had the same train of thought about rules or procedures as they have and when they discover we haven't, that's when tension or problems arise. Your relationship with a certain person – possibly in a position of authority – needs careful care now.

Limitations are being imposed upon you. The more you can smile, nod and do what's being asked of you, the more you will play a helpful role in dissipating a potentially tense situation.

Tuesday 14th March

Seeing what needs to be seen

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Neptune from 14th to 16th March 2023. Exact 15th March

Every day and within every situation we encounter, there is beauty and magic to be seen. It can take strength and courage to see what is less beautiful or magical sometimes and you have recently had to summon strength and courage to accept something in your world.

Your outlook, particularly where your world of relationships is concerned, is one of clarity, understanding, and positivity.

You are in a much better position now to make a choice than you were recently and, through being better informed now than you were, can expect to have your spirits lifted enormously. That doesn't mean every answer you seek to a confusing or difficult situation will become available, but you will gain enough information shortly to be able to proceed confidently and feel more reassured.

Also on Tuesday

Focus on the bright side

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Uranus from 14th to 16th March 2023. Exact 15th March

We often hear people speak of something called 'Murphy's Law.' This old saying applies to whatever can go wrong, going wrong. Such situations usually take us by surprise, and such a surprise is not usually one we welcome.

You can, if you wish, become despondent or resentful about a certain development but, before you do, look at how it is unlikely to have been prevented. You know something wasn't 'right' or needed improving so look closely at how a setback is spurring you on in some way.

You have no reason to feel depressed, defeated or desperate. It is time to let go of an old expectation and focus on numerous benefits attached to starting afresh in some way.

You're in the throes of reassessing and re-evaluating what - and whom - matters most to you and will soon see how gloriously bright your future is.

Also on Tuesday

Taking the initiative

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Moon from 14th to 16th March 2023. Exact 15th March

We learn from a young age that, if we don't 'ask,' we don't 'get.'

It becomes clear that some level of proactivity and possibly even imagination are needed if we're to make something happen. It also becomes clear that, sometimes, we need to remove ourselves from comfort zones, even if doing so makes us feel uncomfortable or have to face one or two difficult facts doing so.

As much as you would prefer not to rock a proverbial boat and simply accept rather than question a situation now, if you do not already see evidence of a need to take the initiative and bring change where it is needed, then you will do, soon enough.

Turning the other cheek, avoiding confrontation wherever possible or doing anything for a quiet and easy life are admirable traits, but they're not always practical. It's time to summon courage and take a brave step forward where a certain situation or individual is concerned. Where a relaxed attitude has been helpful so far, the time has come to put your foot down and send a clear message that you can choose to take the initiative when you know you must.

Also on Tuesday

Confidence in measured doses

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Jupiter from 14th to 16th March 2023. Exact 15th March

We hear people say that they or others 'don't know their own strength.' Throughout history and in popular culture, there have been many characters who possessed superhuman strength and, despite being able to make spectacular things happen, often found themselves wishing they were a bit more delicate or sensitive.

In your personal world now, you are being blessed with an impressive ability to cause things to happen with the sheer force of your will. This, combined with an ability to be smart and generally lucky, is putting you in a very strong position. Be careful.

Avoid any tendency to be unnecessarily forceful or overly determined. Where your relationships with certain people – and likely one person in particular – are concerned, you can achieve a spectacular result. Be realistic and confident. But not too confident!

Also on Tuesday

No cutting corners

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Saturn from 14th to 16th March 2023. Exact 15th March

We crave predictability and then, at times, abhor it. We accept the need for order and structure in our world yet so many of us resist or oppose it.

Many in the scientific world will confirm that 'all things happen for a reason.' Any action always causes a reaction, and we can all identify times in our lives when we undertook tasks 'properly' or 'by the book.' That's because we understood that, to do something properly, we need to take it one step at a time and ensure one step has been done properly before embarking on the next step.

That sums up a situation in your personal world now. There's no point in thinking you can run before you can walk. Neither is there a need to go to extremes to make a point. You don't need to give more effort to a cause, situation or arrangement than you know is absolutely necessary. What matters is you understand the need to do something properly, slowly and in the way it is supposed to be done.

Resist any temptation to cut corners, give what effort is needed and all will be fine.

Wednesday 15th March

A way with words

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Moon from 15th to 16th March 2023. Exact 16th March

When can you last recall words flowing freely to the point where you surprised yourself with how easily you said them? When did you last Speak from your heart and reveal effortlessly what you felt? You should find making your point or conveying your feelings, at least with words, considerably easier now.

If there's something you've wanted to say to a special person in your world, then if you're willing to make an effort to do so now, you could find your words and emotions flow delightfully. It will probably be the genuine sensitivity that underpins them that touches someone's heart.

Also on Wednesday

Step back in time

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Saturn from 15th to 16th March 2023. Exact 16th March

Scriptwriters often create characters who have something called a 'wound.' This is not usually a physical injury; it is something that happened to the character, often before the story began, that hurt them.

Through this, they learned much about life, how it works and their place within it. As the story progresses, the character must return a situation they have dreaded ever experiencing again, and this involves confronting their fear about what hurt them previously. Somewhere in your world, you have to do the same now.

There is something you must learn through revisiting something from your past. See this as an essential step forward toward a fine future, not a backward step. What you discover now through whatever happened previously will prove invaluable from this point onward.

Also on Wednesday

Let the real you emerge

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Sun from 15th to 17th March 2023. Exact 16th March

There's a certain person in your world deserving of more respect than you're showing them. There's a particular individual concerned unnecessarily about how they're seen in the eyes of certain others. You know this person very well and, to discover their identity, all you have to do is look in the nearest mirror.

In your personal world, need exists for you to muster a bit more self-respect and dignity than you might be used to mustering. That doesn't mean you have a specific reason to be more self-respectful, but neither does it mean one isn't being created.

If you really want to emerge from any situation with the ability to walk tall and proud, then abandon entirely any concerns about how you look in the eyes of others. Trust what you feel to be right and don't succumb to any pressure from certain others about what you ought to be feeling.

Friday 17th March

Happily ever after

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Jupiter from 17th to 18th March 2023. Exact 18th March

Most leading fairy tale characters tend to live 'happily ever after.' Whether or not they did is something we will never know. All that we know is, one chapter in their respective worlds ended and another began and, in your world now, something awkward or tense has ended, and something better is beginning.

If you're not already seeing evidence that life is becoming sweeter, noticeably more sensible and logical, then you will soon enough. This can only have a very positive knock-on effect to your relationships and with one person in particular.

Positive and encouraging news is on its way to you, and this should help you to strike a deal or implement an arrangement of agreement that has needed discussion for some time. All you need to do is be receptive to making the positive change.

Also on Friday

Facing what needs to be faced

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Mercury from 17th to 19th March 2023. Exact 18th March

When we feel unable to relax, the last thing we want to hear is someone telling us to relax. After all, we have our reasons for feeling tetchy, nervous or apprehensive and believe that anyone who tries to convince us otherwise clearly is unable to grasp what we believe we understand.

There are, however, limits to how much anyone can worry. In your personal world now, it's important you accept how, through ignoring something that needs to be acknowledged, you're not coming close to creating a solution.

Through denying the existence of a problem, you also deny yourself an opportunity to take constructive action to remedy it. Deal now with what you are trying to ignore. It isn't as daunting as it appears, and life will become sweeter once you have faced what needs facing.

Also on Friday

Exploring your options

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Sun from 17th to 19th March 2023. Exact 18th March

People often speak about being 'stuck in ruts.' It's interesting how many people are willing to accept that's how things must be. They convince themselves that a rut they find themselves in will require more effort than they're prepared to give to remove themselves from it, or they fear change that will come as a result of doing so.

You are being presented with an opportunity to instigate a change that will get you out of a rut that you may feel you're stuck in.

It's possible you can remove yourself from a tedious drama and, where your relationship with someone is concerned, introduce life where tedium is all too present. You have more choices than you thought you did and that's precisely what needs to be understood now.

Saturday 18th March

The truth needs respect

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Mercury from 18th to 20th March 2023. Exact 19th March

We're sometimes accused of 'kidding ourselves.' We often have good reason to resent such a comment. After all, why would someone else be so quick to draw a conclusion about how they feel we've drawn an incorrect or inaccurate conclusion? Where your relationship world is concerned, you have a very good reason to believe you know the truth about something someone else is inclined to think you've grasped the wrong end of the proverbial stick about.

Stick with what you know to be right and real. The truth deserves respect now, and you're in a perfect position to support it, based on what your intuition is telling you.

Also on Saturday

An investigative adventure

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Jupiter from 18th to 20th March 2023. Exact 19th March

Do you own a deerstalker hat, curved Calabash pipe, and a magnifying glass? Anyone donning or holding these items would be easily identifiable as Sherlock Holmes and, in an area of your personal world now, need exists for you to become a sleuth of some kind.

There's a need to acquire information, canvass opinion and research every aspect of a particular story. You probably have your suspicions about the outcome of your efforts but are also aware of dangers surrounding being too impulsive - or assumptive - now.

What you need to confirm requires effort on your part to uncover what needs to be uncovered or identify what is waiting to be identified. Then, once you've finished your fact-gathering exercise, you can expect to find yourself surprised and then delighted in some way with what you discover.

Sunday 19th March

Courage will bring a positive outcome

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Sun from 19th to 21st March 2023. Exact 20th March

When faced with a task or decision that doesn't exactly fill us with inspiration or confidence, we sometimes create reasons, consciously or unconsciously, to avoid or postpone it.

That's a natural reaction and doesn't mean we're weak. Life, after all, is to be enjoyed and we reserve the right to prolong for as much as we can enjoyment we're experiencing.

In an area of your personal world now, it is probably becoming clear that a difficult conversation needs to be had or an awkward fact needs to be faced. The fact that you might be postponing doing anything about either or both could stem from your belief that you've accurately pre-judged an outcome, when, in fact, you might not have.

With a tense relationship, situation or arrangement, there's more fluidity and flexibility than you think. That's why you can and ought to raise difficult topics without fear of feeling afraid, ashamed or guilty.

By taking a brave step forward, facing what needs to be faced and taking action reinforced by the belief that a positive outcome is available, you can expect to feel more confident and hopeful, very soon.

Tuesday 21st March

Free yourself from a repetitive situation

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Mercury from 21st to 23rd March 2023. Exact 22nd March

Despite what happened yesterday, many of us will continue to do tomorrow what we did today. That's a somewhat complex way of saying we are all creatures of habit. We resent repetition on one level yet crave it on another.

In your personal world, you're presented with an opportunity to break free from a tired and tedious drama. You are no longer obliged to stick what is tried and tested or very familiar.

If you're willing to invest some effort in releasing yourself from a repetitive situation that no longer suits you, then it can be done. It won't be long before you discover how many other, more suitable options are available to you.

Wednesday 22nd March

Cooperation is key

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 22nd to 24th March 2023. Exact 24th March

Some people always insist on 'getting their way.' They tend to be largely unconcerned about what matters to others. All that does matter, it seems, is that they 'win' in some way. Such people want those they're trying to persuade to simply succumb and do what's demanded of them.

In your personal world now, you are likely adopting a completely contrary point of view in some way. You know that to get what – or whom – you want, you don't have to be heavy-handed. You need encourage peace and harmony, and you'll discover it will prevail over any tension.

To make progress on personal or romantic fronts, be seen to be approachable and willing to compromise where necessary. The key to progress now relies entirely upon cooperation, not obstruction.

Sunday 26th March

It is love that makes the world go around

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Venus from 26th to 28th March 2023. Exact 27th March

People employed in the financial world often tell us that the past should not be a guideline for the future when investing. Anyone shrewd enough to consider investing in such companies is usually aware of that fact.

Money, they say makes the world go around and if we decide we need money or more of it, then there are options available to us or steps we can take that investment of effort will change.

What about love though? Can we bring about love or more love in our world by making a similar effort? There's enough money in the world for anyone who wants some or more of it but is there a finite amount of love available to us during our lifetimes? Prepare to discover how no such limit exists through being very aware of how loved you are.

Tuesday 28th March

If you want agreement, then ask for it

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Ascendant from 28th to 29th March 2023. Exact 29th March

If one person takes on board or has faith in what we're telling them, then that bodes well for others doing similarly. If, in a group situation, we find that something we're suggesting or proposing is met with receptiveness and approval, then there's clearly relevance to what we're saying.

You can make tangible progress or improve a love connection in some way by conveying to someone in your world something you feel is important and must be said. If you've had reservations about speaking up previously for any reason, then abandon them now. You have a point to make, can make it confidently and expect it to be met with agreement if make your point or pose your question confidently. It might be your confidence or enthusiasm that wins them over.

Wednesday 29th March

Stand back and smile

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Mars from 29th to 30th March 2023. Exact 30th March

Tense situations tend to escalate. They do so if we don't want them to. They certainly do so if we encourage them to. Somewhere in your world, an intense debate is either brewing or happening. In the same way animals lock horns, it appears you and a certain person are doing similar. There is a way you can seriously reduce or eliminate altogether the amount of stress involved in this scenario.

The key to doing so surrounds being less determined to retain control over something you really ought to be less concerned about. Rather than invest time in waiting for an ideal outcome to present itself and invest even more time and energy into a heated discussion, detach yourself and be as congenial and accommodating as possible.

This drama won't last long, and you can be instrumental in it having a happy ending.

Thursday 30th March

Call off the quest for perfection

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Venus from 30th March 2023 to 1st April 2023. Exact 31st March

We know nobody's perfect. We also know nothing in life is perfect, either. Even that which appears perfect has imperfections if we're prepared to find them. But why would we want to find that which isn't perfect within something that appears perfect? With that in mind, what levels of perfection are you expecting within your personal world now? Of course, your relationships with certain others will never be perfect.

That's what makes them so fascinating and intriguing. Things might not be as smooth and comfortable as you'd like them to be but the drama you sense looming on the horizon is unlikely to be anywhere near as tense, important or threatening as it appears, either.

All you need to do now to bring about a near-perfect result in your relationship world is refrain from worrying or focusing too intently on finding perfection where 'near perfection' will suffice!

Forecast for April 2023

Saturday 1st April

Seeing a situation as it really is

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Jupiter from 1st to 3rd April 2023. Exact 2nd April

If you're not seeing eye-to-eye with a certain person or are aware that tension is escalating between you and them, then coming developments could help. However, that doesn't necessarily mean such help won't bring further tension because a certain situation might need to worsen slightly before it can be improved. Think of the saying about the need to break eggs sometimes!

There appears to be uncertainty between you and someone close regarding an arrangement and where it goes from here. You're not as trapped as you might believe you are.

If you're willing to make progress and improve an arrangement that may no longer be valid and in need of updating, then a superb opportunity exists to do so now. The key to achieving this lies with you not seeing an issue as being bigger or more daunting than it really is.

Also on Saturday

Bring it out into the open

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Pluto from 1st to 3rd April 2023. Exact 2nd April

People talk about skeletons residing in closets. They speak of issues being swept under carpets. There are always issues we prefer to keep hidden, but we know, in our hearts, when certain issues deserve to see the light of day. We owe it to ourselves and those closest to us to allow what needs to be brought out into the open to no longer be hidden under a veil of secrecy.

In your personal world, your attention is being drawn to a fact that must be faced. You can ignore it for a little while longer but be assured that, very soon, you will have to give it attention. When this happens, it will be good news.

Facing what needs to be faced will expose what has been kept secret for too long and cease to cause you to feel as if you're obliged to pretend you're comfortable in a situation that makes you feel otherwise. It's time to pursue an opportunity that you simply haven't felt was viable and, by finally doing so, you will achieve what or whom you truly desire - and deserve!

Sunday 2nd April

Smile sweetly and look for what truly deserves your attention

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Sun from 2nd to 4th April 2023. Exact 3rd April

Should you turn the other cheek? Should you ignore provocation? Doing either will require much self-control. It will also require faith on your part because the act of ignoring such a bothersome factor is one that is unlikely be done easily. If you want to involve yourself in a pointless debate, then you can.

However, all the indications are, where tension exists between you and a certain person, you ought to avoid a drama that is better left alone. Something more constructive needs your time and attention. Look closely at what is far more simple, sweet and clearer and focus on that.

Monday 3rd April

Time to be selective

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Mercury from 3rd to 5th April 2023. Exact 4th April

We often resent having no options available to us. Then, we resent having too many. We like having a choice, but not too much choice. It is through having a bit too much choice in your relationship world now that is causing you to make what can only be described as a controversial decision – and making that is likely to bring about a controversial result!

Avoid giving time and attention to something or someone unworthy of both. With little effort, you can identify what or whom does deserve your attention. From there, you can make a decision that brings tangible and potentially heart-warming progress – and might cease a few tongues from wagging!

Tuesday 4th April

Balancing practicality with magic

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Neptune from 4th to 6th April 2023. Exact 5th April

Each of us is blessed with imagination and creativity. Both are hindered only by doubt and how we refrain from developing our talents and imaginations for reasons we create ourselves. Sometimes, this happens because we prefer to focus on what appears logical and practical. We believe both to be more sensible and that focusing on both will always provide 'the right answer.'

In your personal world now, there exists a need to create a balance between applying imagination and sensibility to a particular issue. Your head is conveying one message, yet your heart has a different agenda.

It's important to see a situation involving someone else by removing rose-tinted glasses, yet there also needs to be preparedness on your part to spot the magic that exists within a relationship. Be creative, be imaginative but keep both feet on the ground while doing so. That way, you will be able to identify a practical solution that retains all that is special between you and you-know-who.

Also on Tuesday

The power of imagination

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Uranus from 4th to 6th April 2023. Exact 5th April

What do we mean we say someone is 'imaginative' or 'creative'? We tend to associate such words with possessing artistic or musical abilities, yet there are many people who possess no writing, artistic or designing abilities who are blessed with potent imaginations.

Sometimes, to make progress when we feel we're struggling, we have no option other than to apply some creative thinking and, in your personal world now, that's precisely what you're being encouraged to do.

Through adopting an open mind and being willing to apply imagination, you're extremely well placed to set your personal, emotional or romantic life on a firmer, more meaningful - and hopefully less stressful – footing. To achieve this, you need to take a brave step into the unknown and, by applying imagination and creativity you're blessed with now, can achieve wonderful and heart-warming success.

Wednesday 5th April

Listen to your heart

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Moon from 5th to 7th April 2023. Exact 6th April

Apparently, each of us possesses powers of extrasensory perception, known otherwise as ESP. Interestingly, each of us can use the powers of our intuition to see into the future. Whether it's ESP or intuition we've developed the use of, all we're ever given are glimpses into what might happen or could potentially unfold.

Similarly, in your personal world now, you're starting to get a strong inkling into what's coming next in your life. Let this motivate, inspire and guide you but don't turn it into a fixed expectation.

While you're undoubtedly becoming more psychic as well as more creative, you need to be sure that you are tuning in to your inner-voice of wisdom and not your inner-voice of fear. Your heart is in the future, tending to the best interests of the people you care about and it's beckoning to you to follow it now.

Also on Wednesday

Look closely to see what's good

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Saturn from 5th to 7th April 2023. Exact 6th April

Imagine how dull life would be if we didn't have to do various things we didn't want to do. Where would the thrill of overcoming a challenge be? Where would we draw inspiration to seek new and exciting challenges that await us?

We can postpone some tasks or obligations that don't exactly excite or inspire us but regardless of what bores or daunts us; we can either endure discomfort surrounding what we have to do or find a way to see it as exciting - or even learn to love - whatever it is we dislike. In your personal world now, you might not be able to change an undesirable situation, but you can change your attitude toward it.

If you're willing to look closely at what is good in a situation you're inclined to believe is more tedious or uninspiring, then you will soon see it from a much more positive perspective.

Also on Wednesday

Time to be brave

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Venus from 5th to 8th April 2023. Exact 7th April

To what extent might fear of failure or rejection be preventing you from attaining what – or whom – you desire?

You know what you want yet appear to have a fear of declaring or asking for it. Perhaps, it seems easier to give just a tiny bit of yourself or your desires away than lay fully your proverbial cards on the table.

Through convincing yourself that failure or rejection are assured, you're not making the brave moves you need to. It's necessary to give full concentration and focus if you are to be successful with your secret plan.

The first thing to do surrounds making it a secret no longer. Be honest, at least with yourself. Then, make a heartfelt and concerted effort to reach for what (or who) you love.

Saturday 8th April

Care with Clarity

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 8th to 10th April 2023. Exact 9th April

Back in medieval times, kings and queens had Court Jesters, individuals whose role involved entertaining monarchs. It was in Jesters' best interests to ensure the king or queen laughed when they were supposed to. Otherwise, Jesters often met with an untimely end. Think though, what might have happened if one poor Jester was sent to his death and the king or queen fell about laughing having 'got' a joke after it was too late. It's important that you make no assumption now about someone understanding a point you're keen to convey.

Don't take the fact that they're nodding as acceptance or understanding on their part. Take your time to ensure you're not misunderstood. Something this important is worth getting right.

Also on Saturday

Confidence is key

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 8th to 11th April 2023. Exact 10th April

We know how attractive confident people can be. We know how attractive we feel when people are appreciative of us and our abilities. In your relationship world now, you're about to experience a much-needed boost to your confidence, and this has strong implications regarding what you can make happen that you truly want to make happen.

Guard against a perceived need to use extreme measures to achieve this, though. What you're experiencing now is the result of having pushed your luck in the past. You don't need to find a big, 'new' solution. All you need to do is channel confidence into allowing an existing solution to give itself a chance to work – and it will!

Sunday 9th April

Turning heads

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Ascendant from 9th to 11th April 2023. Exact 10th April

Are you a good storyteller? Have you considered hiring yourself out to parties that need an injection of life given to them? If you're not already aware of how engaging and attractive your personality is becoming, then you will do shortly.

There is no doubt that confident people can be attractive in the eyes of many others, but you're blessed with confidence mixed with very strong powers of attraction in other ways, and these could include outgoingness and an enviable sense of light-heartedness.

There could even be a hint of competitiveness in your actions that can only add to your powers of attraction. Simply be yourself now and allow the real you to shine confidently within social circles. You're turning heads for all of the right reasons!

Also on Sunday

The secret to happiness isn't so elusive

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Sun from 9th to 11th April 2023. Exact 11th April

Is there a recipe for happiness? Do we need to stick to a rigid plan to be happy? In some ways, we do, but when we become too rigid to something that should be spontaneous, we lose the potential for happiness as well as some of the magic needed to create it.

In your personal world now, you have much support available to you to attain what so many people spend lifetimes trying to find or manifest – happiness!

You have a rare opportunity to experience a rise in your status in more than one person's eyes, but it is one person in particular who looks set to see you in a much different and positive way. That, in turn, will relieve pressure in a relationship where you've long wanted to experience it.

Also on Sunday

It's all about having a plan…

Transiting Mars Trines your natal MidHeaven from 9th to 13th April 2023. Exact 11th April

To make anything happen, we need a plan. Even if we haven't sat down with a pen and paper or in front of a computer to create one, we are still following a plan of some kind if achieving something is important to us.

What plan are you following now? Is it one that is destined for success or failure? Perhaps it's time to determine if you are following a plan or are heading in a direction in a rudderless way. If you suspect your involvement with something or someone is heading in a direction that needs guidance or brought back on track, then now is a perfect time to do it.

Monday 10th April

An adventure awaits

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Mars from 10th to 13th April 2023. Exact 12th April

People often speak about their desire for 'an easy life.' While we might express a desire for such a thing occasionally, in our hearts, we know that a life without challenge would be a dull life indeed.

Perhaps, in your personal world now, the last thing you want is a challenge. You're under intense pressure and likely aware of a strong urge to prove yourself in some way or instigate change on some level.

What's needed now is perseverance, determination, a generous helping of willpower and, above all, insight. There's something you need to explore. There's an answer you need to find.

Part of you might suspect that 'nearly' knowing something or knowing only a part of it is enough. You know, in your heart, that you need the whole story and all of the facts. You're being encouraged to accept a challenge and invest levels of effort needed to overcome it but have faith in the fact that you have all that you need, and your chances of success are extremely high.

Tuesday 11th April

There's nothing like a 'Eureka Moment'

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Mercury from 11th to 13th April 2023. Exact 12th April

Sometimes, we experience things called 'Eureka Moments.' We can feel relieved or amazed when we make a vital discovery or something that has been problematic finally 'clicks' into place.

In your personal world now, such a discovery awaits you. You're about to be blessed with ingenuity. There's no need for you to work harder or smarter. Whatever plans or ideas come to light will be simple, obvious and effective.

Where your relationships are concerned, you're about to see how using your imagination will allow you to gain valuable insight into a problem and how you can then explore new ground. This is a time to believe in magic. Let a wonderful discovery reveal itself now.

Monday 17th April

Don't sell yourself short

Transiting Venus Squares your natal MidHeaven from 17th to 19th April 2023. Exact 18th April

Relationships are two-way things. We know what we expect from another person, and they usually have a clear idea what they ideally want from us. Given that we know this two-way process must exist, we still struggle to meet others' expectations or their demands.

If, in your personal or relationship world now, you're trying to seek love or approval, then be aware of lengths you ought to go to attain either. You could be at risk of investing more effort than is required and altering unnecessarily how you're seen in the eyes of others.

Don't sell yourself short in the belief that onus is entirely on you to take the initiative where the process should be two-fold.

Also on Monday

You can rebuild it

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Jupiter from 17th to 20th April 2023. Exact 19th April

Weightlifters understand the concept that building muscle requires muscle fibers to be broken down and allowed to rebuild during a healing process. When they rebuild themselves, they are bigger, better and stronger than before.

The analogy holds some relevance in your personal world now. Something needs to be broken down and rebuilt in some way. However, it's important you focus on how much better a romantic or relationship situation or arrangement will be from doing so.

If something feels right and makes you feel confident and assured, then chances are it doesn't need much of your attention. Focus instead on what you know to be uncertain or unstable. It can be fixed provided you're willing to instigate necessary change that can both heal and strengthen what needs healing or strengthening.

Tuesday 18th April

Don't let fear cause an opportunity to be missed

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Sun from 18th to 21st April 2023. Exact 20th April

We make predictions every day. Sometimes, we're unaware of how many we actually make. Some of these we predict accurately, particularly if we have something historical to refer to. Sometimes, we don't fare quite so well, but that needn't always be cause for consolation.

Where you feel inclined to make certain predictions in an area of your personal world now, don't believe you need to own a crystal ball or possess unique psychic abilities. Investing belief in such things is as unnecessary as investing belief in the fact that whatever it is you're predicting is doomed to failure.

Fear, trepidation or a confidence crisis could be causing you to miss a wonderful opportunity presenting itself. Don't convince yourself that, by focusing on what you believe could go wrong, you're protecting yourself. Assume all will be well, act as if all will be well and you will discover, to your delight, that all will be well.

Thursday 20th April

Smile and walk away

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Mercury from 20th to 23rd April 2023. Exact 22nd April

Few people love an argument. They might enjoy rising to the occasion, so to speak, but rarely is there any pleasure to be had from engaging in heated discussion or negotiation.

In your personal world now, you have a choice. You can allow yourself to be involved in an argument, intense debate or a very challenging suggestion or you can simply smile and walk away from any of the above.

Of course, doing the latter will require considerable self-control on your part as well as a reasonable amount of faith. You could even find yourself wondering if you dare ignore what appears such a demanding and bothersome issue.

It would, however, be better to detach yourself from the matter presenting itself now than pursue a long, exhausting diversion with what will ultimately prove to be a difficult - and irrelevant - option.

Monday 24th April

Take notice of what's begging to be noticed

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Venus from 24th to 27th April 2023. Exact 26th April

Would you like to experience a breakthrough? Does the thought of being presented with a chance to instigate a new and very different plan in your personal world hold any appeal? As much as you might be inclined to answer 'yes' to both questions, you could (understandably) have reservations about what will change or if a breakthrough or chance to bring about a much-needed change will bring what you truly desire.

You're in an exceptional position now to experience both. For this to happen, you need only heed the idea that is begging you to take notice of it. If you are willing to see how much potential is on offer from seizing an opportunity now, then something truly heart-warming can make its way to you.

Thursday 27th April

Pushing obsession aside

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Pluto from 27th to 29th April 2023. Exact 28th April

Something is fascinating you. Whatever it is, appears to matter a great deal to you. Why does it matter? The answer to that question has much to do with how much emphasis you're putting on it – and a seemingly strong desire you have to give it so much attention. In your personal world now, you're being pushed in a very distinct direction and to make a decision.

You're encouraged strongly to make a choice and, to do this, it's important you accept what or whom might have become an obsession and why you need to be more objective. To make progress, you need to curb a tendency to think of nothing else than the one issue or person that occupies so much of your thinking time.

This is a time to gain perspective and make decisions based on fact or at least what feels truly right and sensible and not be bullied into following a path of least resistance simply because it appears an easier or most prominent option.

Also on Thursday

Beauty is more than skin deep

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Ascendant from 27th to 29th April 2023. Exact 29th April

Is beauty only 'skin deep'? We know how beautiful some people are on the inside despite not possessing physical qualities that magazines and websites adorned with airbrushed models glorify constantly. How attractive do you feel now and are you truly aware of how attractive you are to certain others?

Your physical attractiveness is powerful now but pales in comparison to levels of inner beauty you possess. Beauty and attractiveness, whether they be inner or external, aren't always viewable with the eye. You have an exceptional opportunity now to attract others through your love of beauty, harmony and having such a friendly and affectionate attitude toward those around you.

Use all that you're being blessed with now where such attractive qualities are concerned, and you cannot fail to become closer to at least one admirer keen to become closer to you!

Also on Thursday

A meeting of like minds

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 27th to 30th April 2023. Exact 29th April

Confidence, we know, can be an attractive quality for someone to possess. We are drawn toward people who exude confidence and impress us with their 'make things happen' attitudes and beliefs.

Before we can feel confident though, we usually want to see some evidence of confidence having played a part in us achieving success previously. You're superbly placed now to benefit from a significant confidence boost that is bound to encourage you to look at what you have achieved and what else might be possible.

Personal success and social accomplishment are on offer. Through putting yourself in a proverbial spotlight, you will discover how much attention you attract and transforming your personal world through a linking of like minds is very possible.

Saturday 29th April

Embrace long-awaited change

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Mars from 29th April 2023 to 1st May 2023. Exact 30th April

It's not often we have to pinch ourselves to believe something is happening to us. It's great when we find ourselves so amazed at what has transpired that we have to do something to confirm we're not dreaming.

You could be tempted to do something similar now as a development appears to be unfolding that you've wanted to see happen for a long time. A new phase of your life is about to begin, and you have an exceptional opportunity to 'break new ground' where your personal world is concerned.

Where certain relationships are concerned, there are rules that can be rewritten and horizons expanded. All that is required from you is confidence mixed with a tiny amount of courage. Be brave and accepting of the long-awaited change unfolding now. Above all, believe it is yours for the taking.

Forecast for May 2023

Sunday 30th April

Stepping up to the plate

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Uranus from 30th April 2023 to 2nd May 2023. Exact 1st May

Sometimes, we feel a need to instigate change for the sake of instigating change. Other times, we do this to send a clear message to certain people that we are in control of ourselves or situations when we believe perception exists otherwise. In your personal world now, there exists a need to create a 'mini-revolution.'

In some way, you have been restricted and held back for too long, and you're very aware of what has become unacceptable within a situation or arrangement. You're being granted an ability to express yourself now and while the urge to rebel is likely intensifying, so too is a perceived need to remove yourself entirely from an undesirable scenario.

Soon, what doesn't make sense will make sense. For now, trust how you're being challenged and all that appears awkward is helping you to re-evaluate everything. Once done, you will bring about the very change you've long wanted to see happen.

Also on Sunday

Do what you fear most, and your fear will disappear

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Pluto from 30th April 2023 to 4th May 2023. Exact 3rd May

Despite how things may appear, you are not as alone as you perhaps believe yourself to be. You have assistance available to you, even if you cannot see it.

This is unlikely to be in the form of a person but it more likely to manifest from within you and without intending to wax lyrical about an issue that is probably causing you to be fearful, you can make something special happen now where your relationship with a certain person is concerned if you're willing to abandon a fear.

Does that sound more difficult than it's likely to be? Provided you can summon determination to overcome it while remaining calm and sensitive; you can remove a barrier and conquer a long-standing fear at the same time. This can only help you to embark upon or strengthen a relationship.

Monday 1st May

A boundary needs pushing

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Saturn from 1st to 4th May 2023. Exact 3rd May

In what way - or ways - might you be feeling trapped or restricted now? Life always provides rules and restrictions, and we understandably opt to reject many in principle yet, in practice, we know we must adhere to or obey them. Sometimes though, it becomes necessary to push a boundary or restriction, and in your personal world now, that's precisely what you're being encouraged to do.

It's time to assess what you believe to be impossible or immovable and see how far you can exceed a particular expectation. It's not necessarily a case of focusing on what's missing in your relationship world but looking closely at what you do have available to you and how, through effort, imagination and a healthy dose of courage, you can improve significantly what you do have.

It's time to accept what - or who - you truly want and remove the idea of failure from any equation surrounding getting it or them. Be brave and willing to push your luck.

Wednesday 3rd May


Care with Clarity

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 3rd to 6th May 2023. Exact 5th May

Back in medieval times, kings and queens had Court Jesters, individuals whose role involved entertaining monarchs. It was in Jesters' best interests to ensure the king or queen laughed when they were supposed to. Otherwise, Jesters often met with an untimely end. Think though, what might have happened if one poor Jester was sent to his death and the king or queen fell about laughing having 'got' a joke after it was too late. It's important that you make no assumption now about someone understanding a point you're keen to convey.

Don't take the fact that they're nodding as acceptance or understanding on their part. Take your time to ensure you're not misunderstood. Something this important is worth getting right.

Friday 5th May

Step back…quietly

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Mars from 5th to 9th May 2023. Exact 7th May

Opinions, we know, are like certain parts of our anatomy – everyone has one. It is the way some people choose to voice their opinions, and how defensively they do so that causes the most problems between them and others.

The wrong way to do this surrounds conveying an 'I'm not going to back down on this matter' attitude, and that could be what you're inclined to do where your relationship another is concerned. To say friction between you and them is waiting for an opportunity to present itself is an understatement.

You can sidestep an argument and make real, tangible progress by counting to ten and refraining from responding in a way you-know-who is expecting you to respond. Be sensitive and as understanding as you can possibly be.

Saturday 6th May

Let time bring a desired improvement

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Venus from 6th to 9th May 2023. Exact 8th May

In the same way it can be difficult to remove a song embedded in our minds, it can be as equally difficult to banish thoughts or images.

In your personal world now, there is something or someone you feel very attracted to, intrigued by and excited about but banishing this thought could prove to be an exercise in futility.

However, the good news is, you don't have to make a real, concerted effort to do anything at this stage. You can afford to wait until you're in a better position to make a move.

Have faith in the fact that your situation will improve naturally over time and, where your love life is concerned, if it leaves much to be desired then have even more faith in the fact that, very soon, you can expect proof of how desired by at least one person you are.

Sunday 7th May

You won't know unless you try

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Neptune from 7th to 11th May 2023. Exact 9th May

People often speak about a need to 'look before we leap.' Of course, this makes sense. We want to know what we're leaping into and how safe it is before we do something so rash. You have an excellent opportunity now to trust how leaping into the unknown can take you into unfamiliar but exciting territory.

If a relationship has become too predictable for your liking, then you can try bringing a bit of what's 'untried' and 'untested' into it. If you're of the opinion that a relationship needs a kickstart or an injection of life, then taking a chance with what's new or unorthodox could bring a delightful shift or improvement that rejuvenates whatever is need of rejuvenating!

Also on Sunday

Keeping your distance

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Uranus from 7th to 11th May 2023. Exact 9th May

What's needed now is space. Breathing space. Thinking space. Whatever you want to call it, a need exists to create a brief bit of distance between you and a certain person because a relationship equilibrium is changing.

An arrangement is shifting and as positive as this process is, you and someone special might be inclined to focus on differences between you that could arise as a result of what you're now adjusting to. With change, upheaval and insecurity are never far behind and it might be a bit of both that you and a certain person feel or are experiencing now.

Riding this one out is best done by allowing each other time and space to adjust to what's happening. Just like the hands of a clock only move forward, so too is something in your connection. Trust that it's positive, necessary and possibly overdue.

Tuesday 9th May

Cut the niceties and let truth reveal itself

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Pluto from 9th to 11th May 2023. Exact 10th May

Sometimes, we hear what people say but can't help wonder what it is they really mean. Other times, we're painfully aware of how easily some people can avoid discussing a particular issue.

There are also people who want to listen but fail to grasp the concept of real, meaningful communication.

In your personal world, you're likely retracing old ground where a discussion with a particular person is concerned. Where there has been little in the way of progress previously, it is through an urgent, pressing reason presenting itself now that a need to cut niceties and exchange truth exists.

It's time for you and you-know-who to 'come clean.' Believe it is best that this has happened later than not at all and it is not too late to have the discussion that needs to be had.

Also on Tuesday

Authority can be very sexy

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Moon from 9th to 13th May 2023. Exact 11th May

Men and women alike often find people in positions of authority to be attractive if not very sexy. There's something about the air of authority and confidence someone gives that makes them very appealing, and you can project yourself in such a way.

Don't underestimate the 'no-nonsense' attitude others see you projecting now. You are very likely conveying strong leadership qualities or reassuring ability to take control where one or two people would like to see you take control and you will soon see evidence of how attractive and respected you are in the eyes of more than one person.

Also on Tuesday

Keeping your cool

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Saturn from 9th to 14th May 2023. Exact 12th May

Have you ever wondered how martial arts experts remain so calm and in control one minute but able to put fists through wooden planks or blocks of concrete the next? This ability has much to do with suppressing and targeting anger or hostility.

It also has much to do with an ability to summon patience, discipline, endurance, and resistance. Might such qualities be needed by you where your relationship with a certain person is concerned?

To maintain control of a volatile situation and improve a special connection, all you need to do is smile, count to ten and let any tension dissipate. Trust that it doesn't need to be released in any other way.

Saturday 13th May

Ignore the voice of negativity

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Neptune from 13th to 15th May 2023. Exact 14th May

In Looney Tunes cartoons, characters often had an angel and a devil on either shoulder that only they could see. The angel would whisper positive words of advice and encouragement while the devil would delight in causing trouble by encouraging the character to do something he knew, in his heart, was wrong.

You have no angel or devil on your shoulder now but do possess instinct and intuition. Both often speak with us, but we can choose to ignore the positive voice we should be heeding and take too much notice of the one we shouldn't: the voice of negativity.

If we choose to ignore our intuition, it's often because we believe we're under too much pressure or it clearly cannot see the seriousness of a situation in ways our eyes can. We fear failure and how we might look in the eyes of others should we fail.

The voice of negativity is now drowning out the voice of inner wisdom. If you truly want to make progress in an area of your personal world now, then you need to learn to ignore negativity and take serious notice of the positive words of encouragement your inner wisdom offers. You know what plan of action is wrong and what plan of action is right. That's all you need to know.

Also on Saturday

Embrace the chaos

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Uranus from 13th to 15th May 2023. Exact 14th May

Sometimes, when we become aware of a need to 'sort something out,' we discover there could be benefits to going above the call of duty and making a situation more chaotic or disrupted to sort it out properly.

The same can be said about an area of your personal world now. Allow chaos trying to present itself to do so. Embrace the unusual, the unpredictable or even what appears downright disruptive. We lead lives that tend to be very orderly and predictable. You're being encouraged to allow and accept disruption in your world now and look likely to be grateful for it.

It's time to alter a situation, arrangement or agreement that has been stale and static for too long. Be willing to invite some chaos and, once the proverbial dust settles, you look set to make more than one valuable discovery.

Sunday 14th May

Bringer of harmony

Transiting Venus Trines your natal MidHeaven from 14th to 16th May 2023. Exact 15th May

Many people believe attack to be the best strategy to adopt when defending themselves. With some people, we can see their barriers appearing like rolling metallic doors, and when these become evident, they often encourage or prolong further confrontation.

You, however, are superbly placed to diffuse a tense situation and replace tension with friendliness and warmth. You needn't invest considerable effort with this. Simply be yourself, and it's possible you can create harmony effortlessly.

Your personal world can definitely be affected and influenced positively through a love of beauty and desire for peace and, through being instrumental in building bridges or assisting with the extension of olive branches, you can bring about a positive change in your romantic or personal world.

Also on Sunday

Let go to create necessary space

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Moon from 14th to 16th May 2023. Exact 15th May

Some people make plans. They then, for whatever reason, believe the plans they made need back-up plans in case original plans fail. Then, they decide backup plans need contingency plans. Such a process could go on indefinitely but is such effort really needed?

Somewhere in your personal world, there is a gift that needs to be embraced and enjoyed, not grabbed and rationed. You're under considerable pressure to be more than one place at once, solve every problem in an instant, control every aspect of your environment, please one person, influence another and prove something to someone else.

It's understandable you should feel so inclined to show strength, be the 'fixer,' the winner or the judge. Do you really want all of that? Is it not fair to say that all you truly want is to be happy, comfortable and calm?

You can achieve all three provided you're willing to let go of so much you feel obliged to retain or regain control of. If you create space by letting go of what or whom needs letting go of, then you will soon see how quickly that space is filled with something or someone so much more suitable.

Also on Sunday

Trusting instincts in the absence of facts

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Saturn from 14th to 17th May 2023. Exact 16th May

When a need to be decisive presents itself, then the process tends to be considerably easier when we believe we have all or at least enough facts to assist with the decision.

If we don't have enough facts, then what happens? That depends on how urgently we must make our decision but, more often than not, we call upon our instincts to assist us.

In your personal world now, there exists a need for you to trust your deepest instinct in the absence of factual information. Take at face value to a point what you're seeing or are being encouraged to accept is real.

Far better progress will be made if you're willing to trust what you're telling yourself. Do that, and then pursue the decision that needs to be made with all your heart.

Tuesday 16th May

Where is your effort needed most?

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal Jupiter from 16th to 20th May 2023. Exact 19th May

Do you feel as if a need exists to reassess what - or whom - you want? Is the amount of effort you're investing in a relationship - or pursuit of one - worth it? Sometimes, Olympic athletes are very happy to walk away with a silver or bronze medal if gold is, for any reason, unattainable. There's nothing wrong doing that, either.

You're encouraged to assess how likely it is you really will get what you want. You can either continue investing maximum effort or accept how downsizing your expectations slightly might bring you something you can be equally proud of – and still bring a significant and reassuring improvement to your love life.

Thursday 18th May

Remain on the side-lines

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 18th to 21st May 2023. Exact 20th May

It can be frustrating when we believe ourselves able to see what someone else cannot. A way forward might be crystal clear to us yet, for some reason, someone else simply cannot connect with it.

When this happens, some people feel inclined to take the reins and control of a situation, hoping to guide the person they believe to be misguided or oblivious to the right decision or destination.

Avoid a tendency now to believe you know what's best for others or a certain person in your world. By all means, show understanding, be willing to be supportive and compassionate but consider the fact that some people have their own agendas and are determined to stick with them.

That doesn't make either of you 'wrong' but, as much as you might believe yourself to be best placed to provide guidance or encourage someone to reconsider a belief, you could gain so much more now from stepping back and letting others do what suits them.

Also on Thursday

Unhealthy competition

Transiting Mars Opposes your natal Sun from 18th to 22nd May 2023. Exact 20th May

Company bosses and business people often speak about 'healthy competition.' As much as anyone resents having to constantly keep an eye on a competitor, this is often good for business. In the world of relationships though, it can present problems.

If we or the person we're with believe we must prove or change something about ourselves to be seen as a worthier option, then stress and tension almost always follow. In what way has competition become an issue between you and a special individual?

Look closely at what can be gained from going to considerable effort to outdo or outshine someone close now. Time and effort could be spent far more productively to strengthen rather than create any sense of 'one-upmanship' a budding connection or close relationship.

Friday 19th May

Timing and trust

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Sun from 19th to 22nd May 2023. Exact 21st May

Making what we believe to be 'the right move' relies on us possessing some degree of skill and timing. What matters now is not whether you have 'the advantage' in some way but whether or not you possess confidence and patience to know when 'the right time' exists to make 'the right move.'

Power and control you have yearned for in an area of your personal world are making their way to you. Before you can receive both properly though, you need to accept what it is you do have at your disposal: an opportunity.

Be prepared to trust in ways you have been unwilling to trust previously. This will help you to identify the opportunity presenting itself and the wonderful possibility that accompanies it.

It will soon be within your abilities to make something seemingly minor into something very significant. When you see evidence of this, then you can expect soon afterward to see a noticeable boost to your confidence and optimism levels.

Sunday 21st May

Confidence brings support

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Mercury from 21st to 24th May 2023. Exact 23rd May

At what point do we become aware that we've given enough effort to a particular area? This usually coincides with a clear message that comes to us from deep within our brains that we're pleased with a result, for the time being, anyway. It also comes from communication from others that we're doing something right or they understand what it is we set out to achieve.

So, with that in mind, why do you feel so answerable to so many people? Why do these people seem incapable of sharing your view, position or plan at face value? Why isn't something as obvious to others as it is to you?

In your personal world now, there exists a need for you to assert yourself and be less conciliatory. In other words, the time has come for you not to give in so easily or be quite as willing to placate certain others – or someone in particular.

If you're willing to boost your confidence levels and invest just a bit more effort to make a point, then you are likely to be both surprised and delighted at how supported you really are.

Also on Sunday

Care with Clarity

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal MidHeaven from 21st to 25th May 2023. Exact 23rd May

Back in medieval times, kings and queens had Court Jesters, individuals whose role involved entertaining monarchs. It was in Jesters' best interests to ensure the king or queen laughed when they were supposed to. Otherwise, Jesters often met with an untimely end. Think though, what might have happened if one poor Jester was sent to his death and the king or queen fell about laughing having 'got' a joke after it was too late. It's important that you make no assumption now about someone understanding a point you're keen to convey.

Don't take the fact that they're nodding as acceptance or understanding on their part. Take your time to ensure you're not misunderstood. Something this important is worth getting right.

Also on Sunday

Leave emotion out of it

Transiting Mars Opposes your natal Mercury from 21st to 25th May 2023. Exact 24th May

It's no secret that we are often unhappiest with others when we're unhappy with ourselves. When we are struggling with hidden frustrations or a belief that we're not being helped or listened to, then we often release such stress on others.

Interestingly, it is often those closest to us whom we do this to. Emotions are likely to be running high at this time, especially on your part. It's possible you could instigate a discussion that you'll end up wishing you hadn't.

As tempting as it might be to release frustration on a certain person, accept that is precisely what you'll be doing. If you really want to make a point, then keep your emotions in check.

Wednesday 24th May

The key to happiness is yours

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Pluto from 24th to 27th May 2023. Exact 26th May

It's both easy and natural for us to want what we haven't got. When we become aware of an absence, we start to identify ways in which we might be happier if only we had what is missing. The other side of the proverbial coin involves wishing something was removed from our world, believing life would be simpler and happier without it.

In your personal world now, you are being granted an exceptional opportunity to be happy. To seize and benefit from this opportunity, all you need to do is stop focusing on what might go wrong in a certain situation.

Avoid succumbing to a tendency to be overly cautious or pessimistic. If you are willing to relax and believe wholeheartedly that an uncertain situation can and will improve, then you can expect to be surprised at how much quicker happiness starts to permeate your world.

Saturday 27th May

A reward for being brave and sincere

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Mars from 27th to 29th May 2023. Exact 28th May

In your personal world, there is a problem you sorely want to resolve but could be struggling to settle. You're being asked to 'accept the impossible.' You want to give in to an indulgence of some sort yet are very aware of how common sense is dictating that you would be foolish to make any hasty or risky move.

Remember that we live in a world that rewards the brave and the sincere far more than it takes care of the cautious and unimaginative. It is time to take a courageous step towards achieving a dream.

It is time to be strong, proud, daring, ambitious and, above all else, confident. If you can manage all of the above, then various natural processes now unfolding will restore your faith and spur you on to make something wonderful, heart-warming and long lasting happen.

Sunday 28th May

Removing limitations

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Neptune from 28th to 31st May 2023. Exact 30th May

Do you feel as if you've taken too much on in some way? Have you taken on too much responsibility, overstretched yourself, embarked upon a plan that you feel you might be unable to finish or embarked on something you feel you might not accomplish?

Sometimes, when we experience too much of a good thing, we forget or ignore our limitations! You are extremely well placed now to put your personal or relationship world on a much stronger footing.

You can bring about change through applying imagination. Be creative. Be imaginative. Be yourself and you can transform something that has been troublesome into something you will welcome and embrace.

Also on Sunday

Knowledge is power

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Uranus from 28th to 31st May 2023. Exact 30th May

Some peoples' sweet smiles often conceal hidden agendas. We can't always tell who is supportive of us and who has plans to scupper our plans. In your relationship world now, there is strong likelihood that someone has an unconscious agenda of doubt or mistrust.

The good news is, there is little you need to do to encourage what has been hidden into the open. Little effort on your part is required to make right what has been wrong of late.

You're about to be in a stronger and more knowledgeable position through information that will come to light shortly. It might not have you punching the air with joy, but you will be grateful for the fact that you will soon be in a much stronger position to know precisely what you will need to do next.

Also on Sunday

Go solo - for now

Transiting Sun Squares your natal MidHeaven from 28th to 31st May 2023. Exact 30th May

Many of us adhere to the old saying, 'if a job's worth doing, it's worth doing properly.' An extension of this saying goes 'if a job's worth doing, then it's worth doing yourself' in the belief that, sometimes, if we want something to be done in a way we will be satisfied with, then we must undertake to do it ourselves.

In your personal world now, there is something that you ought to consider doing solo without help or intervention from others. You could be prone to negative criticism from one or two people, possibly those you believe to be authoritative in some way, who don't quite connect with what it is you're trying to achieve.

This doesn't make them or you wrong. It means you have some work to do to reassure certain people or a certain person that an ambitious plan is viable. That's why you might need to 'go it alone' for the time being to gain support and understanding where both might be unavailable now.

Monday 29th May

Powers of attraction

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Moon from 29th May 2023 to 1st June 2023. Exact 31st May

Like, we know, attracts like. Positive people tend to be drawn toward other positive people. Might positivity you're experiencing now be playing a part in attracting others toward you – or vice versa? The air of confidence and degree of attractiveness you're exuding now cannot and should not be ignored or underestimated.

But, it's all well and good that you're being seen as such an attractive option but what do you intend to do with the influence now available to you? Use it wisely. Use it effectively. Use it to draw a special person toward you or captivate one person whose attention you've wanted for some time.

You're blessed now with an enviable opportunity to use powers of attraction available to you, and no reason exists why you can't attain something very special, very soon.

Also on Monday

Leave serendipity out of it

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Saturn from 29th May 2023 to 1st June 2023. Exact 31st May

Can you afford to be fussy now? Of course, you can. Not only can you afford to be fussy, but it would also be in your best interests to be so. Dare you take a risk though? Ah, that begs a more important question but what matters now is how you view the risk you're taking. Think of it as 'improvising' rather than undertaking a daunting act.

In your personal world now, you have a very particular and specific goal in mind. There is undoubtedly something you yearn to see happen. You're aware that, to achieve this, you're going to have to take a chance in some way. You know that making something wonderful happen between you and someone else will require you to be selective and structured in your approach.

A heart-warming development is on offer provided you ensure the right kind of disciplined preparations are in place first. Take a brave step forward in the knowledge that you're not leaving a result to happen entirely by chance.

Forecast for June 2023

Wednesday 31st May

Life and money

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Venus from 31st May 2023 to 3rd June 2023. Exact 2nd June

A relationship needs to be redefined now, but you might be surprised at what relationship you're expected to redefine. It is your relationship with life that needs to be assessed.

It is also your relationship with bits of paper and metal we use to purchase things with that needs new perspective put upon it. What is it you're expected to do? Well, that's easy. All you need to do where life and money are concerned is not take either so seriously.

That's not to say you don't have issues surrounding both that do need addressing. You're being encouraged to address what cannot be ignored – but you're also being encouraged to accept that, one action has been taken, worrying is an exercise in futility.

Face what needs facing. Sort what needs sorting, and life will undoubtedly become noticeably sweeter and less tense.

Friday 2nd June

Doing 'the right thing'

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Jupiter from 2nd to 5th June 2023. Exact 4th June

A mistake, they say, is only a mistake if we make it a second time. It's easy for 'them' to say that, though. We know how we feel when we make an error of judgment. We are very aware when we fail to do 'the right thing.' How often do we find that what we thought was a mistake is a blessing in disguise?

Until we can see evidence of having done 'the right thing,' we remain unconvinced. That's why, in your personal world now, you need to be more optimistic about that fact that you haven't made an error in any way. It's true that a new development is heading your direction. It's also true that a process you have set in motion is going to cause you to have to reassess certain priorities.

Where you feel powerless, you can expect strength. Where you feel uninspired, you can soon expect to feel inspired. Have faith in the fact that what you've started has begun properly despite possible appearances to the contrary and, through continuing to have faith in the fact that you have done 'the right thing,' you can expect positive progress, very soon.

Saturday 3rd June

A valuable discovery is the catalyst to transforming a situation

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Pluto from 3rd to 5th June 2023. Exact 4th June

We can be surrounded by many people but feel alone. This can be heightened enormously when we're struggling in some way and support we need from one or two people isn't forthcoming. This leaves us with having to tackle an issue singlehandedly and we understandably aren't usually over the moon to have to do so.

The good news is, you're very capable of tackling on your own what needs to be tackled. It is the discovery of a certain piece of information that will boost your confidence. Once done, you will feel confident enough to face certain issues or individuals you've feared facing. You'll be more inclined to bring out into the open what has been conveniently brushed under a proverbial carpet.

This new-found confidence, combined with real desire to bring about a significant change to a certain situation, will result in very positive and necessary transformation where you have long wanted to see it.

Also on Saturday

Keeping desperation at bay

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Sun from 3rd to 6th June 2023. Exact 5th June

Desperate people tend to do desperate things. Why, if a solution is being provided to a problem, do we discover things get worse before they get better? Perhaps, this has much to do with an inappropriate or unhelpful solution being applied to a problem that only ends up shifting a problem elsewhere instead of resolving it not being much of a solution at all.

In your personal world, you are likely feeling a strong urge to do something very indulgent. You are so focused on what or whom you want that you're inclined to go about attaining it or them in any way possible, regardless of how ridiculous some options might be. It's time to stop working so hard to attain happiness.

It's time to appreciate what you have and what you do have available to you. Your options might be limited, but that's not a bad thing. All you need to do is focus on pursuing the one option that your heart tells you makes the most sense.

Monday 5th June

Desire could overthrow logic

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Neptune from 5th to 7th June 2023. Exact 7th June

Will a little bit of what you fancy do you good? That depends on how certain you are about repercussions or consequences of pursuing or accepting it.

Even if someone is less than honest with you, it is important you are honest with yourself now. Even if someone is being very persuasive and encouraging you to reconsider your options in some way, be 'live' to the possibility that you could end up kidding yourself.

Desire could overthrow logic, but the final choice is yours. Make a decision based on what you know to be real, solid and safe and ensure wisdom plays a very big part as well.

Also on Monday

Think it through

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Uranus from 5th to 7th June 2023. Exact 7th June

Sometimes, we feel inclined to cause a stir or create upheaval just to see what happens. We reach a point where we become bored with how predictable or devoid of opportunity a situation appears to have become and decide to shake things up a bit.

That's fine, provided we accept the consequences of doing so - and blame for it should fingers be pointed our direction! If you feel inclined to shake things up a bit in your relationship world, then feel free to do so. However, be aware that action will always cause a reaction and you will need to accept responsibility for the change you instigate. Be sure you genuinely want the change you'll bring before you take the action you're considering taking now.

Also on Monday

Distancing yourself

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Mercury from 5th to 8th June 2023. Exact 7th June

Are you able to feel the tug being made in your heart? It appears someone or something wants all you're able to give plus a little more besides. You're also likely very aware of how finite what you're able to supply actually is, and that's why the challenge facing you in your personal world surrounds defining, explaining and sticking to the limit that exists.

You can do this without fear or shame. You can also achieve this through backing away from situations you know you don't need to involve yourself with. Sidestep any debate, discussion or disagreement that you can afford to remove yourself from.

Distancing yourself will ensure that no accusation can be made your direction about being manipulative or trying to engineer situations to your advantage. Relax, and you will soon see how whatever is concerning you now will sort itself out in a way that truly pleases and heartens you.

Tuesday 6th June

Releasing emotion is the key to greater understanding

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Moon from 6th to 8th June 2023. Exact 7th June

We often hear people talk about 'bottling emotions.' Does this pictorial analogy hold any relevance for you now? There appears to be an emotion you need to express. It also appears that you have some concerns about whether anyone – or one person in particular – will acknowledge or listen to whatever it is you need to make clear.

Making your feelings clear will not only make you feel better, but it will also bring a revelation. You'll gain valuable insight into a situation that has confused you and will understand something that you've possibly struggled to understand previously.

So, don't hold back. It's in your and someone else's best interests that you release what needs to be released now.

Also on Tuesday

Let your inner voice enthuse you

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Saturn from 6th to 8th June 2023. Exact 8th June

Sometimes, for an easier life, we can be a bit too quick to simply agree with someone else because we don't believe we have the energy, inclination or ability to disagree with them. Because enthusiasm can be infectious, we sometimes believe it to be easier to latch on to someone else's enthusiasm for something rather than find our own reasons for being fired up about pursuing something.

Before you allow yourself to be influenced by someone's enthusiasm for a plan or arrangement, consider what your inner voice is telling you.

You don't need to follow in ways you believe you must. You can take the lead and are right to trust your own judgment about something. Take a moment to step back and make a decision on your own without pressure coming from you-know-who.

Also on Tuesday

Love you can depend on

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Venus from 6th to 9th June 2023. Exact 8th June

People sometimes go to great lengths in a material sense to show their affection toward another. Flowers and chocolates are wonderful to receive but not when the recipient isn't interested in such grand and seemingly empty gestures.

What you want is a particular person to be more consistently sweeter toward you. That's all. Methods they're choosing to use are likely falling short of what you believe you want and need and, if anything, such material gestures might even be making you feel more suspicious than grateful.

You want love you can depend on and, fortunately, you're closer to attaining that than you might think.

Curiously, both your bank account and heart look set to receive a very welcome boost. In your personal world though, you can expect proof of your ability to attract affection. Prepare, very soon, to attain what you feel most desirous of or is lacking where love, romance, and intimacy are concerned.

Friday 9th June

You can't fail to impress now

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 9th to 11th June 2023. Exact 10th June

Experienced magicians can impress others because of countless hours of practicing. The same can be said about musicians. To do something impressive usually takes considerable time to perfect. How frustrating it must be for them when some people overlook how much time and effort has been invested to perfect their talent or skill.

In your relationship world now, you can not only make something wonderful happen but can also impress more than one person with how you do it. You're about to make a decision that alters an unsatisfactory situation beyond recognition. The process though is not as instant as it may appear.

You've had to go through an intense trial and error period, but now that you have perfected, in your mind, a way forward, you cannot fail to impress others - including yourself!

Also on Friday

A storm in a teacup

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Pluto from 9th to 12th June 2023. Exact 11th June

We understand that the bark of some dogs is more of an issue than their bite. We also know how some people can talk incessantly or authoritatively but actually say very little.

Somewhere in your personal world, an annoying point of conflict is making itself known, or presence felt. It intends to ensure you take it seriously and won't take kindly to being ignored.

You, on the other hand, have the upper hand. While the issue is keen to ensure it receives the attention it deserves, you have a choice about how much of an issue you want it to be and how much of your time and attention you believe it deserves.

By all means, acknowledge the issue but see it for what it really is – a mere storm in a proverbial tea cup.

Saturday 10th June

Give it your all

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Sun from 10th to 11th June 2023. Exact 11th June

Sometimes, we view mistakes as something to be avoided at all costs. We go out of our way to ensure they don't happen because we see them as the ultimate setback. However, we should see mistakes as essential steps in a learning process and stepping stones to progress we yearn to make.

The progress you yearn to make now within your relationship world is important to you. It deserves respect you're keen to give it and also deserves the success you want to achieve. Whether or not you achieve either or both depends entirely on how seriously you want either or both.

Aim at nothing, and you're guaranteed to hit it. Give what matters most to you time, attention and effort, and you stand to be both amazed and delighted by what you achieve.

Also on Saturday

Attracting confidence

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Ascendant from 10th to 12th June 2023. Exact 11th June

The list of what people find attractive in others is a long one. Beauty, we understand, is skin deep. Remove such attraction from the list and what are left with? Confidence, for example, can be very attractive.

It is confidence you're showing now that could be your most attractive asset, but it needs to be used responsibly. In the same way pepper can enhance the taste of a stew, too much often spoils it. By all means, exert the justified confidence you feel but guard against coming across too strong or bullying.

Progress in your personal world can be made through attracting certain others in specific ways. If you appear assured, then you can trust that you will be sending out very much the right kind of signal.

Once done, you could be surprised at how magnetic you are to those you'd like to be closer to and who are keen to be closer to you.

Sunday 11th June

Embracing the 'feel good factor'

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Mercury from 11th to 12th June 2023. Exact 12th June

What would make you happier? Everyone has a list of sorts that contains what would make us feel more comfortable or at ease with life. Would more money be on your list? What about an improvement in your personal and emotional or romantic life?

It seems that good news is winging its way to you that is bound to bring more than just a smile on your face. To receive it, all you must do is show some effort to embrace it. Where your relationships are concerned, your newly-found 'feel good factor' might be infectious!

Monday 12th June

Harnessing power available to you

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Mars from 12th to 14th June 2023. Exact 13th June

People sometimes speak about atmosphere's being or feeling 'electric.' In your personal world now, it's likely you could experience a few flying sparks.

Trust that the energy available to you now is extremely positive and is intended to help. You have, at your disposal, the ability to repair much of what needs repairing as far as relationships, situations, and arrangements with others are concerned. You are blessed with an ability to improve much in your own world while, at the same time, the world of others - or a certain person to whom you are close or want to be closer to.

The more constructively you use the power and influence available to you now, the more of both you will discover you have available to you.

Tuesday 13th June

Push is coming to shove

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Uranus from 13th to 16th June 2023. Exact 15th June

Somewhere in your personal world, 'push' is about to meet 'shove.' It is only a matter of time before both come together.

You have the option to wait and see what happens when these two collide. Like any collision, there's a very strong possibility you'll not find the experience pleasurable to view or be part of.

That's why it's important you see the signs, smell the coffee or read writing on the proverbial wall. You can bring about a change that will alleviate much of the potential stress or damage in a relationship by taking action before you're left with no alternative other than to accept what's likely to occur.

Take control and allow yourself to feel more powerful. You can do it and, when you do, you'll discover how powerful and influential you really are.

Wednesday 14th June

Shake off apathy

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Saturn from 14th to 17th June 2023. Exact 16th June

Imagine you're standing on the edge of a high diving board, peering down to the water below but have strong reservations about taking the plunge. Imagine as well that, behind you, a queue of impatient and more experienced divers wait for you to make up your mind about what you're going to do.

That analogy sums up a situation in your personal world now. You're clearly under pressure in some way to take action or make a decision yet it's important you are being pressured in the way you are because otherwise you won't make the decision or move you truly need to make.

You have a difficult dispute to solve or a complicated story to unravel yet, through a constant source of aggravation, aren't feeling inclined to consider a particular course of action. It's time to shake off apathy and seize a valuable opportunity. Like most opportunities, yours might be hidden within a perceived problem, but trust that the opportunity being presented to you now is very real.

Thursday 15th June

Repetition is not necessary

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal MidHeaven from 15th to 16th June 2023. Exact 16th June

Some television commercials can be extremely annoying. Companies who make commercials and those whose products or services they represent are unconcerned about this.

As far as they're concerned, they have a valid point to make and will make as often as they see fit until they're reassured an advertising campaign has been successful or budgets have run out.

They often fail to understand that their incessant intrusion does little more than discourage many of us from buying their products or services. Bear this in mind with a point you want to make now.

You might believe making a point repeatedly will result in the person or people you wish to influence succumbing, but this plan can backfire if you're not careful. You'll gain much support if you make your point sensibly, succinctly and sensitively.

Saturday 17th June

Biting off more than you can chew

Transiting Mars Opposes your natal Venus from 17th to 21st June 2023. Exact 19th June

Songwriters know how effective it can be to leave gaps in compositions. If music was constant, it would be too much for the ear and brain to absorb. Horror filmmakers also know how our imaginations can create something far scarier than any filmmaker could create.

The point surrounds how effective something that isn't there can be compared to something that is. In your relationship world now, it's what isn't said or conveyed that is putting you in a strong position. Make no mistake; your attraction levels are high and so too are your creative and financial prospects.

However, be careful with your charisma now. It's what you convey without words that needs to be watched. This could cause a loved one or potential partner to misinterpret your powerful vibe or read more into something you convey innocuously. That might sound thrilling and sexy but could bring a host of problems if you don't maintain a bit of distance or detachment.

Monday 19th June

Applying ingenuity can bring something magical

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Venus from 19th to 21st June 2023. Exact 20th June

Does the word 'genius' get used more today than at other times throughout history? Think about how fantastic inventions were many years ago that have become accepted and taken for granted today.

Surely, something created by someone else that stands the test of time through acceptance by so many people is worthy of the accolade 'genius'? It is how you are likely to apply ingenuity now that put you in a wonderfully strong position.

It seems that comfort is winging its way to you and most likely in a material or financial sense. But real, long-lasting comfort is likely to come from you devising a clever plan and pursuing a wonderful idea and doing either or both will, undoubtedly, enhance your relationship with someone else, or present you with one that could arguably be heaven sent.

Wednesday 21st June

Removing the window dressing

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Pluto from 21st to 22nd June 2023. Exact 22nd June

Beauty, we know, is skin deep. However, so much emphasis is put on making what we see so appealing. In the same way we know we shouldn't judge books by covers, you may be placing too much importance on soemthing in your emotional world that is not as valuable or as relevant as it seems.

If you want to achieve or attain something truly and deeply satisfying, then you need to care less about what doesn't deserve the levels of attention you appear keen to give it.

To bring about a much-needed change or improvement to a close connection, a tense or potentially difficult conversation needs to be had. You might even discover you possess the courage to say a few things you've been afraid to say or chose, for reasons known best to yourself, to keep hidden.

Provided you're willing to see an unsatisfactory or disguised situation for what it is, be resolute toward improving it in whatever way you deem fit and say what you know needs to be said from the depths of your heart, then you can be assured you will have nothing whatsoever to be apologetic or regretful about.

Also on Wednesday

Let your words and ideas flow

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Ascendant from 21st to 22nd June 2023. Exact 22nd June

If someone is to agree with what we're proposing, then it helps if they're in a positive and receptive frame of mind. Children learn from a young age when to time their requests with adults and you're encouraged to believe in a perfect position to do similarly now.

You're urged to put forth a suggestion, proposal or to simply convey your thoughts or ideas to a certain person where conditions previously may have made doing so difficult.

Choose your words, say what you need to say, and you'll likely find your words not only flow but are received in a much more positive way than you expected.

Thursday 22nd June

Leave aggression on the doorstep

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Mars from 22nd to 23rd June 2023. Exact 23rd June

How we choose to convey ourselves or make a point is often dictated by our mood or attitude at the time. If we're feeling resentful, aggrieved or angry, then we sometimes use a proverbial sledgehammer to crack a proverbial walnut when a much simpler and less confrontational way would have been best.

It's important you bear that in mind now. Your impatience to make a certain point might be underpinned with more aggression than you intend. Be diplomatic and ensure sensitivity plays a big part in whatever it is you feel the need to say to a certain person now.

Also on Thursday

You can fix what needs fixing

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Uranus from 22nd to 24th June 2023. Exact 23rd June

For us to 'fix' something, we must identify in what way or ways it's broken. In the same way a doctor cannot give a diagnosis or prescription without being clear what remedy is needed, we can only fix what needs fixing if we understand what needs fixing and why.

In your relationship world, a drama is unfolding. It is through knowing how a certain situation can be adjusted or rearranged that offers the greatest and most effective way to improve it.

Ignore the desire to be somewhere else. Removing yourself isn't the answer. The solution surrounds more meaning or depth given to a tired situation, and that's precisely what you can bring. Have faith in the fact that you can improve a love life scenario and time is on your side to achieve this.

Friday 23th June

The answer is in the past

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Saturn from 23rd to 24th June 2023. Exact 24th June

What makes someone an 'expert' at something? Is it the authoritative way in which they speak? Is it because their appearance reassures us that they know what they're talking about?

If we're told something enough times, then we start believing it – especially if what's told to us is something we tell ourselves! It's important you draw a conclusion based on personal, previous experience – not what someone is trying to convince you of.

Something from your past needs revisiting and re-examining now. To make a very positive change or bring an improvement to a special connection, all you need to do is accept that there is something you don't know or know enough about.

Whatever happened previously will help you identify this. Once you do identify it, you will begin to ask questions about something from your past that has confused you that will then lead to a very valuable discovery and a potentially wonderful development.

Thursday 22nd June

Confidence attracts

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Ascendant from 22nd to 26th June 2023. Exact 25th June

What qualities make someone attractive? Beauty is, as they say, skin deep and we all know that there are many other qualities that can make someone attractive in the eyes of others or a certain person.

Laughter is a proven aphrodisiac but so too is confidence. Who couldn't be swept off their feet by someone who has high levels of confidence and self-esteem? It is your growing confident – and possibly assertive – approach that will not only make you extra alluring in someone's eyes but could also help you take a bold step to form, strengthen or improve a special connection.

Saturday 24th June

Improving what's currently undesirable

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Venus from 24th to 27th June 2023. Exact 26th June

Where do you 'draw the line'? How do you express your dissatisfaction with a particular situation? Inviting those closest to you to offer advice isn't the best idea because they – or possibly one person in particular – could be the cause of your displeasure. You appear to be tolerating something unacceptable, and this probably has much to do with a perceived need to placate someone else in some way.

When we reach the end of our proverbial tether, then that's clear indication of when 'enough is enough.' It's easy to look at your current situation in the belief that having 'something' is better than 'nothing' yet you could be overlooking how easily 'something' could become 'something more.'

The challenge in your personal world now involves turning a fault into something adequate or sufficient. You needn't try to work a miracle. Approach what needs 'fixing' positively and constructively, and you will improve a less than desirable situation.

Sunday 25th June

Drop barriers

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Mars from 25th to 29th June 2023. Exact 28th June

Many people say they don't care what others think of them. In truth, that's rarely the case. We all, to some extent, care what others think and prefer them to think well of us.

Something that does tend to cause others to think otherwise if focusing on our own needs is done at the cost of others.

You are likely very aware now of how and why you ought to be putting your own needs and desires first, and if you want to embark upon a new relationship or strengthen an existing one, then this is likely to cause one or two problems.

Look closely at how defensiveness might be playing a part in this – and then look more closely at why you have no reason to feel quite so defensive!

Tuesday 27th June

Keeping feet firmly on the ground…for now

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Neptune from 27th June 2023 to 1st July 2023. Exact 30th June

How realistic are you now? Think carefully before answering that question. You could be in a situation that is restrictive but aren't inclined to remove yourself from it because you fear you might feel lost were it to be removed.

The same can be said about particular hopes and aspirations you have. To achieve these will require upheaval but are you prepared for how much upheaval you may experience?

It's important to accept that, by highlighting such points, a partner isn't trying to dampen your enthusiasm for something that does inspire and motivate you – even if it involves your relationship with this person.

However, you are encouraged to simply be realistic about what can be achieved between you. Avoid fanciful thoughts now and focus solely on what can be agreed and achieved together. You could find sharing a realistic strategy to make a dream become real reduces your stress levels.

Wednesday 28th June

Taking the initiative

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Ascendant from 28th June 2023 to 2nd July 2023. Exact 30th June

We know that, when the going gets tough, the tough are known to get going. Some people enjoy rising to particular challenges and being seen to 'prove' themselves. Similarly, there is a challenge you must rise to and demonstrate to a few people how willing you are to prove yourself.

Perhaps, where your personal world is concerned, you've grown used or accustomed to wanting something simply because you feel you deserve it. Now, it is probably becoming clear that to attain what – or whom – you want, you have to demonstrate your keenness or worthiness.

Don't shy from the challenge offered now. You can not only make real and tangible progress with a particular person and possibly surprise yourself and them at the same time.

Thursday 29th June

Gentle persuasion is key

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal MidHeaven from 29th June 2023 to 1st July 2023. Exact 30th June

There have been many popular songs that have focused on difference of opinion. One person says or believes one thing. Another person says or believes something else. Interestingly, such songs have only highlighted the problem without proposing a solution.

Where you and a certain person in your relationship world are potentially locking horns now, might this be due to a clash of opinion? The key to resolving this lies with continued and open communication. You're both closer to reaching a compromise than you believe.

It's fine, natural and acceptable for someone to adopt a contrary position but if success you want to see happen relies on them supporting your ideas or proposals, then with gentle persuasion and reiterating benefits to them of what you're proposing, you can achieve it.

Also on Thursday

No shrinking violets

Transiting Sun Trines your natal MidHeaven from 29th June 2023 to 1st July 2023. Exact 30th June

A little bit of praise, we know, can go a long way. Praise, when we know we deserve it, can do much to boost our confidence levels and encourage us to think more about what else we might be capable of.

In an area of your personal world now, you're well placed to receive praise and recognition, and this can only spur you on to want to achieve more.

If you're willing to back up your words with action, then some form of personal success is assured. You probably don't have to force issues and could be surprised at how accepted you and what you're proposing or suggesting are.

This is a time to make clear to certain others - or one person in particular - what you truly want. Don't be a shrinking violet. Aim high, and you'll be delighted with responses you receive.

Forecast for July 2023

Thursday 29th June

Count to ten and relax

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Moon from 29th June 2023 to 3rd July 2023. Exact 1st July

It doesn't take much for some people to become very defensive. All they need is the slightest perceived need to do so, and woe betide anyone on the receiving end of their response.

Fortunately, such feelings or actions tend to be short-lived but if you feel an urge to defend yourself then look closely at why you feel this is necessary.

It's possible that your need stems more from emotions running high than any real reason to convey yourself so defensively or assertively. You can protect what it is important to you now without causing a scene. You could also surprise someone close by reacting or responding sensitively and compassionately. Try that and see what it does to strengthen or improve a connection.

Saturday 1st July

Faith restoration

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Mars from 1st to 5th July 2023. Exact 3rd July

Sometimes, confidence is dented all too easily. We've all experienced a situation where we believe we can take on the world and any problem within it and then discover that all it takes is one unforeseen development to create a sense of fear or disbelief toward what we were so focused on originally. There are also times when we are willing to invest faith in something we cannot see or justify until we experience a similar crisis of faith.

In your personal world now, there is something you believed you were once very sure of. Now, it appears to have reservations about whatever-it-is. The good news is, very soon, your faith and confidence will be restored. The even better news is your faith and confidence look set to be higher and stronger than they were previously.

There is though, something you must do for this change to unfold. This involves bringing about a change in your romantic or emotional world that surrounds being less dutiful or beholden and being willing to inviting more joy into your world. Make that change, and you will soon be feeling rejuvenated and optimistic.

Monday 3rd July

Smelling the coffee

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Neptune from 3rd to 8th July 2023. Exact 6th July

The world is and always will be full of insensitive people. That's why it's important now that you separate yourself from such individuals. It's important to gain proper perspective and assess how far to trust one or two individuals and how much to believe what you're being told by them, and by one in particular.

Detaching yourself will also help you to identify certain flaws in a particular person that will help with a decision you need to make. You're not being encouraged to be judgmental.

You're being encouraged to, as the old saying goes, wake up and smell some coffee. To do that, you need to restrain your imagination slightly and view a certain relationship with both honesty and sensitivity. If you can do that, then you'll soon be better placed to identify a way forward.

Wednesday 5th July

Right here, right now is what matters

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Pluto from 5th to 6th July 2023. Exact 6th July

There is much to be said about adopting a 'right here, right now' attitude because it is what's happening here and now, particularly where your relationship world is concerned, that needs and deserves attention. This will probably require you to shift your focus from the future briefly.

However, it's important you don't try to hasten a process unfolding in its own way and time. Despite how results, progress or certain romantic or relationship improvements were more encouraging or visible, it's important you trust that you are in the throes of a positive and transformative process. Soon, your current love life circumstances will likely appear vastly different.

That, however, is going to be the result of the process working on your behalf that cannot be rushed. Focus instead on here and now in the knowledge that change or improvement you yearn for is coming, and soon.

Thursday 6th July

Is a plan worthy of your efforts?

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Mars from 6th to 7th July 2023. Exact 7th July

The word 'passion' has several uses and connotations. We also know when the time is right to invest energy in a plan or pursuit and it is the need to give your all to something combined with impatience or urgency that could be boosting passion in some way now.

Ideas, suggestions, and situations could be coming thick and fast now which may not be helping matters. Where your relationship with a certain person is concerned, you're likely to need to show restraint to avoid a confrontation or making an ill-thought-through proposal or suggestion.

Slow down and assess if what you're planning is deserving of energy you're inclined to give it. If it is, then give it your all and don't look back. If you have reservations, then trust they exist for a good reason.

Also on Thursday

Seeing what needs to be seen

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Neptune from 6th to 8th July 2023. Exact 7th July

Every day and within every situation we encounter, there is beauty and magic to be seen. It can take strength and courage to see what is less beautiful or magical sometimes and you have recently had to summon strength and courage to accept something in your world.

Your outlook, particularly where your world of relationships is concerned, is one of clarity, understanding, and positivity.

You are in a much better position now to make a choice than you were recently and, through being better informed now than you were, can expect to have your spirits lifted enormously. That doesn't mean every answer you seek to a confusing or difficult situation will become available, but you will gain enough information shortly to be able to proceed confidently and feel more reassured.

Also on Thursday

It's 'here and now' that matters

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Uranus from 6th to 8th July 2023. Exact 7th July

Grass often appears greener on the other side of fences. Much often appears preferable in another place – or time! Is there something you wish you could turn the clock back now to do differently than you did way back when? In the same way it is unhelpful to be pondering the past, and what you could have done differently, it is equally unhelpful to be in too much of a rush to alter the future.

It is what's happening here, and now that needs your attention and deserves to be enjoyed and celebrated, despite how a situation may appear.

You're on the brink of a valuable and helpful discovery where your relationship with a certain person is concerned. Let what's unfolding continue to do so in the knowledge that you will soon have something to be very glad of.

Wednesday 5th July

Emotional release

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Moon from 5th to 10th July 2023. Exact 8th July

Some people 'say it as they see it.' They cannot resist giving their input or sharing observations which is an admirable trait in some ways but can tend to get others' backs up. As 'right' as these outspoken people are, not everyone shares their keenness to know whatever it is such people feel the need to impart. It's easy though to misinterpret sensitivity for bullishness or arrogance sometimes.

That's why, in your personal world now, it's important that you understand your reasons for releasing a pent-up feeling. The emotional strength surrounding what you've kept concealed until now is likely stronger than you gave it credit for being. All of this would be easier if something in your emotional world 'made sense.'

The fact it doesn't probably has something to do with how emotionally you're choosing to react toward it. What's happening now is powerful and necessary. It's also providing a helpful step toward emotional stability you've wanted for some time.

Friday 7th July

A way with words

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Moon from 7th to 8th July 2023. Exact 8th July

When can you last recall words flowing freely to the point where you surprised yourself with how easily you said them? When did you last Speak from your heart and reveal effortlessly what you felt? You should find making your point or conveying your feelings, at least with words, considerably easier now.

If there's something you've wanted to say to a special person in your world, then if you're willing to make an effort to do so now, you could find your words and emotions flow delightfully. It will probably be the genuine sensitivity that underpins them that touches someone's heart.

Also on Friday

A valuable discovery

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Saturn from 7th to 9th July 2023. Exact 8th July

You hopefully feel much more positive now than you have recently. If so, then that's good news and helpful because a certain 'iron' needs to be struck while it is 'hot', as the old saying goes.

There is something you need to learn about yourself and, by doing so and learning something valuable, you will be in an excellent position to make progress or bring a yearned-for improvement to a special connection.

Prepare to see evidence of how loved and respected you are in the eyes of others and one person in particular. It's time to address something you've chosen to ignore. Once you take a brave step forward, something between you and a special person will, in many ways, become noticeably easier and sweeter.

Sunday 9th July

Consider your options

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Jupiter from 9th to 10th July 2023. Exact 10th July

When in restaurants, some people don't bother to read menus. They know what they want, possibly because they've had it before and what satisfied them previously is likely to do so again. You're now presented with an opportunity to alter an aspect of your relationship with a certain person. Before you can do so, you need to see what the celestial menu includes.

If you're willing to look beyond the obvious, then you'll see how it is possible to put in place a plan that can change more than what you believe is worthy of your attention. You have options, and that's what's being made clear – or clearer – now.

Before you take action that you're being encouraged to take, take time to review all of the options on the menu because you're bound to see something you like that you probably hadn't considered!

Also on Sunday

Sharing has its benefits

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Sun from 9th to 11th July 2023. Exact 10th July

When we share anything, we involve others. What was uniquely ours can sometimes become someone else's, simply through our act of making it available to them. However, a need exists now for you to share something in your world and allow someone to benefit in some way from your doing so.

Rather than nurture resentment, look for the benefits that exist from someone else involving themselves with what you're making available to them. It seems that there are benefits to you although you might have to look a bit harder to see them.

As long as you remain firm, fair and committed to a plan, then there's no reason why someone else can't play a part in helping to make it happen.

Monday 10th July

Face what needs to be faced

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Mercury from 10th to 12th July 2023. Exact 11th July

Truth, we are told, tends to 'stare us in the face.' We know it does this and sometimes choose to ignore it or pretend we can't see what it's doing. In your relationship world now, there is something truthful that you shouldn't be ignoring.

It requires you to face it – and to know whether it is wise to walk away from a source of antagonism. Facing a certain fact needn't be confrontational because the fact isn't likely to be as 'big' as you or someone else insists it is.

Face what needs to be faced and accept it. Once done, you'll be in a much better place to decide where you go from there.

Tuesday 11th July

Don't succumb to 'que sera sera'

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Pluto from 11th to 13th July 2023. Exact 12th July

Are you in control of a particular outcome or do you feel as if 'whatever will be, will be'?

Even if it feels as if unseen forces are at work to encourage you toward a particular outcome, and you have no option other than to allow yourself to end up wherever it is you're going to end up, it is essential that you have absolute faith in the fact that you do possess the ability to influence a situation that (understandably) gives the impression of being immovable or inflexible.

In your personal world, it is time to overcome a fear. Once done, you will be superbly placed to take control of whatever has appeared to control you and then turn a daunting situation into one that becomes much more inspiring.

Thursday 13th July

Calm after the storm

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Mars from 13th to 16th July 2023. Exact 15th July

The interesting and helpful thing about most storms is, we have some idea they're coming. We're often given some degree of warning, even if that warning is at short notice.

In your personal world now, a storm is undoubtedly brewing, but it's one that you're very prepared for. You needn't be concerned about its strength or any likelihood of being blown off course.

Expect, once the proverbial skies clear, to see how safer and stronger you are. Where your relationships with certain people or one person, in particular, are concerned, you're about to see reasons why you don't have to be everywhere at once and going to great lengths to please or placate those who demand you should.

The one person who truly deserves effort you're prepared to give to please them is you. Once you return to focusing more on this, much in your world will become plain sailing, once again.

Friday 14th July

Reasons to be hopeful

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Neptune from 14th to 17th July 2023. Exact 16th July

If we're presented with paper money in any currency, provided we're reassured it's genuine then we're willing to accept it's worth what we understand it to be worth. We don't need to see the same value in coins to reassure us. We take at face value what we see on paper.

We sometimes underestimate how important it is to have faith in what we can see, but we know how investing faith in something we can't see isn't always as easy. That's where intuition comes in.

You need to use and trust your intuition now. Above all, be willing to be optimistic and seek the hidden, practical advantage in any development that arises, not matter how daunting it might appear.

Even if you feel you might struggle to do any of the above, then relax. You're about to be given a very good reason to feel more hopeful where you have felt pessimistic of late. From there, the rest will be up to you as long as you're willing to trust what your deepest instincts tell you.

Saturday 15th July

A turning point, not a backward step

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Uranus from 15th to 17th July 2023. Exact 16th July

There are times when we have no option other than to push a point. We are all capable of accepting or tolerating a situation to a certain point and then it becomes clear that something must 'give.'

Within your personal world now, you could be increasingly aware of how you might have been too quick to reject something - or someone – you previously felt so able to accept. This is causing you to doubt your judgment about a particular matter and possibly believe yourself to be illogical, impractical or inconsistent.

It's important to understand that you have finally reached a turning point in some way regarding an agreement or arrangement. It's also important that you believe this is extremely positive and worth celebrating, not a cause for consolation.

Also on Saturday

Taking the initiative

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Moon from 15th to 18th July 2023. Exact 17th July

We learn from a young age that, if we don't 'ask,' we don't 'get.'

It becomes clear that some level of proactivity and possibly even imagination are needed if we're to make something happen. It also becomes clear that, sometimes, we need to remove ourselves from comfort zones, even if doing so makes us feel uncomfortable or have to face one or two difficult facts doing so.

As much as you would prefer not to rock a proverbial boat and simply accept rather than question a situation now, if you do not already see evidence of a need to take the initiative and bring change where it is needed, then you will do, soon enough.

Turning the other cheek, avoiding confrontation wherever possible or doing anything for a quiet and easy life are admirable traits, but they're not always practical. It's time to summon courage and take a brave step forward where a certain situation or individual is concerned. Where a relaxed attitude has been helpful so far, the time has come to put your foot down and send a clear message that you can choose to take the initiative when you know you must.

Sunday 16th July

From chaos stability will come

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Saturn from 16th to 19th July 2023. Exact 17th July

Some people thrive on chaos. It spurs them on to make impressive achievements. Other people avoid chaos wherever possible. They know they get the best results from operating in structured and predictable environments.

In your personal world, you would much prefer the latter. You want something to be more efficient, stable and structured but cannot help but be painfully aware of all that seems chaotic or unpredictable.

Expect soon, to enjoy a more stable and less volatile situation. Until then, don't overlook or underestimate the progress you are making in amongst the unignorable chaos!

Wednesday 19th July

What's truly valuable…

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Venus from 19th to 21st July 2023. Exact 20th July

We know how money can facilitate the pursuit of many opportunities. We know how much so much in our world is 'worth.' Let's push aside material 'worth' though and look at something much more valuable.

What do you believe yourself to be worth? If you're not already seeing how much you matter to a certain person or others, then coming events will do much to reassure you. On top of that, you're about to be reminded of how much you matter to yourself.

You are priceless, and you are precious. If you need reminding of that too, then a reminder is coming.

Thursday 20th July

Some things cannot and will not be hurried

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Jupiter from 20th to 23rd July 2023. Exact 21st July

It doesn't matter how much we shout at a tiny chute or seedling emerging from the ground, demanding it hurries up and grows. It has its own plan and fully intends to do what it wants and needs to do in its own time and way.

In your personal world now, what is it that you wish would 'hurry up' or manifest in ways that perhaps suit you only? Ask yourself why you feel so impatient or are possibly lacking in confidence.

You're better prepared for what's unfolding in an area of your personal world than you perhaps believe yourself to be. Refuse to doubt yourself, trust your judgment and allow your inner confidence to shine. You've every reason now to trust what you've learned from previous experience and not succumb to a perceived need that you are in need of assistance or guidance.

Let what's happening now continue to progress, and you'll soon see how ideal it is for you.

Friday 21st July

If you want agreement, then ask for it

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Ascendant from 21st to 23rd July 2023. Exact 22nd July

If one person takes on board or has faith in what we're telling them, then that bodes well for others doing similarly. If, in a group situation, we find that something we're suggesting or proposing is met with receptiveness and approval, then there's clearly relevance to what we're saying.

You can make tangible progress or improve a love connection in some way by conveying to someone in your world something you feel is important and must be said. If you've had reservations about speaking up previously for any reason, then abandon them now. You have a point to make, can make it confidently and expect it to be met with agreement if make your point or pose your question confidently. It might be your confidence or enthusiasm that wins them over.

Also on Friday

Let it go

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Sun from 21st to 24th July 2023. Exact 22nd July

When we try to live up to an unrealistic expectation, it doesn't take long before we find ourselves weary of doing so. If you're feeling restless now, then it's likely you're carrying a burden that you need to drop.

Your determination to continue carrying or shouldering this burden could stem from your belief that a certain person will be disappointed or let down if you don't behave or respond in certain ways.

In an area of your personal world, the time has come to explain to you-know-who what it is you've had enough of. You could even find that someone hanging on to an existing or outdated arrangement of belief is only doing so because they believe it's what you expect from them.

It is possible to rewrite rules and redefine arrangements. Are we talking about a lengthy, time-consuming process requiring you to summon patience, unlike anything you've had to muster before? Not at all. In the same way Dorothy unknowingly had the power to return home from Oz anytime she chose to, you too can bring about change you long to see whenever you choose to.

You have had enough of a silly drama or ongoing battle. As soon as you let something end, you will discover that it resolves itself with little intervention from you, allowing you to get on with something far more productive and enjoyable.

Saturday 22nd July

Don't fear the worst

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Mars from 22nd to 24th July 2023. Exact 23rd July

We tend to regret what we don't do in life. Even when we're in the throes of worry or confusion about a decision we've made, rarely do we focus our concern on the decision itself.

It is what we fear the result will be or our belief that we've made a wrong choice that causes the most problems. Where your relationship with a certain person is concerned, you have taken action in some way and could feel a mistake has been made.

It's time for you to summon self-discipline, discrimination, and determination combined with a healthy dose of faith in the fact that what you have instigated can only be beneficial.

Also on Saturday

Leave brute force out of it

Transiting Mars Opposes your natal MidHeaven from 22nd to 26th July 2023. Exact 24th July

Sledgehammers are effective when we want to crack a walnut. We know though that there are less extreme methods of performing this task and you could be inclined to apply more force than is needed in an area of your world now.

Where your relationship with a certain person is concerned, sensitivity and tact are essential. You can achieve much more by applying both instead of applying brute force or any form of aggression.

Bringing the change or improvement you want requires you to be sensitive and prepared to listen. Not only will your esteem be raised in the eyes of someone special by doing so but you will stand a much greater chance of gaining something you want or need.

Sunday 23th July

Stick with the plan and keep with the program

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Neptune from 23rd to 25th July 2023. Exact 24th July

If something's too good to be true, then we usually have at least one very good reason to doubt it. When something becomes available to us instantly or with little or no effort on our part, delight can become replaced with suspicion. Be wary now of such a situation presenting itself to you now and this probably surrounds a certain person in your world being economical with the truth.

Something in your world doesn't need 'fixing' in the way you're led to believe, and neither does it need the level of complication that will undoubtedly arise though believing wholeheartedly what you're told. Focus on what you know works, makes you happy and is solid. Don't deviate from a plan just because a seemingly more attractive option is making itself available.

Also on Sunday

Posing questions in measured doses

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Moon from 23rd to 25th July 2023. Exact 25th July

If you're aware of a distinct feeling of confusion, then welcome it. Uncertainty you feel is likely to encourage you to question one or two areas or aspects of your emotional world that could do with being questioned. Be careful though, of how much time and effort you give toward questioning whatever – or whoever – it is.

You could be at risk of making a bigger issue out of something than is justified. To you, an issue is big. To someone else, it's likely to be less important, so by all means, ask questions to get to the bottom of a certain matter, but be aware of when might be a good time to stop.

Also on Sunday

Stop trying to do the impossible

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Mercury from 23rd to 26th July 2023. Exact 25th July

There's an old saying that goes, 'never try to teach a pig to sing, it only wastes your time and annoys the pig.' There's also another, more common saying that surrounds leading a horse to water and trying to make the animal drink.

As wonderful as it is to be ambitious and undeterred by what appears impossible, we all reach a point where it becomes clear we're wasting valuable time pursuing what cannot be achieved.

That sums up a situation in your personal world now. It's likely to become clear, very soon, that you need to think very carefully about what – or whom - you invest your time and energy toward. The indications are there that both could be put to much better and more effective use elsewhere!

Forecast for August 2023

Thursday 3rd August

Imagination can remove obstacles

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal MidHeaven from 3rd to 5th August 2023. Exact 4th August

Nowadays, it can be more difficult than it used to be to speak with individuals in companies. Many have voice mail or answer machines they use to screen calls.

There seems to be a noticeable increase in gatekeeper-style secretaries and receptionists who diligently assess each call and interrogate callers about the purpose of their call.

To make progress sometimes, imagination is required to get past such obstacles. So too, is sensitivity and courtesy. To make a point you wish to make, you're going to have to apply imagination. Someone is likely to be receptive to what you're proposing, but they just don't know it yet.

That's why it's your job to convey yourself in a way you'd probably want someone to convey themselves to you.

Wednesday 2nd August


Emotional release

Transiting Venus Retrograde Squares your natal Moon from 2nd to 6th August 2023. Exact 5th August

Some people 'say it as they see it.' They cannot resist giving their input or sharing observations which is an admirable trait in some ways but can tend to get others' backs up. As 'right' as these outspoken people are, not everyone shares their keenness to know whatever it is such people feel the need to impart. It's easy though to misinterpret sensitivity for bullishness or arrogance sometimes.

That's why, in your personal world now, it's important that you understand your reasons for releasing a pent-up feeling. The emotional strength surrounding what you've kept concealed until now is likely stronger than you gave it credit for being. All of this would be easier if something in your emotional world 'made sense.'

The fact it doesn't probably has something to do with how emotionally you're choosing to react toward it. What's happening now is powerful and necessary. It's also providing a helpful step toward emotional stability you've wanted for some time.

Friday 4th August


Smelling the coffee

Transiting Venus Retrograde Squares your natal Neptune from 4th to 8th August 2023. Exact 7th August

The world is and always will be full of insensitive people. That's why it's important now that you separate yourself from such individuals. It's important to gain proper perspective and assess how far to trust one or two individuals and how much to believe what you're being told by them, and by one in particular.

Detaching yourself will also help you to identify certain flaws in a particular person that will help with a decision you need to make. You're not being encouraged to be judgmental.

You're being encouraged to, as the old saying goes, wake up and smell some coffee. To do that, you need to restrain your imagination slightly and view a certain relationship with both honesty and sensitivity. If you can do that, then you'll soon be better placed to identify a way forward.

Monday 7th August


Faith restoration

Transiting Venus Retrograde Sextiles your natal Mars from 7th to 10th August 2023. Exact 9th August

Sometimes, confidence is dented all too easily. We've all experienced a situation where we believe we can take on the world and any problem within it and then discover that all it takes is one unforeseen development to create a sense of fear or disbelief toward what we were so focused on originally. There are also times when we are willing to invest faith in something we cannot see or justify until we experience a similar crisis of faith.

In your personal world now, there is something you believed you were once very sure of. Now, it appears to have reservations about whatever-it-is. The good news is, very soon, your faith and confidence will be restored. The even better news is your faith and confidence look set to be higher and stronger than they were previously.

There is though, something you must do for this change to unfold. This involves bringing about a change in your romantic or emotional world that surrounds being less dutiful or beholden and being willing to inviting more joy into your world. Make that change, and you will soon be feeling rejuvenated and optimistic.

Tuesday 8th August

Is it worth the effort?

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Venus from 8th to 11th August 2023. Exact 10th August

Are you aware of a demand made on your heart or even your bank balance? Someone likely wants more time, attention or resources than you're likely able to spare.

This could be resulting in a perceived need on your part to placate them but don't succumb to the belief that it's fair to be expected to do the impossible.

If you're experiencing stress or tension with your relationship with a certain person, then consider if you're actually secretly enjoying the exhausting exchange or are possibly being forced in some way to have it.

If it's the former, then stop responding. This might put you in a temporary advantage, but perhaps that's all you need to take stock of where you're going and what or whom you truly want.

If it's the latter, then do the above! It's wonderful to want something or someone so badly but at what price? It's time to decide if all you have to go through and tolerate to get it or them really is worth the effort.

Wednesday 9th August

Assessing the situation

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal Pluto from 9th to 13th August 2023. Exact 12th August

Can you feel the pressure mounting? You appear to be experiencing pressure to take action, commit or undertake an obligation in some way now but the chances are high that you do not see the necessary bigger picture yet.

It's for that reason you ought to reserve the right to put the proverbial brakes on before committing in any way. Before you invest valuable time and energy where a certain relationship is concerned, stand back and take stock of what doing so might achieve.

There's a difference between taking the initiative based on careful thought and simply succumbing to pressure from someone else to do so. It's the latter you need to be 'live' to now.

Thursday 10th August


Taking the initiative

Transiting Venus Retrograde Sextiles your natal Ascendant from 10th to 13th August 2023. Exact 12th August

We know that, when the going gets tough, the tough are known to get going. Some people enjoy rising to particular challenges and being seen to 'prove' themselves. Similarly, there is a challenge you must rise to and demonstrate to a few people how willing you are to prove yourself.

Perhaps, where your personal world is concerned, you've grown used or accustomed to wanting something simply because you feel you deserve it. Now, it is probably becoming clear that to attain what – or whom – you want, you have to demonstrate your keenness or worthiness.

Don't shy from the challenge offered now. You can not only make real and tangible progress with a particular person and possibly surprise yourself and them at the same time.

Also on Thursday

Keep impatience at bay

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Ascendant from 10th to 14th August 2023. Exact 12th August

Tension could be rife. Competition and conflict could become issues if they aren't already. If you're finding your relationship with a certain person to be strained, then there is much you can do to improve the situation, and top of the list involves keeping impatience at bay.

Letting impatience get involved could be like pouring gasoline on any flames of resentment now, and this is likely to have much to do without thinking through properly certain responses or actions. If you can't say or do something nice now, then distance yourself until you can.

Saturday 12th August

Turning heads

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Ascendant from 12th to 14th August 2023. Exact 13th August

Are you a good storyteller? Have you considered hiring yourself out to parties that need an injection of life given to them? If you're not already aware of how engaging and attractive your personality is becoming, then you will do shortly.

There is no doubt that confident people can be attractive in the eyes of many others, but you're blessed with confidence mixed with very strong powers of attraction in other ways, and these could include outgoingness and an enviable sense of light-heartedness.

There could even be a hint of competitiveness in your actions that can only add to your powers of attraction. Simply be yourself now and allow the real you to shine confidently within social circles. You're turning heads for all of the right reasons!

Sunday 13th August

Be flexible and spontaneous

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Mars from 13th to 16th August 2023. Exact 15th August

What is it 'they' say about best-laid plans? Of course, to achieve anything, we need a plan of some sort but sometimes, the benefits of spontaneity can be overlooked.

When we discover a plan goes awry or an unforeseen obstacle gets presented in our path, then our first reaction often involves frustration. In your personal world now, it is important you're willing to be adaptable. It's essential you don't view a change to an arrangement or situation you believed to be unchangeable as a setback or potential problem. See it instead as a gift.

An important romantic or relationship goal is within reach. Have faith in the fact that you're helped to achieve it, but the journey might have one or two pit stops along the way that you hadn't - or couldn't have - accounted for. The more willing you are to be spontaneous and flexible, the more you'll enjoy this particular ride – and the more progress you'll make.

Tuesday 15th August

Ignore drama and exaggeration

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Neptune from 15th to 17th August 2023. Exact 16th August

To prove a point, we sometimes feel the need to go to great lengths. We believe it necessary to inject some drama or exaggeration to illustrate how important a particular issue or belief is to us.

Drama and exaggeration do little to convince others of our belief levels. Often, they'd prefer we were less dramatic or prone to exaggeration!

That's why, in your personal world now, you need to refrain from going 'over the top' regarding making a particular point. If you can separate fact from the fantasy that is being nurtured now, then you can make your point with clarity and not be at risk of being seen as unrealistic or having no true grasp of what you ought to be more certain of.

The same applies to a fearful fantasy, should you be nurturing of those instead. Much is being distorted now and the more you can be realistic and pragmatic, the less stress you'll encourage to come your way.

Also on Tuesday


Improving what's currently undesirable

Transiting Venus Retrograde Opposes your natal Venus from 15th to 19th August 2023. Exact 17th August

Where do you 'draw the line'? How do you express your dissatisfaction with a particular situation? Inviting those closest to you to offer advice isn't the best idea because they – or possibly one person in particular – could be the cause of your displeasure. You appear to be tolerating something unacceptable, and this probably has much to do with a perceived need to placate someone else in some way.

When we reach the end of our proverbial tether, then that's clear indication of when 'enough is enough.' It's easy to look at your current situation in the belief that having 'something' is better than 'nothing' yet you could be overlooking how easily 'something' could become 'something more.'

The challenge in your personal world now involves turning a fault into something adequate or sufficient. You needn't try to work a miracle. Approach what needs 'fixing' positively and constructively, and you will improve a less than desirable situation.

Also on Tuesday

Creating something special together

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Neptune from 15th to 19th August 2023. Exact 17th August

One interesting fact about talented people is, they are rarely talented at only one thing. Someone who is creative in an artistic sense can often possess skill or talents across a wide range of things artistic. When two creative people 'click', they often do so superbly.

Whether or not you believe yourself to be blessed with artistic or creative abilities, you have a fantastic opportunity begin or strengthen a relationship by focusing on what can be 'created' together. Stimulation and excitement is on offer now with someone who wants to create with you.

Look closely at who might fit that bill and you probably won't have to look as hard as you think you might.

Also on Tuesday

Taking a brave step

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Pluto from 15th to 20th August 2023. Exact 17th August

A moment of clarity is imminent. So too is a breath-taking transformation. With change imminent, you are understandably feeling some level of apprehension and, if you want to experience less, then it's essential you look closely at what – or whom – you're so anxious to retain control of. A situation in your relationship world needs reassessing and re-evaluating. This process will, undoubtedly, result in a revelation and a less than desirable situation becoming very different in a positive way once this revelation occurs.

This won't happen on its own though. It will require you to take action in a way you've possibly been reluctant to take previously. Don't fear what is unfolding now.

Don't fear a need to ask for help where you need it, either. What's happening is necessary and extremely positive. Once your apprehension and uncertainty clear, you will not need reminding of this.

Wednesday 16th August

Stepping back is best

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Moon from 16th to 18th August 2023. Exact 17th August

We are all, in one way or another, influenced strongly by our companions, colleagues and family members. However, we tend not to consider how influenced we are by what we believe they want from us as opposed to what they really want from us.

The boundaries of your relationship with one person - or possibly a group of people - are being redefined now. This could be causing you to fear that you're alienating yourself unnecessarily in some way yet, at the same time, it could be apparent that you involve yourself in dramas or other peoples' situations in ways you shouldn't be!

The redefining of boundaries is going to involve you to detach yourself in some way from certain others but don't succumb to a belief that the only way to remain connected as things stand presently is to involve yourself with what's happening in their worlds in ways that could justifiably be seen as inappropriate.

A shift is occurring where your relationships with key people are concerned. Step back, let what's changing unfold in its own way and time, and this will benefit you and those you're closest to.

Tuesday 15th August

Ringing the changes

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal Uranus from 15th to 19th August 2023. Exact 18th August

What is that you're holding? It appears to be a tether that you've reached the end of! We're all aware of that popular saying and, in your world now, a need exists for you to assess where you go from here regarding your relationship with a particular person.

The need to introduce change stems from your belief that an arrangement cannot continue as it has done and therefore needs to alter. You're being encouraged to introduce a change to a tired or tedious situation and doing so will soon bring a fresh start and fresh perspective.

Thursday 17th August

Desire for excitement

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Moon from 17th to 21st August 2023. Exact 19th August

What is stirring within you now? Might it be a desire for excitement? Are you aware of powerful or impulsive feelings trying to manifest from within? If the answer is 'yes,' then allow them to do so.

This is a time of powerful attraction and a need to address powerful urges. With either or both also comes a need to invest considerable energy. Allow a special connection to be improved or consolidated by what's creating intense feelings but make sure you balance assertiveness or impulsiveness with sensitivity.

Also on Thursday

Fixing it properly

Transiting Mars Opposes your natal Saturn from 17th to 21st August 2023. Exact 20th August

Repair manuals are supposed to be helpful with identifying problems and offering solutions. However, before a correct solution can be found, the problem needs to be properly identified first.

The swiftest and most effective way to fix something is to understand what caused the need to fix it in the first place. In your emotional world now, there exists a need to 'fix' something in a relationship sense.

Avoid the need to start again in any way because you could end up making unnecessary work for yourself. Look closely what the issue is, be honest about how it came about and trust your instincts to reveal the most effective way to put it right. Repairing or improving any aspect of your emotional world or one special connection can be done more easily and effectively than you might believe.

Thursday 24th August

Keeping the adrenaline surge in check

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 24th to 27th August 2023. Exact 26th August

Excitement, we know, is something we often want more of, especially if we believe it is lacking in an area of our world we wish contained more of the stuff that adrenaline surges are made of.

You are motivated by a need to boost excitement levels in some way and if this involves a partner or potential paramour, then be aware of how heavy-handed your keenness to do so may come across. Give the object of your affections time to come to terms with and prepare for what you're expecting of them. Being forthright and confident can be very sexy.

Being inflexible or aggressive isn't. That's a distinction you might need to make to form, strengthen or improve one special connection now.

Wednesday 16th August


Keep it simple

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Squares your natal Ascendant from 16th to 29th August 2023. Exact 27th August

It's amazing how leaving one word out of a sentence can change it dramatically. When we're trying to make a point or convey ideas to others, then doing so successfully relies entirely upon them grasping and fully understanding the point we're making.

We know, from experience, that people don't always understand what we try to tell them despite our efforts to do all we can to ensure they do. If what you're trying to convey to a certain person appears to be hard work, then rethink how you're conveying it. Remove all assumption from the equation.

Start again if you feel you must do so. Take your time, count to ten, let your words emerge confidently and see what changes in a close connection by doing so.

Friday 25th August

Giving it your all

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Sun from 25th to 29th August 2023. Exact 27th August

We're told from a young age that little comes to us in life without effort. It doesn't take us long to discover this for ourselves, either. If we knew that our efforts would always result in us getting what we wanted, we'd become bored with doing so.

Sometimes, we need a challenge to make a result worthier of attaining. You're able to apply plenty of focus on achieving a particular result where close connection is concerned now. Trust that the effort required to bring about a certain change or improvement is unlikely to be misplaced. You can make something special, very worthwhile and very memorable happen now.

Also on Friday


Taking a brave step

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Conjuncts your natal Pluto from 25th to 30th August 2023. Exact 28th August

A moment of clarity is imminent. So too is a breath-taking transformation. With change imminent, you are understandably feeling some level of apprehension and, if you want to experience less, then it's essential you look closely at what – or whom – you're so anxious to retain control of. A situation in your relationship world needs reassessing and re-evaluating. This process will, undoubtedly, result in a revelation and a less than desirable situation becoming very different in a positive way once this revelation occurs.

This won't happen on its own though. It will require you to take action in a way you've possibly been reluctant to take previously. Don't fear what is unfolding now.

Don't fear a need to ask for help where you need it, either. What's happening is necessary and extremely positive. Once your apprehension and uncertainty clear, you will not need reminding of this.

Monday 28th August

Let it all out

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Mercury from 28th August 2023 to 1st September 2023. Exact 30th August

Sometimes, our brains work quicker than our mouths. We struggle to process and convey vast information that wants to go from our heads to our mouths.

There appears to be much you want to say or convey now, and it's necessary to assess and make sense of it all yourself before doing so. Don't struggle with making a point or be concerned about whether you're saying the 'right thing.'

Focus only on what you know needs to be said and let it come out in the way it chooses to. All that matters now is that a certain point is made and no longer bottled up. This level of openness could be precisely what a special connection needs to improve or evolve.

Forecast for September 2023

Wednesday 30th August

Seek a win/win situation

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal MidHeaven from 30th August 2023 to 2nd September 2023. Exact 1st September

Opinions are like various parts of our anatomy. Everyone has one.

How vehemently we cling to opinions depends much on our personalities but, in an area of your personal world now, you're likely to see how vehemently a certain person is willing to cling to one of theirs - and they, in turn, could see how much belief you have in one of yours!

A clash is likely between you and a certain person. Clashes are natural and sometimes necessary. They help us to reach agreements we might not have reached otherwise but flexibility and compromise are essential if progress is to be made between you and another.

Saturday 9th September


Imagination can remove obstacles

Transiting Mercury Retrograde Opposes your natal MidHeaven from 9th to 15th September 2023. Exact 11th September

Nowadays, it can be more difficult than it used to be to speak with individuals in companies. Many have voice mail or answer machines they use to screen calls.

There seems to be a noticeable increase in gatekeeper-style secretaries and receptionists who diligently assess each call and interrogate callers about the purpose of their call.

To make progress sometimes, imagination is required to get past such obstacles. So too, is sensitivity and courtesy. To make a point you wish to make, you're going to have to apply imagination. Someone is likely to be receptive to what you're proposing, but they just don't know it yet.

That's why it's your job to convey yourself in a way you'd probably want someone to convey themselves to you.

Monday 11th September

Allow inner strength to overcome vulnerability

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Pluto from 11th to 14th September 2023. Exact 13th September

Are you feeling particularly sensitive now? Vulnerable? Emotionally volatile? If the answer to any or all of these is 'yes,' then that's good news.

You're about to invest a bit more faith in what your intuition is trying to tell you than you might be used to investing. If you're willing to push aside fear, guilt or any tendency to feel panic stricken or needy, then you'll soon hear, very clearly, what the message is from deep within yourself.

A decision doesn't need weighing up in the extensive ways you might feel inclined to offer it. You know what it is you need to do, but fear and uncertainty could be distorting the message in the same way a de-tuned television or radio is unhelpful.

You are right to expect tender moments and feelings of being unprotected or vulnerable. Make sure guilt, shame, embarrassment or fear play no part in what you're feeling though. Any attention they're given is misplaced, and the inner strength you're gaining now will ensure, very soon, that they play no part in what – and whom – you're now confirming does play an integral role in your future needs.

Tuesday 12th September

No second chances to make first impressions

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Ascendant from 12th to 14th September 2023. Exact 13th September

Do opposites attract? There is much evidence that they do. However, we know how magnets repel what doesn't suit them. In your personal world now, you need to consider how, through ways in which you're projecting yourself to others - or a particular person - you could be pushing away someone you ought to be closer with.

Consider how you're expressing yourself and to what extent aggression could be playing a part in what you do or say. Consider also how you're projecting yourself regarding your appearance. Be honest with yourself. Does appearance mean less to you than it once did, and might you be seen in a self-defeating way?

How you convey or project yourself now is likely to be opposite to how you'd ideally like to be seen. Don't make it unnecessarily difficult for others to get to know you. Give thought to how you can present yourself more enticingly.

Friday 15th September

Push aside passion

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Neptune from 15th to 17th September 2023. Exact 16th September

Is there an invisible clock ticking away somewhere that makes you feel you're under unnecessary pressure? Perhaps the clock you're focused so intently on is far from invisible.

Regardless of pressure you might feel obliged to succumb to in an area of your personal world, take a moment to breathe deeply and make an effort to proceed slowly. By giving in to pressure now, you risk compromising your ability to make incisive and accurate judgments. This, in turn, is likely to cause you to prolong a process that needn't be dragged out.

It's fair to say you have strong feelings about a situation or individual. Powerful passions often create some level of confusion. Do your very best to push aside passion for the time being. What's needed is clarity and if you allow it to come, then it will. Once it does, you'll be much better placed to trust the new understanding and act on it wisely, not hastily.

Also on Friday

See the funny side

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Uranus from 15th to 17th September 2023. Exact 16th September

Comedies, in the film scriptwriting world, are known as 'personal dramas.' That's because what's happening to the main character is hilarious to those watching the film but isn't the least bit funny to the main character. What they're doing, or undertaking is serious, and the attainment of success means much to them.

In your personal world, you're about to find a reason to laugh or at least smile at something within all that seems too serious and challenging.

Steer clear as best you can of others' opinions on a certain matter. Aim to identify truth within a situation. Above all, see what's amusing within the chaos. Despite seemingly impossible situations, ludicrous challenges and ridiculous dramas, there is a reason to smile and your ability to do this will help you to see exactly what you need to do.

Saturday 16th September

Prepare for a 'Eureka Moment'

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Moon from 16th to 18th September 2023. Exact 17th September

Can you remember when you last experienced a 'Eureka Moment'?

We all have these from time to time; sudden moments of clarity that are always wonderful – and often timely – to receive.

In your personal world now, a moment of clarity is about to be experienced by you. Don't succumb to a temptation to assess certain yearnings or needs deeply. Trust that you feel what you feel because, in more than one way, what you feel suits you and you're being steered toward the attainment of a cherished personal goal.

First, you need clarity. Embrace the revelation winging its way to you and, when it arrives, you'll know precisely why it is right and what your next move should be.

Also on Saturday

Full attention and concentration required

Transiting Sun Opposes your natal Saturn from 16th to 19th September 2023. Exact 18th September

There's no shirking a duty or obligation now. We know when we have to take something seriously that we've been putting off for some time and now is such a time.

Within an area of your personal world, you're about to accomplish something impressive, significant and meaningful despite the fact that you can hardly expect a peaceful, quiet time doing so. There's something you have to do, or somewhere you need to be, and whatever-it-is requires your full attention and concentration.

There is, though, something amusing or ironic within all that's happening. What appears so very serious does have, fortunately, something within it capable of making you smile. You are very able to discover this and succeed admirably with what needs your attention now.

Thursday 14th September

Imagination can remove obstacles

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal MidHeaven from 14th to 20th September 2023. Exact 19th September

Nowadays, it can be more difficult than it used to be to speak with individuals in companies. Many have voice mail or answer machines they use to screen calls.

There seems to be a noticeable increase in gatekeeper-style secretaries and receptionists who diligently assess each call and interrogate callers about the purpose of their call.

To make progress sometimes, imagination is required to get past such obstacles. So too, is sensitivity and courtesy. To make a point you wish to make, you're going to have to apply imagination. Someone is likely to be receptive to what you're proposing, but they just don't know it yet.

That's why it's your job to convey yourself in a way you'd probably want someone to convey themselves to you.

Tuesday 19th September

Improving what's currently undesirable

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Venus from 19th to 23rd September 2023. Exact 21st September

Where do you 'draw the line'? How do you express your dissatisfaction with a particular situation? Inviting those closest to you to offer advice isn't the best idea because they – or possibly one person in particular – could be the cause of your displeasure. You appear to be tolerating something unacceptable, and this probably has much to do with a perceived need to placate someone else in some way.

When we reach the end of our proverbial tether, then that's clear indication of when 'enough is enough.' It's easy to look at your current situation in the belief that having 'something' is better than 'nothing' yet you could be overlooking how easily 'something' could become 'something more.'

The challenge in your personal world now involves turning a fault into something adequate or sufficient. You needn't try to work a miracle. Approach what needs 'fixing' positively and constructively, and you will improve a less than desirable situation.

Wednesday 20th September

Remain on the side-lines

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 20th to 23rd September 2023. Exact 22nd September

It can be frustrating when we believe ourselves able to see what someone else cannot. A way forward might be crystal clear to us yet, for some reason, someone else simply cannot connect with it.

When this happens, some people feel inclined to take the reins and control of a situation, hoping to guide the person they believe to be misguided or oblivious to the right decision or destination.

Avoid a tendency now to believe you know what's best for others or a certain person in your world. By all means, show understanding, be willing to be supportive and compassionate but consider the fact that some people have their own agendas and are determined to stick with them.

That doesn't make either of you 'wrong' but, as much as you might believe yourself to be best placed to provide guidance or encourage someone to reconsider a belief, you could gain so much more now from stepping back and letting others do what suits them.

Thursday 21st September

Timing and trust

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Sun from 21st to 24th September 2023. Exact 23rd September

Making what we believe to be 'the right move' relies on us possessing some degree of skill and timing. What matters now is not whether you have 'the advantage' in some way but whether or not you possess confidence and patience to know when 'the right time' exists to make 'the right move.'

Power and control you have yearned for in an area of your personal world are making their way to you. Before you can receive both properly though, you need to accept what it is you do have at your disposal: an opportunity.

Be prepared to trust in ways you have been unwilling to trust previously. This will help you to identify the opportunity presenting itself and the wonderful possibility that accompanies it.

It will soon be within your abilities to make something seemingly minor into something very significant. When you see evidence of this, then you can expect soon afterward to see a noticeable boost to your confidence and optimism levels.

Also on Thursday

Passion running high

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Venus from 21st to 25th September 2023. Exact 23rd September

Beauty, we are told, is skin deep. We also understand beauty is in the eye of beholders. If any relationship is to be embarked upon, it helps but if some level of attraction exists between two people!

In a very intriguing and exciting way, you have a fantastic opportunity to allow yourself to be swept off your feet by succumbing to strong desires and passions. Don't underestimate your attraction levels now – or, if you're single, how easily you might find yourself attracted to someone a potential flame. However, much of what attracts you is external. The real beauty waiting to be discovered about a certain person is contained inside. Whether single or attached, it's that discovery that will be powerfully alluring.

Saturday 23th September

Confidence brings support

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Mercury from 23rd to 26th September 2023. Exact 25th September

At what point do we become aware that we've given enough effort to a particular area? This usually coincides with a clear message that comes to us from deep within our brains that we're pleased with a result, for the time being, anyway. It also comes from communication from others that we're doing something right or they understand what it is we set out to achieve.

So, with that in mind, why do you feel so answerable to so many people? Why do these people seem incapable of sharing your view, position or plan at face value? Why isn't something as obvious to others as it is to you?

In your personal world now, there exists a need for you to assert yourself and be less conciliatory. In other words, the time has come for you not to give in so easily or be quite as willing to placate certain others – or someone in particular.

If you're willing to boost your confidence levels and invest just a bit more effort to make a point, then you are likely to be both surprised and delighted at how supported you really are.

Sunday 24th September

Taking the initiative

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Ascendant from 24th to 28th September 2023. Exact 26th September

We know that, when the going gets tough, the tough are known to get going. Some people enjoy rising to particular challenges and being seen to 'prove' themselves. Similarly, there is a challenge you must rise to and demonstrate to a few people how willing you are to prove yourself.

Perhaps, where your personal world is concerned, you've grown used or accustomed to wanting something simply because you feel you deserve it. Now, it is probably becoming clear that to attain what – or whom – you want, you have to demonstrate your keenness or worthiness.

Don't shy from the challenge offered now. You can not only make real and tangible progress with a particular person and possibly surprise yourself and them at the same time.

Tuesday 26th September

Leave competition out of it

Transiting Mars Trines your natal Ascendant from 26th to 29th September 2023. Exact 28th September

Any relationship must keep moving forward, and one way to achieve this is to have shared goals. Sometimes though, the pursuit of shared goals becomes competitive and in a relationship context, competitive natures can cause more than one problem.

Where you and someone else are concerned, an opportunity is on offer to pursue something together and learn something valuable in the process. This will be made infinitely more enjoyable if competition is left out of the picture. Enjoy doing something together for the sake of doing something together and not because one or both of you want to be seen to be 'better' at doing something. That will only create tension that delays progress or an improvement where you want to experience one.

Wednesday 27th September

Taking a brave step

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Pluto from 27th to 29th September 2023. Exact 28th September

A moment of clarity is imminent. So too is a breath-taking transformation. With change imminent, you are understandably feeling some level of apprehension and, if you want to experience less, then it's essential you look closely at what – or whom – you're so anxious to retain control of. A situation in your relationship world needs reassessing and re-evaluating. This process will, undoubtedly, result in a revelation and a less than desirable situation becoming very different in a positive way once this revelation occurs.

This won't happen on its own though. It will require you to take action in a way you've possibly been reluctant to take previously. Don't fear what is unfolding now.

Don't fear a need to ask for help where you need it, either. What's happening is necessary and extremely positive. Once your apprehension and uncertainty clear, you will not need reminding of this.

Also on Wednesday

Faith restoration

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Mars from 27th to 30th September 2023. Exact 29th September

Sometimes, confidence is dented all too easily. We've all experienced a situation where we believe we can take on the world and any problem within it and then discover that all it takes is one unforeseen development to create a sense of fear or disbelief toward what we were so focused on originally. There are also times when we are willing to invest faith in something we cannot see or justify until we experience a similar crisis of faith.

In your personal world now, there is something you believed you were once very sure of. Now, it appears to have reservations about whatever-it-is. The good news is, very soon, your faith and confidence will be restored. The even better news is your faith and confidence look set to be higher and stronger than they were previously.

There is though, something you must do for this change to unfold. This involves bringing about a change in your romantic or emotional world that surrounds being less dutiful or beholden and being willing to inviting more joy into your world. Make that change, and you will soon be feeling rejuvenated and optimistic.

Thursday 28th September

Keep it simple

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Ascendant from 28th to 29th September 2023. Exact 29th September

It's amazing how leaving one word out of a sentence can change it dramatically. When we're trying to make a point or convey ideas to others, then doing so successfully relies entirely upon them grasping and fully understanding the point we're making.

We know, from experience, that people don't always understand what we try to tell them despite our efforts to do all we can to ensure they do. If what you're trying to convey to a certain person appears to be hard work, then rethink how you're conveying it. Remove all assumption from the equation.

Start again if you feel you must do so. Take your time, count to ten, let your words emerge confidently and see what changes in a close connection by doing so.

Also on Thursday

Holding your horses

Transiting Mars Conjuncts your natal Mars from 28th September 2023 to 2nd October 2023. Exact 30th September

Considerable energy and willpower is available to you now, provided you want it. The equivalent of a celestial kick up the backside to take the initiative in ways you may have delayed doing is on offer. Much depends on how you intend to use it and even more depends on whether you believe you need it.

Sometimes, we can come across as a bit heavy handed all of a sudden in the eyes of certain people and should you choose to make use of energy and power available to you, then you might find one or two people are taken aback by your new-found drive and determination.

By all means, make changes or take reins where they need to be taken but remember to be sensitive to the needs of others before doing so.

Forecast for October 2023

Friday 29th September

Reviving a dream

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Neptune from 29th September 2023 to 1st October 2023. Exact 1st October

Dreams and aspirations never vanish or dissipate completely if we don't achieve them. Sometimes, newer ones take their place. Eventually, we discover that what mattered to us a long time ago remains important and become aware that we ought to give what once mattered our time and attention once again.

Where affairs of the heart or one special relationship are concerned, what or who once mattered greatly to you is becoming a priority again in some way. You have an opportunity to shift your focus to what - or whom – probably never left the realms of your mind and heart. This time, the dream could be more achievable or attainable.

Also on Friday

Smelling the coffee

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Neptune from 29th September 2023 to 2nd October 2023. Exact 1st October

The world is and always will be full of insensitive people. That's why it's important now that you separate yourself from such individuals. It's important to gain proper perspective and assess how far to trust one or two individuals and how much to believe what you're being told by them, and by one in particular.

Detaching yourself will also help you to identify certain flaws in a particular person that will help with a decision you need to make. You're not being encouraged to be judgmental.

You're being encouraged to, as the old saying goes, wake up and smell some coffee. To do that, you need to restrain your imagination slightly and view a certain relationship with both honesty and sensitivity. If you can do that, then you'll soon be better placed to identify a way forward.

Saturday 30th September

The answer needs to come from the heart

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Uranus from 30th September 2023 to 1st October 2023. Exact 1st October

Computers will always do as they're told. They can't think for themselves, even if it appears they can. Any decisions they make on our behalf are made according to a program. If 'X' occurs, then the computer knows to implement 'Y.'

With that in mind, consider certain conclusions you're reaching now. Are they being made in such a cold and calculated way? There's nothing wrong with applying logic to what needs sorting now.

However, logic needs to be mixed with what your heart is telling you and therein lies the reason for potential conflict. Your heart needs to play a bigger part in a decision you're making now.

Allow it more room to do so and the balance between what it is saying and what logic is saying will be restored. In your personal life now, that's precisely the balance that you need.

Also on Saturday

Communication is key

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Moon from 30th September 2023 to 2nd October 2023. Exact 1st October

We're all blessed with instincts. We use them from time to time and, when we do, find that they provide us with interesting and, at times, valuable insight. If you're willing to use yours now, then you stand to gain insight into a situation that you may feel you're kidding yourself about.

You're not deceiving yourself, and your assessment of a situation and someone's involvement with it (or their motivation) is likely to be accurate. You and a certain person need to have an exchange of sorts, and this is likely to involve a tense and possibly emotional conversation.

Even if verbal dialogue isn't forthcoming, there is much you're able to learn now through subtle signs and signals. Provided you're willing to be open and share thoughts and feelings tactfully and sensitively, then a partner is likely to do the same. Collaborating in this way is essential with bringing a helpful and timely improvement.

Also on Saturday

The key to the future is held in the past

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Saturn from 30th September 2023 to 2nd October 2023. Exact 1st October

There's no future in archaeology. Archaeologists aren't concerned about the future; it's the past they want to know more about. They accept they can't alter history but are keen to help with influencing the future through what we can all learn from what occurred previously.

There is a curious link between your past, present, and future now. Something from a previous episode of your life plays a key role in what is happening presently - and influencing your attitude toward the future.

You're likely feeling under pressure of sorts and could be inclined to be a bit argumentative with a certain individual.

Also, you may even be inclined to be a bit too quick to bend or even break a rule that you have adhered to for a long time, just to see what the result might be or in the hope it accelerates a plan close to your heart.

Don't be impatient. Look closely at how similar what happened previously is to what is happening now – and how you can truly influence the future based on your knowledge of both.

Also on Saturday

Emotional release

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Moon from 30th September 2023 to 3rd October 2023. Exact 2nd October

Some people 'say it as they see it.' They cannot resist giving their input or sharing observations which is an admirable trait in some ways but can tend to get others' backs up. As 'right' as these outspoken people are, not everyone shares their keenness to know whatever it is such people feel the need to impart. It's easy though to misinterpret sensitivity for bullishness or arrogance sometimes.

That's why, in your personal world now, it's important that you understand your reasons for releasing a pent-up feeling. The emotional strength surrounding what you've kept concealed until now is likely stronger than you gave it credit for being. All of this would be easier if something in your emotional world 'made sense.'

The fact it doesn't probably has something to do with how emotionally you're choosing to react toward it. What's happening now is powerful and necessary. It's also providing a helpful step toward emotional stability you've wanted for some time.

Tuesday 3rd October

You can't fail to impress now

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 3rd to 4th October 2023. Exact 4th October

Experienced magicians can impress others because of countless hours of practicing. The same can be said about musicians. To do something impressive usually takes considerable time to perfect. How frustrating it must be for them when some people overlook how much time and effort has been invested to perfect their talent or skill.

In your relationship world now, you can not only make something wonderful happen but can also impress more than one person with how you do it. You're about to make a decision that alters an unsatisfactory situation beyond recognition. The process though is not as instant as it may appear.

You've had to go through an intense trial and error period, but now that you have perfected, in your mind, a way forward, you cannot fail to impress others - including yourself!

Also on Tuesday

Give it your all

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Sun from 3rd to 5th October 2023. Exact 4th October

Sometimes, we view mistakes as something to be avoided at all costs. We go out of our way to ensure they don't happen because we see them as the ultimate setback. However, we should see mistakes as essential steps in a learning process and stepping stones to progress we yearn to make.

The progress you yearn to make now within your relationship world is important to you. It deserves respect you're keen to give it and also deserves the success you want to achieve. Whether or not you achieve either or both depends entirely on how seriously you want either or both.

Aim at nothing, and you're guaranteed to hit it. Give what matters most to you time, attention and effort, and you stand to be both amazed and delighted by what you achieve.

Wednesday 4th October

Embracing the 'feel good factor'

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Mercury from 4th to 6th October 2023. Exact 5th October

What would make you happier? Everyone has a list of sorts that contains what would make us feel more comfortable or at ease with life. Would more money be on your list? What about an improvement in your personal and emotional or romantic life?

It seems that good news is winging its way to you that is bound to bring more than just a smile on your face. To receive it, all you must do is show some effort to embrace it. Where your relationships are concerned, your newly-found 'feel good factor' might be infectious!

Sunday 8th October

All it takes is one tiny spark…

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Jupiter from 8th to 12th October 2023. Exact 10th October

It takes two to tango. It can sometimes take at least two people to experience confrontation or conflict. You're dealing with a sensitive situation where your relationship with a special individual is concerned, and it's important you don't underestimate how a single spark can create a conflagration now.
The more you can smile, be supportive and sensitive, the more you can avert a tense and unnecessary confrontation that has plenty of potential to be overblown. It's by being seen to be part of the solution rather than adding to the problem that you can strengthen or improve a love connection. All you need to do is find more positive and pleasurable ways of applying the power of that spark!

Monday 9th October

Love you can depend on

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Venus from 9th to 12th October 2023. Exact 11th October

People sometimes go to great lengths in a material sense to show their affection toward another. Flowers and chocolates are wonderful to receive but not when the recipient isn't interested in such grand and seemingly empty gestures.

What you want is a particular person to be more consistently sweeter toward you. That's all. Methods they're choosing to use are likely falling short of what you believe you want and need and, if anything, such material gestures might even be making you feel more suspicious than grateful.

You want love you can depend on and, fortunately, you're closer to attaining that than you might think.

Curiously, both your bank account and heart look set to receive a very welcome boost. In your personal world though, you can expect proof of your ability to attract affection. Prepare, very soon, to attain what you feel most desirous of or is lacking where love, romance, and intimacy are concerned.

Tuesday 10th October

If a job's worth doing…

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Sun from 10th to 13th October 2023. Exact 12th October

If a job's worth doing, then many of us adhere to the old motto about it being done properly. This usually involves us doing it ourselves. If you feel an urge to take the reins in some way where a relationship matter is concerned, then don't shy from taking the initiative.

A change in a situation is likely to only come about through your efforts. Stick with what you know works best or will produce the most likely desired result. Taking control of a situation doesn't always mean ringing dramatic changes. It might be more appropriate at this time to simply let a situation and certain person know that you are capable of steering both in a particular direction - and intend to do so! That level of reassurance could be what's needed to improve one special connection.

Thursday 12th October

Power of attraction

Transiting Sun Trines your natal Ascendant from 12th to 15th October 2023. Exact 14th October

Some people know how to command respect from others. They manage to do this effortlessly and in ways that encourage others to cooperate or be drawn toward them willingly.

To make progress in an area of your personal world, you don't need to apply any harsh or aggressive tactics. Simply be yourself. Treat those you want to be closer to you in ways you would want to be treated, and you could be surprised at how easily it is to win friends or influence certain people.

It's fair to say you possess a 'magnetic personality' now. Magnets can be fickle things, though. They know what they like to be drawn toward and what they prefer to repel. You're being assisted to draw toward you what and whom you need. Trust that and allow the process to work something wonderful on your behalf.

Friday 13th October

Applying ingenuity can bring something magical

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Venus from 13th to 15th October 2023. Exact 14th October

Does the word 'genius' get used more today than at other times throughout history? Think about how fantastic inventions were many years ago that have become accepted and taken for granted today.

Surely, something created by someone else that stands the test of time through acceptance by so many people is worthy of the accolade 'genius'? It is how you are likely to apply ingenuity now that put you in a wonderfully strong position.

It seems that comfort is winging its way to you and most likely in a material or financial sense. But real, long-lasting comfort is likely to come from you devising a clever plan and pursuing a wonderful idea and doing either or both will, undoubtedly, enhance your relationship with someone else, or present you with one that could arguably be heaven sent.

Also on Friday

Leave anger on the doorstep

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Mercury from 13th to 16th October 2023. Exact 15th October

There's a right way and a wrong way to make a certain point to a certain person now. You're presented with a choice. You can either release pent-up frustration or anger, and part someone's hair with words that aren't particularly well-chosen or you can apply large amounts of a sensitivity and compassion to a difficult or tense conversation.

The former will result in you-know-who becoming understandably and justifiably defensive. The latter will do much to ensure that the point you're keen to make is listened to.

It's by being seen to be part of the solution rather than adding to a problem that you can strengthen or improve a love connection now. Steering a potentially heated exchange into calmer and more pleasurable waters is the first step to doing so.

Saturday 14th October

Don't let enthusiasm become frustration

Transiting Sun Conjuncts your natal Mars from 14th to 16th October 2023. Exact 15th October

Mistakes, we know, are only mistakes when we make them a second time. With that in mind, what is it that you believe yourself to be in absolutely no doubt about now?

We tend to make the most mistakes when we're overly confident. In your personal world now, you're blessed with an ability to achieve whatever it is you set your heart on achieving and are likely to discover soon (if not already) that you have more physical and mental energy available to you.

It's important you guard against enthusiasm turning to frustration if you encounter an obstacle or an individual who chooses not to be as supportive of you in some way as you wish or believe they ought to be. As confident and certain you are of something or someone, need exists to be realistic.

Leave room for flexibility. Avoid the tendency to believe you are 100her right about something you know someone else has reservations about. Their reservations could be justified and, through being willing to accept a situation could be different to what you believe it to be, you could find yourself in a necessary – and potentially wonderful – position to compromise and reach an agreement or common ground.

Sunday 15th October

Say it and say it confidently

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Ascendant from 15th to 17th October 2023. Exact 16th October

We tend to be 'tuned in' to people who have much to say but who don't appear to be able to back up what they say. Such people tend to simply regurgitate what they've been told and have never chosen to question the validity or relevance to what they tell others.

However, some people appear to possess 'gift of the gab', make sense when they speak and capture others' imaginations with engaging words. You can bring an improvement to your emotional world or one special relationship by speaking confidently and knowledgeably now. You have something interesting and relevant to say. Don't feel otherwise.

Monday 16th October

Say it as you see it

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Mars from 16th to 18th October 2023. Exact 17th October

How are you supposed to gauge a certain person's mood or attitude now? It's difficult because people rarely say what they really mean. Someone's words are either coated in sugar or protected to a point where deciphering their message is difficult if not impossible.

They are either noticeably sweeter, or their words contain an unmistakable hint of aggression, and it might even be more than a hint at times. Believe that you're not kidding yourself or seeing or hearing something that doesn't exist.

Summon the courage to ask someone to make clearer what they're saying, and you will remove the mystery with less effort than you thought would be required.

Also on Monday

Give where it feels right

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal MidHeaven from 16th to 19th October 2023. Exact 18th October

Love manifests itself on many levels. There is the love we feel for friends and family members. Then, there is the love we feel toward those we are linked with in various other ways. We often fail to consider that our love levels are self-replenishing. Where so many other resources are available in finite supply, we can always find within our hearts a further quantity when we need it.

With that in mind, in what way or ways is love you're capable of giving being directed now? It appears you have options regarding how best to 'distribute' love you can offer. To make everything simpler, trust your heart to guide you as to where your love supply is best aimed.

Trust that you don't have to be as cautious as you perhaps feel you must be with deciding who is worthy of love you can provide. Give where it feels right, and you will discover, to your delight, how loved you are in return.

Friday 20th October

Seeing a situation as it really is

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Jupiter from 20th to 22nd October 2023. Exact 21st October

If you're not seeing eye-to-eye with a certain person or are aware that tension is escalating between you and them, then coming developments could help. However, that doesn't necessarily mean such help won't bring further tension because a certain situation might need to worsen slightly before it can be improved. Think of the saying about the need to break eggs sometimes!

There appears to be uncertainty between you and someone close regarding an arrangement and where it goes from here. You're not as trapped as you might believe you are.

If you're willing to make progress and improve an arrangement that may no longer be valid and in need of updating, then a superb opportunity exists to do so now. The key to achieving this lies with you not seeing an issue as being bigger or more daunting than it really is.

Also on Friday

Smile sweetly and look for what truly deserves your attention

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Sun from 20th to 22nd October 2023. Exact 22nd October

Should you turn the other cheek? Should you ignore provocation? Doing either will require much self-control. It will also require faith on your part because the act of ignoring such a bothersome factor is one that is unlikely be done easily. If you want to involve yourself in a pointless debate, then you can.

However, all the indications are, where tension exists between you and a certain person, you ought to avoid a drama that is better left alone. Something more constructive needs your time and attention. Look closely at what is far more simple, sweet and clearer and focus on that.

Saturday 21st October

You can rebuild it

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Jupiter from 21st to 23rd October 2023. Exact 22nd October

Weightlifters understand the concept that building muscle requires muscle fibers to be broken down and allowed to rebuild during a healing process. When they rebuild themselves, they are bigger, better and stronger than before.

The analogy holds some relevance in your personal world now. Something needs to be broken down and rebuilt in some way. However, it's important you focus on how much better a romantic or relationship situation or arrangement will be from doing so.

If something feels right and makes you feel confident and assured, then chances are it doesn't need much of your attention. Focus instead on what you know to be uncertain or unstable. It can be fixed provided you're willing to instigate necessary change that can both heal and strengthen what needs healing or strengthening.

Sunday 22nd October

Time to be selective

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Mercury from 22nd to 23rd October 2023. Exact 23rd October

We often resent having no options available to us. Then, we resent having too many. We like having a choice, but not too much choice. It is through having a bit too much choice in your relationship world now that is causing you to make what can only be described as a controversial decision – and making that is likely to bring about a controversial result!

Avoid giving time and attention to something or someone unworthy of both. With little effort, you can identify what or whom does deserve your attention. From there, you can make a decision that brings tangible and potentially heart-warming progress – and might cease a few tongues from wagging!

Also on Sunday

Don't let fear cause an opportunity to be missed

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Sun from 22nd to 24th October 2023. Exact 23rd October

We make predictions every day. Sometimes, we're unaware of how many we actually make. Some of these we predict accurately, particularly if we have something historical to refer to. Sometimes, we don't fare quite so well, but that needn't always be cause for consolation.

Where you feel inclined to make certain predictions in an area of your personal world now, don't believe you need to own a crystal ball or possess unique psychic abilities. Investing belief in such things is as unnecessary as investing belief in the fact that whatever it is you're predicting is doomed to failure.

Fear, trepidation or a confidence crisis could be causing you to miss a wonderful opportunity presenting itself. Don't convince yourself that, by focusing on what you believe could go wrong, you're protecting yourself. Assume all will be well, act as if all will be well and you will discover, to your delight, that all will be well.

Also on Sunday

It's all about having a plan…

Transiting Mars Trines your natal MidHeaven from 22nd to 26th October 2023. Exact 24th October

To make anything happen, we need a plan. Even if we haven't sat down with a pen and paper or in front of a computer to create one, we are still following a plan of some kind if achieving something is important to us.

What plan are you following now? Is it one that is destined for success or failure? Perhaps it's time to determine if you are following a plan or are heading in a direction in a rudderless way. If you suspect your involvement with something or someone is heading in a direction that needs guidance or brought back on track, then now is a perfect time to do it.

Monday 23th October

Smile and walk away

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Mercury from 23rd to 26th October 2023. Exact 25th October

Few people love an argument. They might enjoy rising to the occasion, so to speak, but rarely is there any pleasure to be had from engaging in heated discussion or negotiation.

In your personal world now, you have a choice. You can allow yourself to be involved in an argument, intense debate or a very challenging suggestion or you can simply smile and walk away from any of the above.

Of course, doing the latter will require considerable self-control on your part as well as a reasonable amount of faith. You could even find yourself wondering if you dare ignore what appears such a demanding and bothersome issue.

It would, however, be better to detach yourself from the matter presenting itself now than pursue a long, exhausting diversion with what will ultimately prove to be a difficult - and irrelevant - option.

Thursday 26th October

Gentle persuasion is key

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal MidHeaven from 26th to 28th October 2023. Exact 27th October

There have been many popular songs that have focused on difference of opinion. One person says or believes one thing. Another person says or believes something else. Interestingly, such songs have only highlighted the problem without proposing a solution.

Where you and a certain person in your relationship world are potentially locking horns now, might this be due to a clash of opinion? The key to resolving this lies with continued and open communication. You're both closer to reaching a compromise than you believe.

It's fine, natural and acceptable for someone to adopt a contrary position but if success you want to see happen relies on them supporting your ideas or proposals, then with gentle persuasion and reiterating benefits to them of what you're proposing, you can achieve it.

Saturday 28th October

The power of passion

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Pluto from 28th to 30th October 2023. Exact 29th October

Passion is always attractive. So too, is confidence. Passionate and confident people will always have the ability to turn heads or attract attention, and that might explain why you're being seen in such ways now. If you're not aware of how you are radiating intensity and carrying a particular kind of power, then you will, very soon.

That's why you need to understand what or whom you're becoming so passionate about. Is your passion being expressed positively or might it be attached to a dubious or even dangerous idea?

Try to curb your enthusiasm if you can because you could be at risk of going a bit too far too quickly. But perhaps that is a risk you're willing to ignore and take!

Sunday 29th October

Look no further than a mirror

Transiting Venus Squares your natal Ascendant from 29th to 31st October 2023. Exact 30th October

Is there some unseen council that dictates who and what is attractive and who and what isn't? We need only look on the cover of glossy magazines to see who or what is deemed attractive and many people make such effort to measure their own attractiveness by what's socially acceptable.

You, however, don't need to measure your attractive levels – and your ability to attract – in such ways. You don't need to succumb to any pressure to meet someone else's criteria of what's attractive. In your personal world now, it's important to accept how attractive you are in the eyes of others.

Even if you wrongly believe you aren't 'measuring up' to someone else's ideas of attractiveness, have utter faith in how you are attracting very much the right attention through determination you are showing in some way. You know something or someone worth having is worth giving proper effort toward – and that, in itself, is attractive!

Forecast Until 13th November 2023

Monday 30th October

No shrinking violets

Transiting Sun Trines your natal MidHeaven from 30th October 2023 to 2nd November 2023. Exact 1st November

A little bit of praise, we know, can go a long way. Praise, when we know we deserve it, can do much to boost our confidence levels and encourage us to think more about what else we might be capable of.

In an area of your personal world now, you're well placed to receive praise and recognition, and this can only spur you on to want to achieve more.

If you're willing to back up your words with action, then some form of personal success is assured. You probably don't have to force issues and could be surprised at how accepted you and what you're proposing or suggesting are.

This is a time to make clear to certain others - or one person in particular - what you truly want. Don't be a shrinking violet. Aim high, and you'll be delighted with responses you receive.

Tuesday 31st October

Life and money

Transiting Mercury Squares your natal Venus from 31st October 2023 to 2nd November 2023. Exact 1st November

A relationship needs to be redefined now, but you might be surprised at what relationship you're expected to redefine. It is your relationship with life that needs to be assessed.

It is also your relationship with bits of paper and metal we use to purchase things with that needs new perspective put upon it. What is it you're expected to do? Well, that's easy. All you need to do where life and money are concerned is not take either so seriously.

That's not to say you don't have issues surrounding both that do need addressing. You're being encouraged to address what cannot be ignored – but you're also being encouraged to accept that, one action has been taken, worrying is an exercise in futility.

Face what needs facing. Sort what needs sorting, and life will undoubtedly become noticeably sweeter and less tense.

Also on Tuesday

Trust your hunches

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Neptune from 31st October 2023 to 3rd November 2023. Exact 2nd November

Sometimes, we're our own worst enemies when it comes to being 'talked out' of doing something. We tend to ignore our intuition because we know what it's telling us is right and we struggle with hearing the truth at times. In your personal world now, a certain truth is emerging.

There is something you are feeling, about a person or situation that you cannot ignore. What you want, before taking any action are facts. You would prefer your decisions were based on logic rather than hunches.

It is important though, to trust what you're feeling. Acknowledge and respect what your hunches are telling you. When the truth does emerge, you will be able to say with confidence and honesty that you knew it already.

Wednesday 1st November

The importance of choosing wisely

Transiting Venus Conjuncts your natal Uranus from 1st to 3rd November 2023. Exact 2nd November

The phrase 'falling in love' is a curious one. The word 'falling' implies we have little control over what we're experiencing and have no other option than invest huge amounts of faith in the fact that we'll be safe. Interestingly, we're often told to be careful about what we 'fall' for, meaning there is a risk that we could end up being deceived or duped.

In your personal world now, it's important to be careful about what – or whom – you're potentially 'falling' – or wishing - for. This isn't due to a possibility that you won't get what you want. It has much more to do with you likely attaining what or who you want only to discover that you should have been seeking something or someone else. In deciding, you needn't be specific.

Neither do you need to make grand or far-reaching plans for the future. You do, however, need to be discriminating and should you choose to pursue a particular plan or dream, be certain it feels right from the outset. An incorrect choice could result in a situation that might take you a long time to free yourself from.

Also on Wednesday

What you give, you'll receive

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Moon from 1st to 4th November 2023. Exact 3rd November

Some people will always believe that showing emotion is a sign of weakness. Right now, in your personal world, your greatest asset is not strength but softness. It is this quality that needs nurturing within you now. It is important that you dip deeply into your reserves of compassion, tolerance, patience, and support.

Even if you feel you're reaching the end of your proverbial tether, by being sensitive and supportive, you will find your tether can stretch further than you thought it would.

It's a case of 'doing unto others as you would have them do unto you' and if there's a particular person you want to get closer to, then you'll discover they're likely to respond toward you with whatever you're offering them.

Thursday 2nd November

Right here, right now is what matters

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Pluto from 2nd to 4th November 2023. Exact 3rd November

There is much to be said about adopting a 'right here, right now' attitude because it is what's happening here and now, particularly where your relationship world is concerned, that needs and deserves attention. This will probably require you to shift your focus from the future briefly.

However, it's important you don't try to hasten a process unfolding in its own way and time. Despite how results, progress or certain romantic or relationship improvements were more encouraging or visible, it's important you trust that you are in the throes of a positive and transformative process. Soon, your current love life circumstances will likely appear vastly different.

That, however, is going to be the result of the process working on your behalf that cannot be rushed. Focus instead on here and now in the knowledge that change or improvement you yearn for is coming, and soon.

Also on Thursday

Your heart won't fail you

Transiting Venus Opposes your natal Saturn from 2nd to 4th November 2023. Exact 3rd November

We allow ourselves to be ruled by our heads. We also allow our hearts to have a say in what we ought to be doing or considering. Perhaps, that's why your head and various ideas you're generating are pulling you in one direction, and your feelings are pulling you in another.

You could be inclined now to support one and abandon the other. What ideally needs to happen is both your head and your heart working together, and the best way to achieve this is to decide what in your personal or relationship world is essential and what's merely little more than preferable. How can you tell which is which? That's easy.

Trust what you feel. Allow your instincts to guide you. Avoid the tendency to 'think' as much as you believe you must about a particular arrangement or situation and invest more faith in what you 'feel.' Your heart can have stronger influence if you'll allow it to and, if given a chance, won't fail you.

Saturday 4th November

Reviewing the situation

Transiting Mercury Conjuncts your natal Neptune from 4th to 6th November 2023. Exact 5th November

There's a saying about trying and trying again, if, at first, we don't succeed. There's another related saying that involves taking time to read instructions.

Trying and trying again is fine and can bring the desired result, but if we're struggling, does it not make sense to stop and assess where we're going wrong? Perhaps, much depends on how badly we really want to make something happen.

It's time to consider how and why a dream or fantasy close to your heart doesn't seem any closer to manifesting despite your efforts. It's also time to consider if what you're pursuing is being done more out of habit than real, burning desire to achieve or attain it.

What was a priority once upon a time might not be as important to you now. Pursuing it might be done more out of determination or stubbornness than from within your heart.

This is a time of reassessment and reflection, but the process promises to be helpful, valuable, enlightening and eventually reassuring.

Also on Saturday

It's 'here and now' that matters

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Uranus from 4th to 6th November 2023. Exact 6th November

Grass often appears greener on the other side of fences. Much often appears preferable in another place – or time! Is there something you wish you could turn the clock back now to do differently than you did way back when? In the same way it is unhelpful to be pondering the past, and what you could have done differently, it is equally unhelpful to be in too much of a rush to alter the future.

It is what's happening here, and now that needs your attention and deserves to be enjoyed and celebrated, despite how a situation may appear.

You're on the brink of a valuable and helpful discovery where your relationship with a certain person is concerned. Let what's unfolding continue to do so in the knowledge that you will soon have something to be very glad of.

Also on Saturday

Establishing boundaries

Transiting Mars Squares your natal Venus from 4th to 8th November 2023. Exact 6th November

Animals, as we know, can be very territorial. Humans often behave similarly. With that in mind, where do you stand with a certain person and where do they stand with you? There is a need to define - or perhaps redefine - 'territory.'

In other words, an agreement is needed regarding what is acceptable, unacceptable and possibly open to negotiation. Make no mistake; love is in the air. However, guidelines or boundaries exist and need to be acknowledged and agreed. Provided you and someone special can do both, then delightful and positive progress can be made.

Sunday 5th November

Loose lips sink ships

Transiting Mercury Opposes your natal Moon from 5th to 7th November 2023. Exact 6th November

We're told it is better to say nothing and let the world suspect we're a fool than open our mouths and confirm any suspicions. Nobody is implying you are a fool.

However, a risk exists now that, through saying more than you ought to, you are putting yourself in a situation that could leave you red-faced or with a face covered with proverbial egg.

Confusion reigns supreme now, and while you have a valid point to make to you-know-who, you could find your jaw dropping in amazement at how they misinterpret what you're saying. There are times when we must speak up. There are also times when it wisest to say nothing. Now is such a time.

Also on Sunday

A valuable discovery

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Saturn from 5th to 7th November 2023. Exact 6th November

You hopefully feel much more positive now than you have recently. If so, then that's good news and helpful because a certain 'iron' needs to be struck while it is 'hot', as the old saying goes.

There is something you need to learn about yourself and, by doing so and learning something valuable, you will be in an excellent position to make progress or bring a yearned-for improvement to a special connection.

Prepare to see evidence of how loved and respected you are in the eyes of others and one person in particular. It's time to address something you've chosen to ignore. Once you take a brave step forward, something between you and a special person will, in many ways, become noticeably easier and sweeter.

Also on Sunday

Confidence is key

Transiting Venus Sextiles your natal Jupiter from 5th to 8th November 2023. Exact 7th November

We know how attractive confident people can be. We know how attractive we feel when people are appreciative of us and our abilities. In your relationship world now, you're about to experience a much-needed boost to your confidence, and this has strong implications regarding what you can make happen that you truly want to make happen.

Guard against a perceived need to use extreme measures to achieve this, though. What you're experiencing now is the result of having pushed your luck in the past. You don't need to find a big, 'new' solution. All you need to do is channel confidence into allowing an existing solution to give itself a chance to work – and it will!

Monday 6th November

The secret to happiness isn't so elusive

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Sun from 6th to 9th November 2023. Exact 8th November

Is there a recipe for happiness? Do we need to stick to a rigid plan to be happy? In some ways, we do, but when we become too rigid to something that should be spontaneous, we lose the potential for happiness as well as some of the magic needed to create it.

In your personal world now, you have much support available to you to attain what so many people spend lifetimes trying to find or manifest – happiness!

You have a rare opportunity to experience a rise in your status in more than one person's eyes, but it is one person in particular who looks set to see you in a much different and positive way. That, in turn, will relieve pressure in a relationship where you've long wanted to experience it.

Wednesday 8th November

Happily ever after

Transiting Mercury Trines your natal Jupiter from 8th to 10th November 2023. Exact 9th November

Most leading fairy tale characters tend to live 'happily ever after.' Whether or not they did is something we will never know. All that we know is, one chapter in their respective worlds ended and another began and, in your world now, something awkward or tense has ended, and something better is beginning.

If you're not already seeing evidence that life is becoming sweeter, noticeably more sensible and logical, then you will soon enough. This can only have a very positive knock-on effect to your relationships and with one person in particular.

Positive and encouraging news is on its way to you, and this should help you to strike a deal or implement an arrangement of agreement that has needed discussion for some time. All you need to do is be receptive to making the positive change.

Also on Wednesday

Exploring your options

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Sun from 8th to 10th November 2023. Exact 10th November

People often speak about being 'stuck in ruts.' It's interesting how many people are willing to accept that's how things must be. They convince themselves that a rut they find themselves in will require more effort than they're prepared to give to remove themselves from it, or they fear change that will come as a result of doing so.

You are being presented with an opportunity to instigate a change that will get you out of a rut that you may feel you're stuck in.

It's possible you can remove yourself from a tedious drama and, where your relationship with someone is concerned, introduce life where tedium is all too present. You have more choices than you thought you did and that's precisely what needs to be understood now.

Also on Wednesday

There's nothing like a 'Eureka Moment'

Transiting Venus Trines your natal Mercury from 8th to 10th November 2023. Exact 10th November

Sometimes, we experience things called 'Eureka Moments.' We can feel relieved or amazed when we make a vital discovery or something that has been problematic finally 'clicks' into place.

In your personal world now, such a discovery awaits you. You're about to be blessed with ingenuity. There's no need for you to work harder or smarter. Whatever plans or ideas come to light will be simple, obvious and effective.

Where your relationships are concerned, you're about to see how using your imagination will allow you to gain valuable insight into a problem and how you can then explore new ground. This is a time to believe in magic. Let a wonderful discovery reveal itself now.

Also on Wednesday

Let time bring a desired improvement

Transiting Sun Squares your natal Venus from 8th to 11th November 2023. Exact 10th November

In the same way it can be difficult to remove a song embedded in our minds, it can be as equally difficult to banish thoughts or images.

In your personal world now, there is something or someone you feel very attracted to, intrigued by and excited about but banishing this thought could prove to be an exercise in futility.

However, the good news is, you don't have to make a real, concerted effort to do anything at this stage. You can afford to wait until you're in a better position to make a move.

Have faith in the fact that your situation will improve naturally over time and, where your love life is concerned, if it leaves much to be desired then have even more faith in the fact that, very soon, you can expect proof of how desired by at least one person you are.

Also on Wednesday

Do what you fear most, and your fear will disappear

Transiting Mars Sextiles your natal Pluto from 8th to 11th November 2023. Exact 10th November

Despite how things may appear, you are not as alone as you perhaps believe yourself to be. You have assistance available to you, even if you cannot see it.

This is unlikely to be in the form of a person but it more likely to manifest from within you and without intending to wax lyrical about an issue that is probably causing you to be fearful, you can make something special happen now where your relationship with a certain person is concerned if you're willing to abandon a fear.

Does that sound more difficult than it's likely to be? Provided you can summon determination to overcome it while remaining calm and sensitive; you can remove a barrier and conquer a long-standing fear at the same time. This can only help you to embark upon or strengthen a relationship.

Friday 10th November

The truth needs respect

Transiting Mercury Sextiles your natal Mercury from 10th to 12th November 2023. Exact 11th November

We're sometimes accused of 'kidding ourselves.' We often have good reason to resent such a comment. After all, why would someone else be so quick to draw a conclusion about how they feel we've drawn an incorrect or inaccurate conclusion? Where your relationship world is concerned, you have a very good reason to believe you know the truth about something someone else is inclined to think you've grasped the wrong end of the proverbial stick about.

Stick with what you know to be right and real. The truth deserves respect now, and you're in a perfect position to support it, based on what your intuition is telling you.

Saturday 11th November

Don't succumb to 'que sera sera'

Transiting Sun Sextiles your natal Pluto from 11th to 13th November 2023. Exact 12th November

Are you in control of a particular outcome or do you feel as if 'whatever will be, will be'?

Even if it feels as if unseen forces are at work to encourage you toward a particular outcome, and you have no option other than to allow yourself to end up wherever it is you're going to end up, it is essential that you have absolute faith in the fact that you do possess the ability to influence a situation that (understandably) gives the impression of being immovable or inflexible.

In your personal world, it is time to overcome a fear. Once done, you will be superbly placed to take control of whatever has appeared to control you and then turn a daunting situation into one that becomes much more inspiring.

Nicole's Planetary Positions

January, 20th 1967 Local Time 3:15 PM Universal Time 1:15 AM on the 21st

Honolulu, HI 21°19'N, 157°51'W

All times based on current location of Honolulu, HI


North Node











House Cusp Positions











Element Emphasis - Total Points









Modality Emphasis - Total Points







Planetary Weight Point System

Sun & Moon

Mercury, Venus & Mars

Jupiter & Saturn

4 points each
3 points each
2 points each

Uranus, Neptune & Pluto

Ascendant (Rising Sign)


1 points each
4 points
2 points

  • Geocentric
  • Tropical
  • Placidus
  • True Node

Planet Aspects & Orbs Grid


Harmonious Aspects


Challenging Aspects


Planet Aspect List

Sun Trines Moon
Sun Conjuncts Mercury
Sun Squares Mars
Sun Opposes Jupiter
Sun Trines Uranus
Moon Trines Sun
Moon Trines Mercury
Moon Squares Venus
Moon Sextiles Saturn
Moon Trines Uranus
Moon Opposes Neptune
Moon Trines Pluto
Moon Sextiles Chiron
Mercury Conjuncts Sun
Mercury Trines Moon
Mercury Opposes Jupiter
Venus Squares Moon
Venus Trines Mars
Venus Squares Neptune
Venus Trines Ascendant
Venus Squares North Node
Mars Squares Sun
Mars Trines Venus
Mars Squares Jupiter
Mars Semisextile Uranus
Mars Semisextile Neptune
Mars Trines Ascendant
Mars Sesquiquadrate MidHeaven
Mars Quincunx Chiron
Jupiter Opposes Sun
Jupiter Opposes Mercury
Jupiter Squares Mars
Jupiter Trines Saturn
Jupiter Trines Neptune
Jupiter Trines Chiron
Saturn Sextiles Moon
Saturn Trines Jupiter
Saturn Opposes Uranus
Saturn Trines Neptune
Saturn Opposes Pluto
Saturn Squares Ascendant
Saturn Conjuncts Chiron
Uranus Trines Sun
Uranus Trines Moon
Uranus Semisextile Mars
Uranus Opposes Saturn
Uranus Sextiles Neptune
Uranus Conjuncts Pluto
Uranus Squares Ascendant
Uranus Opposes Chiron
Neptune Opposes Moon
Neptune Squares Venus
Neptune Semisextile Mars
Neptune Trines Jupiter
Neptune Trines Saturn
Neptune Sextiles Uranus
Neptune Sextiles Pluto
Neptune Trines Chiron
Pluto Trines Moon
Pluto Opposes Saturn
Pluto Conjuncts Uranus
Pluto Sextiles Neptune
Pluto Squares Ascendant
Pluto Trines North Node
Pluto Opposes Chiron
Ascendant Trines Venus
Ascendant Trines Mars
Ascendant Squares Saturn
Ascendant Squares Uranus
Ascendant Squares Pluto
Ascendant Squares Chiron
MidHeaven Sesquiquadrate Mars
MidHeaven Sextiles North Node
North Node Squares Venus
North Node Sextiles MidHeaven
Chiron Sextiles Moon
Chiron Quincunx Mars
Chiron Conjuncts Saturn
Chiron Opposes Uranus
Chiron Trines Neptune
Chiron Opposes Pluto
Chiron Squares Ascendant